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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blog Sites: Why Join?

On July 1st, I jotted down how many blog sites that I have. I wrote the dates that I jointed. I thought about why I jointed that site. Here's the list in the order that I jointed.

# Blog sites: Day Joined: Reason:

1. Xanga 13 November 2006 Friends there
2. Myspace October 2007 Family members there.
3. Blogspot 25 March 2008 Wanted another site to journal
4. ? 8 April 2008 Don't know why joined
5. Facebook 24 August 2008 Friends
6. My Life 28 June 2009 Asked or invited to join by a friend
7. Blogspot 30 June 2009 For Family History Recording.

Out of all these sites I am mostly on Xanga. Facebook would be second. The least would be the ? site that I signed up to.

Why do I think that I need to sign up to blog sites? Is it because my friends are there? Or is it because I like to be there and journal?

I can say that out all the sites, I'm here in Xanga the most. I like to journal. Here in Xanga there is no pressure. I can be myself.

I will admit facebook did give me some heartaches and depression. I have come along ways from what I have experienced. I see some things in a new light.

I know that I can easily just leave facebook. But that's not the point. I see a purpose in being there. There things that I do there.

I have found some friends while joining blog sites. Most of the friends leave and move on. Why join blog sites? I don't know the real reason. It might be out of curiosity to find out more about people.

May the LORD guide us in what to do with our blog sites. May what we learn and experience lead us into what God has for us. May we find our purpose in why we join blog sites.

While On The Journey
Blog Sites: Why Join?

I don't need to join any other blog sites.
I'm itching to have my poems somewhere.
I have well too many blog sites..


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Still Blogging

I'm still blogging.
I started another site here.
Along with my other sites I'm still blogging.
Not much to say on this site.

Still On The Journey Blogging
Peace To you,

Monday, September 14, 2009

Entered Into 16th Year

Yeah, this week marks my 16th year of attending church gatherings. Things have changed....Time goes on. It's good to have changes over the years.

What's next ahead? I don't know. I need to set some boundaries. I need to approach things in a new way.

I don't know what it is. Things seems to be off track. Or perhaps I'm right on key. I have to get use to the things that has come about.

May the journey be more exciting as I journey on the way. May there be surprises as I see what's there to see. I thank God that He's on this journey with me.

On The Journey...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy September!

It's the start of a new month. The fall season will be upon us. May you enjoy the season that we are in. May the LORD Blessing you as you journey on your way.

On The Journey,
Happy September!

Peace to you,

Monday, August 31, 2009

Season Ending

Every August begins the ending of something old. The Summer seasons comes to a close next month. Things begin to change.

The leaves change colors, The temperture becomes cooler. Time changes. The season ends. Things must continue on.

I have crossed over into move on where I am now. I didn't know that I would be where I am now. Things are different.

I see things differently. There are things that I use to do. I have no interest in doing any more. I turned away from the "Crowd" so to speak.

I sensed a change in life. I thought about some things. I made some changes. I can continue to do things that are working out.

It's different doing things. I have been getting use to things. I have have to keep moving moving on down this road of life.

On My Journey: Season Ending

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August Time

It's been a while. I have been on my other websites. I need to balance the times when I'm on my computer.

I can spemd a lot of time searching for family history. I have a website that I started on the family history. I need to work on how I am going to do that.

I am compiling what I have been discovering along my searching journey on my family tree. It has been over 30 years of searching.

I have been trying to piece together some things. There are new records avaible to search. So new information is added to records.

On My Journey....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy July!

July is a month of freedom and celebration. I don't know what's ahead in July. I started another blog on my family history.

I am journaling more. I think that I can do what I can as the time comes along. I hope that I will not over do things.

I don't need to have so many blogs to keep up with the Jones. I am leaving some things on my sites.

I'm On My Journey Of Transformation

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some Reflections: Along The Path Of Healing

It has been a journey Along The Path Of Healing. This journey continues... June was just the beginning. Healing is a process in life.

I prayed for my family, friends, others I didn't know. I prayed for relationships, the world, people on the earth and myself.

It has been a refreshing journey. I've learned some things about myself. Indeed I have learned more about the people around me and people in general. It's more than I thought.

I thought about doing this journey back in April. I choice June to do it. I am so glad that I did. I am along the path of healing. I am being restored from things of my past.

By the middle of the months things began to change. There were some things in my life that took on a new twist. I mean, things are different.

It's good to be relieved from some things. The restoration time takes time to get to. The adjusting time takes time to be in.

I came up with some blog ideas while on this journey. I came across new insights about some things. On Father's Day, the first day on Summer, I begin something new.

There were some things that came about that I didn't expect. It was good in a way. You know I have been apart of the "church world" for about 16 years. There are more things that I am aware of as I go about life.

I thank God that He is with me. It doesn't matter if I am appreciated or not, rejected, ignored or whatever in life that comes. That's apart of life. Those things will come.

It's my attitude in what I do when things come at me that matters. God is with me along the path of healing. It's His touch and guidance that brings healing.

After this exercise for 30 days, I am learning to enjoy my life more. I have learned to lighten up more. I should take time for MYSELF. I should pray for OTHERS and RELATIONSHIPS.

We live in this earth. This planet is our home. We should take care of what we have. Thank God, that He is restoring what was lost in the fall.

Father God,
I thank You for bring me into a new place. I thank You are directing my steps. May I continue on the path that You have for me.

See me through all that there is to come. I thank You for the wonderful gatherings we had as a family on Saturdays. Let Saturdays be family days.

I pray that we continue to have some sort of gathering as a family throughout the Summertime. It is such a blessings to join together as a family.

May we be built up and encouraged. May others come when they can. May our family be blessed in Jesus' name Amen.

On My Journey Of Transformation
Some Reflections: Along The Path Of Healing
Praying and Journaling

The Chronicles of Susan

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day '09

We are to honor our fathers on Father's Day. But Father's Day is not just for fathers. We make up the whole when we ALL are part of that DAY. If Father's Day was only for fathers than some will be let out.

What about those who don't have a father? Those who's father has passed on or fathers who weren't apart of their children's lives? What about those who are not fathers? How do they all fit into Father's Day?

While I was greeting this morning, I wish many Happy Father's Day! I gave some fathers hugs. I said Happy Father's Day to some ladies that I regular greet.

Yes, I did. Some of the ladies said THANK YOU! Some were very appreciative. Then there were some who did get what I was saying.

It was so nice to see father's walking in church. I saw father's carrying their children. Some walking holding their child's hand. The love of a father with their children.

I did have a HAPPY FATHER's Day. It was because of what I know. Note: This is my 19th Father's Day without my birth father. So how can I celebrate Father's Day without a father?

Yes, how can I (and others) celebrate without a father? Indeed I am not a father. Nor do I have a father in law .... So why am I so HAPPY about Father's Day?

I received that revelation about God, the Father. I have an Heavenly Father. Yes, He is a Father for those who have called upon Jesus as LORD and Savior.

I have an HEAVENLY Father to honor on Father's Day. It's a big deal when a person doesn't have a father. God wants to be a Father with a family.

I did have a wonderful Father's Day! I had a nice 7th Anniversary Day as well as being a greeter at Word of Life Church. Before I got out of bed this morning , I said Happy Father's Day , Heavenly Father!

Every year I try to give God something on Father's Day. But I have realized that the best gift that I can give Him is myself. It 's not silly to want to give God something for Father's Day. Within reason we can give God some things.

Heavenly Father,
I thank You that You want to be a Father with a family. I thank You that You have adopted me and others to be apart of Your family.

Help us who don't have a father on earth to acknowledge You as our Father. Teach all of us the value of Father's Day. Live can be tough without a father growing up or with an abusive father in the home.

Guide those who are fatherless. Those who are orphans. Let them know that they can be loved by You through others who are around them.

I appreciative You for being our Father. Thank You for being an example to all fathers. Happy Father's Day God. in Jesus' name Amen!

On My Journey Of Transformation
Father's Day '09

It's was so WONDERFUL!
The Chronicles of Susan

Happy Father's Day!

Fatherhood is important.
May those who are fathers be fathers.

Happy Father's Day Father God.
Thank You for being my Father.

Summer Begins

Happy Father's Day!
Happy First Day of Summer!

We are in a heat wave.
In the 90's all week.

Staying cool.

On My Journey Of Transformation

Monday, June 1, 2009

June Is Here!

Happy June!
Have A Wonderful Month OF JUNE!
May the LORD bring blessings your way in ways you have never seen before.
Summer time is coming.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Moving Day Anniversary

It has been 2 years since our move. Things are coming along. We have a garden now. We can set on our porch and look at our garden.

Things are different since we moved. I have been rearranging things over the years. I have been getting use to not have a lot of room.

I am down sizing. I have to do with less things. I am storing things in the basement.

On My Journey Of Transformation

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Week

After week is in the making. It's been a week of Spring cleaning. I got all my poems on my lap top. Now I have to put them on a cd.

I am learning to live in the today mode. I am focusing on the now. Time goes quicker that why.

On The Journey Of Transformation

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wind Has Been Changing

I'm off to another week. I am Spring cleaning some more. I plan to get ride of some of my clothes that I have not worn in a long while.

I don't know why I think that I can save some clothes that I think that I will use. It's been a while.

I am continuing to type my poems on my lap top. I plan to put them on a disc. I have having fun in doing new things.

I am focusing on the day at hand. I am getting a lot do this way. I know that I can look at what is not here yet.

May the LORD guide us to live in the day that we are in. May we focus on what is at hand. Amen

On My Journey Of Transformation

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Getting Use To Changes

I am having to get use to the changes that have come about. I must move on. I am taking on other things.

I have been typing my poems on my lap tap. I have the first notebook done. 121 + poems. There are over 150 poems that I wrote in the past 7 months

I have more time to do things that I have put off. It's good to have a new mind set on things. I am getting my mind off the things that I had a mind set on doing.

Now I see that I can do others things. It took me a while to catch on. I guess that I am slow.

It did hard when I realize what was going on. Well at least it's what I have been seeing. I must not chase after things or people who are not interested in what I have to say or do.

I can't be used of God when I am doing things out of died faith. Things are not working out. Things seem still and not going any where.

I shouldn't be frustrated when doing good deeds. There should be some joy in what I set out to do. I should have some type of joy.

When bitterness comes in, that is not of God. I have to hold my peace. I have to shake the dust from my feet and just move on.

I am moving on down the road some more. I have NEW HOPE. I am building on some things new. I thank God for wisdom to move on.

On My Journey Of Transformation

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another Week Ahead

I am looking forward to this week. It's my two week of fasting one of my websites. I am doing OK.

I can get too involved in doing things. I can get burnt out. I should put too much interest in people or in doing things.

People can be iffy iffy at times. We can do one thing for someone and other thing for another. Or all in all do nothing for who we don't like.

I know the Bible says we are loved. But what about the point of not being liked? That times I get the impression that there are people who love me but don't like me.

I don't know why I have this impression. May be because there are some people who quiet speaking to me. Or turn away when they see my coming.

I can take the hint. It does hurt. But I am a big girl. I have can shake of the offend and move on.

God is with. I am loved by God. He will not leave me nor forsake me. I believe that God's likes me too.

On The Journey Of Transformation

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mid May '09

It's the middle of May. Time is going quickly. That means Summer is coming soon. I hope to have a great summer.

We planted our first garden since we moved into our home. It will be two years on the 26th when we moved.

Time does go by quickly. I am still trying to put things in order. There is a lot less space here.

I thank God that we have a place to stay. i do call this place home. Home sweet home.

On The Journey Of Transformation

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Journey Continues

I had a great awakening early this week. I have been adjust to some things. I am on a fast for one of my websites.

I am seeing blogging as an arena of information. We speak to what is interesting. We tend to stick with the ones who we can relate to.

May God use use mightily in whatever way He wishes. May we go through what we have to. May we learn from the experiences that we encounter in Jesus' name Amen.

On The Journey Of Transformation

Monday, May 11, 2009

Computer Anniversary

It was a year ago when my computer was attacked with an virus. Evil people who send emails to harm others see sickness.

I have learned from my mistake by not opening emails from people who I don't know. I got my computer back in operation about 10 days after that attack in 2008.

I am learning to say away from emails. Nor am I sending email as I use to. Live is to lived and enjoyed.

On The Journey Of Transformation

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the Mother's and Mother's to be,
Have A Very Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Special Weekend

I hope that all will have a very special weekend.
Make the most of what there is.

May God lead you on the right path.
May His goodness and mercy be chasing after you.
May you have favor everywhere you go.

Peace to you on your journey.

On The Journey Of Transformation
Doing Life In The Kingdom Of God

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wireless Printer

I finally got a wireless printer for my lap top.
My niece has been wondering when I will get one.

I like it a lot.
My other computer is so slow working.

I can even print pictures on the new printer.
I can see the photo on my small printer screen before printing.

I have moved up.
I am with the program now.

On My Journey Of Transformation
Doing Life In The Kingdom of God

Monday, May 4, 2009

Peace Be Still

In times in trouble call in the LORD. Be humble. Listen to what the Spirit is saying.

Fear not what you don't understand. Call out and trust the LORD. For He is Salvation.

On The Journey Of Transformation
Keep believing in God Almighty

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy May !

It's the month of May.
May you be blessed as you enter into this month. Though things seemed to be troubling in what is going on around us, may you keep your eyes upon the LORD. For He is the Light that lights the world.

We are going through. May we have discernment on what to do. We may not know the way to go or what to do. Remember that God is there to help us on the way.

Keep your head up high. Keep praying and seeking God. For He is our help in troubled times.

On The Journey Of Transformation
The God of peace and hope is with you

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fear Not

Do not fear. For the LORD is with you.
Whatever there is to be seen or heard,
Remember and believe that God will be with you.
Do not be afraid. For the LORD is with you.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Week Ahead

May you journey on into the month of May with Great expectation. May the love of God draw you into places that you haven't been before. May the grace and mercy of God be upon you.

Have A Great Last Days of April. Enter into the Month of May with a good attitude. God Bless.

On The Journey Of Transformation
Doing Life In The Kingdom Of God

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I don't know where I got the words to the poems that I have written. It has been 6 months since I began on this journaling of poetry writing. I thank God for the words that flow for within me.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Time To Turn Another Page

It's time to turn another page. Things in life has its changes. We must go and adjust to those changes.

We can get use to doing some things. Then down the road things change. We have to go along with what's at hand.

May we see the good in what is coming. May God help us to change with things that are coming. May we have a good attitude in what there is to come.

On The Journey Of Transformation
Doing Life In The Kingdom Of God

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Weekend

This week went fast.
It's the last 7:30PM service at WOLC.
It starts at 7PM starting next Friday, May 1st.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Researching Family History

I like to research my family history. My sister's daughter came over yesterday. She was wanting me to help here on her father's side.

I found out some more for her. It's interesting to track down names. It takes time but it's good to know where our ancestors came from.

I am still searching. It's good to exercise the mind with mystery things.

On My Journey Of Transformation
Doing Life In The Kingdom of God

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

In Remembrance

It would have been my mother's 89th birthday today. Missed by not forgotten. Life still goes on.

On My Journey Of Transformation
In Remembrance...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring Cleaning

I have been getting things in order. Well I'm trying to. I am tossing some things while putting up my clothes that I don't need for this season.

Change is in the Wind.
On My Journey of Transformation

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Week

I see some changes coming this week. There were some things that have slackened the pace on my behave. I am not as interested as I have been in the past.

I am encouraged by the messages that I have been hearing. They are helping me on my journey in life. It's good to have encouraging words.

On My Journey Of Transformation

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Moving On Into New Week

The week is about over. It's been a great week. I have peace of mind about some things that I have move away from.

I have gotten a lot of blogs future posted on my Xanga site. New ideas come to me as I am on the go. I like future postings. It same me time not getting back on my computer.

On My Journey Of Transformation.
Moving On Into New Week

Friday, April 17, 2009

Getting Mind Off The Past

I wrote this poem during the Lent season.
I was thinking about needing to move on from some things in my life. I've been there too long. So I was getting mind off the past.

On My Journey of Transformation
Doing Life In The Kingdom of God

Poem # 64
31 March 2009 Get Mind Off The Past
By S.A.B.

It's time to move on
Stop looking at past

That was once now gone
See good that can last

Bring insight to now
Forgetting some things

The Spirit shows how
A new song to sing

Learn to do next deal
Seek the LORD just ask

Focus on God's will
Get mind off the past

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thinking About How I Began Writing Poems

I can't recall when I started writing poems. I checked my oldest poem in my collection. It dates in the year 1988. That was a year after my sister in law passed away and a year before my father's passing.

But I can recall when I started writing or what got me interested in writing poems. I am not a good speller. English was not my subject in school. I actually failed an English class in my college years.

I like to write poems it ministers to me. It brings out inspiration in me. I can use my imagination as write.

I thank God for this gift that I have. May more things come so I will be inspirited to write in to a poem. May I continue to use this gift to bless others as well.

On My Journey Of Transformation
Doing Life In The Kingdom Of God

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Changed Poem # 90

For All Enjoy Let Be
By S.A.B.

To look upon the sun
A mighty thing to be

Such a beautiful sight
Display for all to see

Every time its been seen
Beauty as it's display

Powerful In its way
Making way as it may

It's God's, His creation
Come witness it, let's see

Beautiful site it's free
For All Enjoy, Let's be

Second version
April 13, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Into The Easter Season

I'm moving on into the Easter Season. I broke my fasting. I have control over the T.V. One of the things I gave up was watching what I wanted to watch for 46 days.

I learned some things through prayer and fasting. I need to do this more often. Not just during Lent season but throughout other occasions in the year.

I learned that God speaks to me in ways that I don't normally aware of when I am about my way of doing things. God gets my attention.

God is so good. He is an awesome God. Amen.

On My Journey Of Transformation
Doing Life In The Kingdom of God

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Continues

I had a wonderful Easter Sunday. Happy Easter Monday! Pentecost is coming. The church's birthday 50 days after Easter Sunday.

I saw the sunrise on Easter Sunday. It was so beautiful to see. It was a cloudy morning but we were allowed to see the sunrise. Praise God!

This is my second poem of the Easter sunrise. It was an after though. I enjoy God's creation.

On My Journey Of Transformation
Doing Life In The Kingdom Of God

Poem # 90
12 April 13, 2009

For All Enjoy Let Be
By S.A.B.

Such beautiful sight
Displayed for all to see

To look upon the sun
A mighty thing to be

Powerful in its way
Beauty as it display

Every time its been seen
Making way as it may

It's God's, His creation
For all, enjoy, let be

Beautiful site, it's free
Come witness it, let's see

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Seen In Those Clouds

Awaken one morning
Watching window sky

Not knowing what be
As the time went by

There appeared one cross
Then two on each side

With figures, I see
What thoughts Came to me

I set up amazed
Believing what seen

Clouds turn fades away
Another sense gleams

As light opens sky
Rocky wall about

As sunrise came up
My thoughts said a shout

Exploded in me
He rose from the died

Seen in those clouds
As it had been said

By S.A.B

The Garden Tomb

Awaiting to enter
The place where He once laid

Such joy inside of me
As I stand wait near by

Oh the honor to see
This Holy pericous site

Savlation death to life
Brings hope for all to be

The Garden Tomb still here
As for Him, He's risen!

By S.A.B.

Happy Resurrection Day

HAPPY Easter Sunday!

Thank You, JESUS for every thing!

Enter into the new life that God has for you.
Jesus is Alive!

I witness the sunrise. It was AWESOME! The sky was mostly cloudy. But we were allowed to see the see rise. Thank You, Father God.

I wrote a poem about the sunrise. I had a hard time finding the ending to this poem. I was comparing the Son rise to the sun rising each day as the reminder that Jesus rose from the died. There is no comparison.

Each day has the sun that rises and sets. We can have the joy in seeing one of God's creation when it's there. Each day is a new day. The sun rest each night. We rest for the next day. There is joy that comes in the morning.

Poem #89
12 April 13, 2009
Glory Be To God
By S.A.B.

Awaiting the sunrise
On a cold dawn day

So special to see
Easter morn display

The horizon far off
As clouds within

Seems so amazing
As sunrise ascends

The beauty surrounds
Such happy array

Colors of the clouds
Formed faces from rays

Such love came within
Jesus Christ, The Son

Glory be to God
Jesus, number One

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Holy Saturday

It was a sad day when Jesus died on that Friday afternoon. What was there to do when the person who would save us from the rule of the Roman government? Sadness fulled the land.

God in Christ died at Calvary Hill. All seemed to be lost forever. What was there to do now?

Remember, Sunday is coming.
On My Journey Of Transformation

Poem # 82 During Lent
10 April 2009

On That Dark Day
By S.A.B.

What was it like
On that dark day?

Seemed all by lost
That was the way

A just man killed
That seemed so wrong

Jesus saw death
Was death the song?

But from that day
Life taken saves

He conquered sin
Satan the grave

All things made new
Victory how?

Jesus still lives
His Kingdom, Now!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Enter into this day.

Yes, it's the day remember that God died. Jesus really died on that cross at Calvary.
He entered into His kingdom. He was crowed King of The Jews.

Jesus did the Father's will. Jesus breathe His last at 3PM. He said...It Is Finished!

But that was not the end of the story....He was laid in the Tomb on that Friday evening. But that wasn't the end of this story...

Sunday is coming.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


It's the season of unleavened bread. It's a Jewish feast. This was the day Jesus went to the Upper Room to have His last supper with His disciples.

I am thankful that I can go to our Upper Room. It a large room where many come and pray and worship God. There is a table there.

A table that is prepared for us. It's The Lord's Supper. I part take of communion when I go there.

Today's communion partaking is special. It's Passover. I can take the Passover meal with a friend.

Entering into the season of the cross. Taking up my cross and heading to Calvary's Hill.

The weekend that changed the world.

Sunday is coming.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Into New Year

It's a new year for me. I've been rejoicing in this new season that I'm in. I wasn't going to post things about my birthday. But I've changed my mind.

I see things in a new light now. Birthdays are important to me. I see that's a time to be joyful for what God has blessed me with.

I no longer fret over those who forget my birthday. It's a waste of my time. Also it steal my joy.

I've moved on past the things of the past. I see brighter and rewarding things ahead. I thank God for those who celebrate my birthday with me.

God is so good to place people in my life. I am so glad to be apart of the Kingdom of God. By the way, I had a GREAT Birthday!

Turn Another Page

It's time once again
While the years come when

From there, past it by
May time be on high

Look to what's ahead
As being now lead

With wisdom at hand
Years in time will stand

No matter the age
Turn another page

By S.A.B.

Year Comes To A Close

Another year is coming.
I thank God for this past year.

I pray that I will go as the Spirit leads me.
Things have been changing.

I need to see the good in what's ahead.
God is moving me.

I am thankful that I was born.
God gave me Life to live.

May I live as God wants me to.
To be all that He has called me to be.

Happy Birthday to me!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Meditating On THE Holy Week Scriptures

For those who are on the journey ...Here are the rest of the scriptures on 40 Meditation ON THE Holy Week.

Mini Easter Sunday on Sunday, March 29...
Those who are fasting, have a feast if you wish
So Celebrate!

Tried Before Pilate According to
Mark 15: 1-20, on Monday, March 30
Luke 23:1-25, on Tuesday, March 31
And John 18:28-19:16 on Wednesday, April 1.

The Crucifixion. According to
Matthew 27:32-56, on Thursday, April 2
Mark 15:21-41 on Friday, April 3
Luke 23:26-49 on Saturday, April 4

Mini Easter Sunday on Sunday, April 5.
Celebrate Palm Sunday!
The Passion Week or The Holy Week begins

The Crucifixion, According to
John 19:17-37 on Monday April 6

The Burial according to
Matthew 27:57-61 on Tuesday, April 7
Mark 15:42-47 on Wednesday, April 8
Luke 23:50-55 on Thursday, April 9
John 19:38-42 on Good Friday, April 10

Holy Saturday According to
Luke 23:56 on April 11

Happy Easter Sunday on Sunday, April 12.
Resurrection Day!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One Year Here

It's been a year here in blogger world.
I have not been blogging as much as my other sights.

I seen what to come back from time to time.
I will.

I'm still journeying along my journaling path.
Peace to all

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dawn Spring Is Here

Now standing at dawn
Just looking around

See clear sky up head
While listening to sounds

Finger nail moon bright
With stars shinny ligth

Hear train horn ringing
Those robins singing

Cool morning come clear
Feeling sounds sincere

That's new season cheer
Dawn, Spring is here

By. S.A.B.

Happy New Season


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Is Coming

The grass in turning greener.
The flowers are awakening.
The weather is getting warmer.

Spring is in the air.
The birds are singing.
The trees have buds on them.

Spring is coming.
Spring is springing into action.
Let it come on.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Some Prayers For The Easter Season

Banners Of Prayers For The Easter Season

Here are the 14 plus 2 extra banners that I copied from the Upper Room. It's similar to the one in March of 2007 blog that I posted. However, there are only 14 in the Upper Room this Easter Season '09.

Back in 2007 Easter Season it was call the Via Dolorosa...Experience the Way of the Cross Now through Easter in the Upper Room...

"Join in on an evocative and individual exercise marking the path of Christ from Gethsemane to Calvary. The path to the cross is a mirror in which we see aspects of ourselves that we avoid confronting because they may be painful to behold, but therein lies the means of our transformation." Here is what's on the banners. I copied them the best way that I could.

Stations of the Cross
In a desperate pursuit of God.
We are exploring the sacred mysteries of our salvation in Jesus Christ.
By Your cross and resurrection You have set us free.

The Communion Prayer and Jesus is Alive have been omitted in the Upper Room for 2009

1. The Garden
Jesus, we see You in the garden, praying in the darkness of night. Your anguished prayer is one of deep struggle with the Father's will. While You agonize over the Father's will and are strengthened to fulfill His plan, Your disciples, overcome with sadness, can do nothing by give themselves over to sleep.

O Jesus, wake us for our sleep. Help us to face life's difficulties. honestly, knowing that we can trust in God. Strengthen us in the time of our trials.
May our prayer always be an expression of all that we are, and all that we do. We love You Jesus; teach us how to pray.

2. Betrayal & Arrest
Jesus, as You wake Your disciples one who has not slept arrives with an angry crowd. Judas reveals Your identify to them with a kiss. His act of affection is a signal to point You out as the one who loves but is rejected by his own.

O Jesus, we are quick to greet You with affection in our prayer and worship But how often do our external words and actions conceal hearts that are easily turned from You. We love You, Jesus; help us to love You with all our hearts.

3. Jesus Is Condemned
Jesus, Your words are blasphemy to the ears of the high priest. He tears his garments, unable to see the presence of God in the one who stands before him arrested and accused. He can not believe in a God who, because of such great love, would willingly become so powerless.

O Jesus, we can be so limited in our vision. We find it difficult to look beyond our narrow expectations and see You as You are. Give us the grace to hear Your words clearly and to follow You in the truth. We love You Jesus; reveal to us what God is like.

4. Peter's Denial
Jesus,You told Peter that he would deny You three times before the cock would crow. He did not believe You. He swore that he would never deny You, and that in fact he was willing to died for You. Peter felt that he knew himself better than You knew him. But now as dawn approaches and the cock crows, he sees the truth.

O Jesus, we set out to follow You but then quickly turn, going our own way. We are afraid to acknowledge You in front of others, but You speak to us in the midst of our denial. We love You Jesus; keep us faithful to You.

5. Before Pilate
Jesus, Pilate perceives Your innocence, but the crowd insists on guilt. Hearing their persistent shouts, Pilate sets aside the judgement of his conscience, and the decision is made. He hands You over to be crucified.

O Jesus, how often do we let the threatening voice of the crowd overwhelm the voice of conscience? Fill us with compassion for the outcast and commitment to the truth. We love You Jesus; lead us beyond the crowd.

6. Crown of Thorns
Jesus, soldiers of an earthly realm mock Your Kingship, You are so powerless in their eyes, so weak, the ruler of a Kingdom that can not be seen, and therefore, must not exist. The treat You as a foolish imposer, caught in a lie.

O Jesus, how often do we look for the kingdom with the eyes of the world rather than with the eyes of faith? We forget Your promise that Your Kingdom is among us. Help us to see Your strength in our weakness, Your reign in our powerlessness. We love You Jesus; establish Your rule over us.

7. The Cross of Jesus
Jesus, like Isaac carrying the wood to the mountain, You set out with the wood of the cross. But unlike him You will not ask Your Father where the lamb is because You know You are the Lamb of the sacrifice. You now begin Your journey with the cross.

O Jesus, You carry a cross, which is given unjustly. You willingly bear the burden of our sinfulness and accept the cross of our guilt. There is not greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. We love You, Jesus; help us to show this love in our lives.

*Communion Prayer
We do not presume to come to this Thy Table, O merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in Thy manifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as together up the crumps under Thy Table, but Thou art the same Lord whose property is always to have mercy. Grant us therefore, gracious God, so to eat the flesh of Thy Dear Son Jesus Christ and to drink His blood, that we may evermore dwell in Him and He is us Amen.

8. Simon of Cyrene
Jesus, the torture You experienced at the hands of the soldiers left You weak. When You prayed in the garden that the will of the Father be done, an angel was sent to strengthen You. Now as You seek to fulfill the Father's will, He sends Simon to help You.

O Jesus, strengthen us on our journey. Open our hearts to the help You offer through the kindness of others. Open our eyes to the needs of those who walk beside us. We love You, Jesus; lighten our burdens.

9. Weeping Women
Jesus, after being silent,You speak. You turn the eyes of the women away from Your suffering and toward the destructive power of sin. You warn them not to shed their tears for You but rather for themselves and their children. If You, the innocent one can suffer so, what will be the fate of the guilty?

O Jesus, the wood is now very dry! Set fire to the world so that it might burn with Your love. Destroy all hatred, fill us with joy again. Teach us to mourn the way things are; show us the way they could be. We love You Jesus; weep for us.

10. Crucifixion
Jesus, Your suffering continues as nails are driven into Your hands, and feet and taunting, jeers are hurled at Your body imprisoned on the cross, Yet those who mock and challenge You, You offer no reproach, and only forgiveness and compassion for them in their ignorance.

O Jesus, how often we have acted as if the way of the cross were unnecessary and too difficult. We believe we know a better way, a way worn down by the crowd. We find that path goes nowhere. Forgive us; we do not know what we are doing. We love You, Jesus; by Your wounds heals us.

11. The Two Thieves
Jesus, two others are nailed on either side of You. One challenges You to release him, now; the other asks to be free with You in Your Kingdom. One sees only weakness; the other sees power and is able to trust in a promise of everlasting life with You as his time in this world comes to an end.

O Jesus, look upon us now. See us in our need and hear us as we cry out to You. Help us to trust You in difficult circumstances. Give us eyes to see Your power in hopeless times to see Your Kingdom in all we encounter. We love You, Jesus; remember us.

12. John & Mary
Jesus, You give Your mother to the disciple You love. Even as You face death, You entrust those whom You love most into each other's care. Your dying is marked by giving, and by concern for the ones who remain You do not leave us. as orphans, You have promised Your Spirit to Your Church and at the cross the Church is born.

O Jesus, help us see that we are the disciples You love, and You have given us a family of faith. We pray that we might allow the Spirit to give us life as sisters and brothers joined in mutual care. We love You, Jesus; make us one.

13. Jesus Dies
Jesus, the word spoken by the Father, You now return to Him, having accomplished the purpose for which You were sent. Your trust in the Father remains, even amid the dark clouds of death.

O Jesus, may we too accomplish the purpose for which we were created. Help us to commit ourselves into the Father's hands, to trust in Him, and believe in His love for us, a love that Your death reveals to us. We love You, Jesus; help us to die to ourselves and live from You.

14. Jesus is Buried

Jesus, now the time of surrender, of being at rest, begins. It is the seventh day when God rested from the work of creation. And You, the Son of God, rest and await the dawn of the eighth day when all will be made new and we wait with You.

O Jesus, teach us to rest. Deliver us from thinking that every thing depends upon our actions. Help us to be patient in trusting that God will bring about the completion of His creation through You. We love You, Jesus; fill us with Your peace.

*15. Jesus is Alive
Jesus with joy we view Your victorious wounds, help us to mediate on them and see in them the sign of victory. May they give us courage to go forth with Your blessings.

O Jesus, bless us with Your outstretched hands, give us Your peace, give us Your love. We love You Jesus; be with us as we go out in Your resurrection power to do the will of God in our lives.

I hope that you take part in this devotional experience. May you experience God in ways that you have never experienced before as you move into the Season of Easter. God Bless. JESUS IS ALIVE! And He is alive in me.

The Journey Continues....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Scripture Readings On The Holy Week

Meditating On Scriptures ON THE Holy Week

Hope that you are entering to this Journey To Jerusalem. I am. I am seeing things that I have seen before. I think that it is good to have this exercise of 40 Meditation ON THE Holy Week each year. It strengthening me. I am learning more about myself Living in the Kingdom.

The First meditation scriptures were ...

The Triumphal Entry according to
Matthew 21;1-11 on February 25
Mark 11:1-11 on February 26
Luke 19:28-44 on February 27
John 12:12-36 on February 28

On March 1st is a Mini Easter Sunday Celebration. No scripture reading. Feast and Celebrate on this day. Here is the next meditation scripture for those who are on the Journey To Jerusalem.

Cleansing The Temple According to
Matthew 21:12-17 on Monday, March 2
Mark 11:15-19 on Tuesday, March 3
Luke 19:45-48 on Wednesday, March 4

Anointed For Burial according to
Matthew 26:6-13 on Thursday, March 5
Mark 14:3-9 on Friday, March 6
John 12:1-8 on Saturday, March 7

Mini Easter on Sunday, March 8...
Those who are fasting, have a feast if you wish. I have not turned the T.V. to any stations since last week. I have no control over what to watch. There are some other things that I have been denying myself from.

Starting on Monday, March 9 - Thursday March 12:

The Passover According to
Matthew 26:17-25, on Monday, March 9
Mark 14:12-21, on Tuesday, March 10
Luke 22: 7-13, on Wednesday, March 11
And John 13:1-30 on Thursday, March 12.

The Lord's Supper, According to
Matthew 26:26-30, Friday March 13
Mark 14:22-25 Saturday, March 14

Mini Easter Sunday March 15.

The Lord's Supper, According to
Luke 22:14-30 March 16

Gethesmane, According to
Matthew 26:36-46 on Tuesday March 17
Mark 14:32-42 on Wednesday March 18
Luke 22:39-46 on Thursday March 19

Jesus Arrested , According to
Matthew 26:47-56 on Friday, March 20
Mark 14:43-52 on Saturday , March 21

Mini Easter Sunday, Sunday, March 22

Jesus Arrested , According to
Luke 22:46-53 on Monday, March 23

Tried Before Caiaphas, According to
Matthew 26:57-68 on Wednesday, March 25
Mark 14:53-65 on Thursday, March 26
Luke 22:63-71 on Friday, March 27

Tried Before Pilate, According to
Matthew 27:11-31 on Saturday, March 28

Mini Easter Sunday on Sunday, March 29

On My Journey Of Transformation:
Meditating On Scriptures ON THE Holy Week

Living In The Kingdom,

Happy March & 2nd Sunday Of Lent

Sweet Silent Communion
Happy MARCH!

On this First Mini Easter Sunday Of Lent Week: May we enter in and receive what the LORD has for us. Amen. Blessings to all who you are on the Lent Journey To Easter '09.

I still have my eyes pointed on my Journey To Jerusalem. I have a lighter load on my journey. I have been denying myself from some things.

I have been doing good.I have a small box that I look at from time to time as I am on this journey. It is a remember of some things that has shed some light in my thinking. I am glad that I have these items.In this small box there is a cross and small a rock.

I have 4 rubber bands around the box to hold the lid down. Also I have a nail between the top part of the see through lid under those 4 rubber bands.

The small cross has the word Jerusalem on it. The cross was a gift from a friend who went to Israel. The small rock is from the side of the "Rock of Skull" at Calvary's hill. I went to that hill on my journey of a lifetime to Israel.

The colors of the 4 rubber bands are red, blue, yellow and green. That represent the rainbow. It reminds me that God is in covenant with me and others.

The nail was given to me on Ash Wednesday. It is a reminder that on this Journey To Jerusalem '09 that I will die with Jesus. I die to self.

May you Have A Glorious Day and An Adventurous Week! Take care, God Bless.

On My Journey Of Transformation:
Sweet Silent Communion

Living in the Kingdom,

[Father, God]
You have given a banner to those who fear You, That it may be displayed because of the truth. That Your beloved may be delivered, Save with your right hand, and hear me. Psalm 60:4-5

Wisdom calls aloud outside; She raises her voice in the open squares. Proverbs 1:20

This is from the booklet. Living in the Kingdom

I used [ brackets ] are the changes and addition I made to some words. May the words of blessing be to you. May you be encouraged.

Listen, [ you are His ] Beloved,[ God's Spirit ] is the wisdom of your heart. You are wise beyond measure. You are so wise that only loving, helpful, kind words are written on you heart.

[ May ] Your mind write only the melodies of harmony and understanding. [ May ] Your life is like a book, filled with stories that inspire others to be their best selves.Let the wisdom of your heart flow through your thoughts, words, and actions to bless each life you touch.

[ May ] Look within for peace. Look for [ His ] presence always. Look for [ His ] love in every expression.[May you ] Live each day knowing that [ He ] love [s] you, [ You are His ] Beloved. Give yourself completely to [ Him ] in this moment of sweet silent communion, and let [ Him ] show you the way.

[ May you be encourage as you meet people on your path this week. May the LORD surprise you. May hope arise in you as you go about the days ahead of you. Peace to all. ]

Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Book By My Pastor

A Book

I was out and about at Wal Mart. I was in the book section. Pastor Brian Zahnd's newest book What To Do On The Worst Day Of Your Life is $12.64.

I think that Solomon's Porch will have their copies on March the 6th. Pastor Brian will have book singing days on Friday, March 6 and Sunday, March 8 after each service.

I ran into a person I remember from another church. I spoke to her. I mentioned Pastor Brian's book she bought some copies. I finished the book earlier this week. It is an encouraging book.

On My Journey Of Transformation:A Book,

You can also order Pastor Brian's book see related below.

What to Do on the Worst Day of Your Life
By Brian Zahndsee related

Weather Issues In Life

When The Weather Is Bad
It snowed over night. We got between 4 to 6 inches of wet snow. So, I thought to post this on this site. It's from Friday, January 30, 2009 featured question.

What do you like to dowhen the weather is bad? submitted by the_original_Whatsername

It depends on how bad the weather is doing. I tend to listen to the weather to hear what's going on. Whether it's a server thunderstorm, tornado warn, heavy snow fall, Winter Adversary, or etc, I find some thing to do.

Once I determine things about the weather, I find things to do around the house. If it's not raining or a tornado watch, I will be on my computer. I would read or pray. I could watch TV.

I listen to tapes or the radio.If it is rainy, I would read or write in my journal. Some times I lay down. Resting and taking naps have become a thing for me.

Then there are times when the weather changes from cold to warmer. I have a hard time adjusting. It's like my body has jet lag. It takes me a while to adjust to the temperature changes.No matter the weather, there is some things to do.

The weather may or may not be good outside. That doesn't mean that everything stops because of the weather. I find some thing to do.

I remember the GREAT ICE STORM of 2007. We night and day. I found something to do beside try to stay warm. Thank God our sister had lights. We went to her house for about 3 days and two nights.

But when the weather is bad on the days I want to go to church gatherings, I pray too. So far we have made it to our designation.

On My Journey Of Transformation:
When The Weather Is Bad

Peace to you,

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Easter Season

Upper Room Gatherings On Ash Wednesday
There were three gatherings for Ash Wednesday in the Upper Room. I went to the morning gathering in the Upper Room. It was GREAT! I wish that I could have made the NOON one.

I set apart that time to meditate on Matthew 21: 1-11. I was awaiting to be apart of the 7 PM gathering. The two gathering that I take part were WONDERFUL! The last gathering was AWESOME. I believed I have entered into this season of Easter.

We as the church should note the time of the season. We should sanctify time for the season that we are in . We are in the LENT Season to Easter Sunday. Our theme at Word Of Life Church for this Lent Journey is Journey To Jerusalem (With Jesus.)

Here are some scriptures during our Ash Wednesday gathering.Psalm 90: 1-17 ---We prayed.Matthew 16:17-28Matthew 17:22-23Matthew 20:17-28Matthew 26:26-29Gal 5:16-25John 11:16Matthew 26: 26-29 (We took communion.)

Prayed the Prayer of RepentanceWhy did Jesus go to Jerusalem? To be crowned and receive His Kingdom.There are 14 Stations in the Upper Room to pray through.

I plan to write them down as soon as I can. I plan to post a blog or a series of blogs on them. I don't know which.Some other revelation came to me today.

It's 46 Days Till Easter. It's 42 Days Till I'm that.... This mini good Friday will be 40 days Till. This is a very special season that we are in.

Also on this Journey To Jerusalem With Jesus...Have the attitude of Thomas....John 11:16... "Let us also go, that we may die with Him" ...and be raised with Him to the newness of life with Him in the resurrection.

I mean let us Deny ourselves. Take up our cross, Fast and Pray as we Follow Jesus. The fast is a partial fast. Some are fasting sweets, T.V. etc. Sundays are omitted for fasting. Sundays are for feasting.

Enter into the 40 Meditation (Scriptures Reading) ON THE Holy Week. (See Meditating ON Scriptures ON THE Holy Week post. I will post the other scriptures reference w!hen the time comes.)

I am excited about this Journey To Jerusalem With Jesus. Hope that you are too. Thanks for coming along the Journey with us. Resurrection Day is coming! Shalom.

It's 46 Days till Easter Sunday.

On My Journey To Transformation:
Upper Room Gatherings On Ash Wednesday,

Living In The Kingdom,


We were given a nail as the reminder during this Journey To Easter Sunday. Let us also go that we may die with Him. May we see the reality of the resurrection as we come to Easter Sunday.

Lent Season

To A Magnificent Transformation

Happy Ash Wednesday! I have the opportunity to be in the Upper Room on this Ash Wednesday. There is a special service @ 7 AM, 12 PM, and 7 PM. All the set times will be the on the same in nature.

Yes! The Lenten Journey to Easter has arrived. I pray that we will be prepare our hearts for Easter. May our journey be a spiritual renewal of within. May we be transformed into a new birth on Easter Morning.

From the booklet: Living in the Kingdom

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."-- Matthew 11:29-30

Living in the Kingdom:

On this first day of the Lenten season, heart feels like a clean page, my life like an unopen book. I am open to all that God has to teach me today and in these next 40 days.I am ready to learn more about my spiritual nature.

I am ready for new understanding of the kingdom of God within me, and I am eager to live more fully in that kingdom.I prepare myself first by letting go of anything I've done that is less than my highest expression.

I forgive myself. Then I mentally ask others for their forgiveness.Next, I set an intention to take time every day for prayer. This daily appointment with God is important to me and to my continuing spiritual unfoldment.

In my quiet times of prayer, I open my heart to God with. I give my full attention to the quiet whisperings of Spirit in my soul.As I pray each day throughout Lent, I listen carefully for the message from the still small voice within me.

I surrender my will and open my mind and heart to new ways of thinking. feeling, and being.This Lenten season will be a wonderful experience. I listen to spirit to learn more about myself, and to live more fully in the kingdom of God.

A Confession:I surrender to God and open myself to magnificent transformation.

On My Journey Of Transformation:
To A Magnificent Transformation

I'm headed on the Journey To Jerusalem:
The Triumphal Entry / Scripture reading Matthew 21:1-11.

Living in His Kingdom,

In God (I will praise His word), In the LORD (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Psalm 56:10-11

Like the cold of snow in time of harvest Is a faithful messenger to those who send him, For he refreshes the soul of his masters. Proverbs 25:13

Monday, February 23, 2009

Changes In The Wind

It's been a time.
I am still around.

I hit some changes this month.
I am getting back on track.

I am preparing for Lent.
What to fast?

I have some ideas.
My journey needs to be lighten as I travel this season.

I plan not to be burden with many things.
I need to keep my eyes fix.

May the LORD guide the way.
Blessings to all.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Faith Life Weekend

It's another year for FLW @ Word of Life Church.
I am excited.

We can gather together as the people of God.
Hope will arise with faith expectancy.

I am doing much better.
I have been fighting sinus issue.


Saturday, January 31, 2009


It's been a changing month.
Things are not the same.

I see that I have to keep moving on.
I have left some things behind.

Things that have been holding me up.
I made a decison to let them go.

May we move on with things that we need to let go of.
May God lead us on into what is ahead.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Change In The Wind

It's a new day.
New things are coming.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Special Day


It was a special Day!
It was the first 09 of 12 in 2009.

Thursday, January 1, 2009