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Monday, May 31, 2010

Through The Years Changes Come

Thinking of how things change
It's not what use to be

Past seem to be long gone
Those things we us to see

Died gone with the new things
That replaces what's now old

Through the years changes come
That's how things get on hold

Poem #588
Idea 18 April 19, 23, 29,2010
8:25 PM Foot of bed

How did I come up with this poem?
Thinking about changes through the years.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Worshipping Jesus

God sends surprises
Bring them into light

To awaken us
And give us insight

What progress we make
As we go about

Worshipping Jesus
Praise Him with a shout

Poem # 587
Idea 17 April 19, 2010
9:51 PM in bed

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about how God surprises me.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Peace That Brings The Comfort

It's good to be at peace
The time where we can rest

In what have been started
After taken the test

Refreshment comes in
Oh how good this should be

Peace that brings the comfort
A reward blessing to see

Poem # 586
Idea 16 April 17, 2010
5:50 PM Upper Room
4th pew on right side front

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about PEACE and it's rewards.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Where God Can Use Us

Pressure in life comes
Within daily trials

Deal with what's at hand
It may be awhile

In time things can change
In us the stress leaves

There's less worrisome
Where in God we cleave

Casting all our cares
So we can be free

Where God can use us
So all can just be

Poem # 585
Idea 16 April 17, 2010
6:34 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about trials in life.
Things that come and we have to deal with them.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Come Let Us Believe

Searching long to find
Clues that make some sense

Along this journey
Things become intense

Wanting to know more
As leads come to be

LORD, help us to find
What's there here to see

In our search for things
With leads only to You.

Come let us believe
That You'll see us through

Poem # 584
Idea 15 April 29, 2010
7 PM Foot of Bed

How did I come up with this poem?
Continuation from what we don't know about things in life.
I was searching for clue on my family history.
I find some leads but didn't know where to look next.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Through His Plan From The Start

There come a time in life
To where we just don't know

What to say, what to do
But still we sure grow

Thought out life's journey path
To where we come to see

We're part of life's treasures
Where God wants us to be

In His Kingdom to come
Where His will, isn't shun

Through His plan from the start
The battle isn't done

Poem # 583
Idea 15 April 23, 2010
6:36 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about things that we just don't know.
I was thinking about life.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Beatitudes

Don't look at others
What they are doing

Keep track of yourself
Live life pursuing

The ways of Jesus
In Kingdom living

The Beatitudes
Live life in giving

Poem # 582
Idea 14 April 2010
6:39 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about how we look at others.
We shouldn't judge ourselves or compare ourselves to others.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Yep Dogs WIll Be Dogs

Sad to hear the news
Sugar Bear is died

Lived a short four years
She had a hard head

It was that last climb
That just done her in

Still too many times
Got away with then

This time it cost her
Her life is no more

Yep, dogs will be dogs
But, we still adore

Poem # 581
Idea 13, 14 April 29, 2010
10:20 AM Kitchen

How did I come up with this poem?
My sister's dog died.
I thought to write a poem.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

For God Is Our Love

What life is meant to be
In Christ who sets us free

Each day we walk life's path
Needing a Holy bath

It's God's kingdom living
Where it's joy in giving

For God is our love
He's near and above

Poem # 580
Idea 13 April 22, 2010
6:45 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about life.
And as I wrote words flowed

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Life Is Worth Living

In the overflow
Of what use to be

Make the most of time
Yet there's more to see

Flowing in this thing
As life comes about

Such wonder in site
That brings forth no doubt

Here comes the overflow
Jump in, see indeed

Life is worth living
In life we plant seeds

Poem # 579
Idea 12 April 19, 2010
5:04 PM
Front room on soft by air conditioner

How did I come up with this poem?
Thoughts of living in the overflow...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Onward With Those Things

Holding off in life
Things we need to do

Thinking of what than
Just how to get through?

Fear that holds us back
Not wanting to go

Onward with those things
Or just stop the flow?

Poem # 578
Idea 12 April 26, 2010
6:49 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
...thoughts of putting things off till later.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Get Back On The Plan

Get back o the plan
Need to make the fit

SO that's tip top shape
Exercise a bit

Go through the motions
Get where need to be

But through the process
You can come to see

Life that's coming back
The weight trimming down

Get back on the plan
Got to lose some pounds

Poem # 577
Idea 11 April 12, 2010

How did I come up with this poem?
Thoughts of a plan to get back on the plan.
Lose some weight

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Changes Come Through Change

Changing ways from past
To make things anew

Not much time to lose
Keep on going through

Not to get off track
When thrown back a step

Move on the journey
Just know what's been kept

God's promises, truth
Believe them to be so

Changes come through change
It's good that you flow.

Poem # 576
Idea 10 April 20, 2010
7PM foot of bed

How did I come up with this poem?
If was from thoughts...
When I'm needing to change and move on into next season in life.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Forgotten Things

We lose the touch
As life goes on

The simple things
From when they dawn

From that new day
Once now has passed

Forgotten things
We think won't last

Poem # 575
Idea 10 April 12, 2010
7:14 AM foot of bed

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about people who lose touch with people.
It's been a long time when people don't connect.
What happened to the friendship?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Move With New Mind Set

Why is it we don't say
What we think will stray?

Think others will go where?
Cause someone isn't there

Is it fear that brings doubt?
To where we want to shout

Keep hope alive in heart
Even if have to re-start

Why do we think that way?
Think twice, It's a new day!

Move with new mind set
To seek God not to fret

Poem # 574
Idea 9 April 22, 2010
6:05 PM 4th pew right side in Upper Room

How did I come up with this poem?
Why is it when the pastor is not preaching
people tend to not come to church?
Why is that?
Our hope should be in GOD.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Keep Looking Around To See

Surprises come to be known
As sitting out in ways shown

The familiar place where go
That's bringing comfort that flows

The goodness that's there for us
In all to propel us through

Keep looking around to see
What surprises there to be

Poem # 573
Idea 9 April 2010
6PM Upper Room
4th pew from right

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about how God surprises me.
They come when I least expect.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Become More Like Jesus

Waiting to cross over
Into what lies ahead

Not knowing where going
In direction now lead

Walking by faith, thinking
what's there for us to see

Believing that Jesus
Will allow us to be

Come more in His likeness
Where progress passes by

Become more like Jesus
Our poor flesh has to die

Poem # 572
Idea 9 April 14, 19, 2010
4:10 PM Kitchen

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about Jesus.
How to cross over into the things not knowing.
The things that will change to become more like Jesus.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Just Leave What Has Past

It's time to step up
Step up to the plate

Waste no time standing
Remember this date

Mark this time and place
So you won't forget

What you have been through
Not made to regret

Clear your old thinking
Focus on the NOW

Just leave what has past
Due time you'll think, WOW!

Poem # 571
Idea 9 April 22, 2010
3:55 PM Kitchen

How did I come up with this poem?
It was time to do something different.
I needed to step up to the plate.

I marked this day as a new beginning.
I started out fresh.
I left some things behind.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jerusalem Bound

What revelation
Upon that one day

A word came from God
What more can I say

It brought me such joy
In hearing that word

So clear inside me
To when then I heard

Came to my spirit
Thunder in my soul

Jerusalem bound
As it was foretold

Poem # 570
Idea 9 April 2010
6:43 AM

How I did I come up with this poem?
I was reading in the Book of Romans
I came to Rom 15:25 and 5 words came alive to me.
I was going to Jerusalem.
I got this word on my birthday.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Comes From All WIthin

When the day after
Birthday came to be

A blessing in life
Where others now see

Good things to let known
That others do care

About life well spent
With all who are dear

Come to now, believe
The joy in living

Comes from all within
As we start giving

Poem # 569
Idea 9 April 10, 2010
6:26 AM

How I came to write this poem?
The day before and after my birthday are special too.
I thank God for the people who wished me happy birthday.
It's a blessing when we see others wishing us well.

There tends to be a down side during my birthday.
There are people who always forget my birthday.
I have come so use to that now.
I see that those who remember year after year are the ones who care.
Even when they forget on the day, they come to say happy belated birthday.
That's the joy of giving while living.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

By Enjoying Each Moment

A celebration of life
What birthdays are meant to be

The joy of living a LIFE
To when others come to see

The beauty of God's blessings
Expressed in each special way

By enjoying each moment
As the time passes away

Poem # 568
Idea 8 April 9, 2010
6:38 AM

How I came up with this poem?
I got a birthday wish from one of my cousins.
I'm reminded that birthdays are a celebration of one's life.
We should celebrate our lives on our birthdays.
When others come and wish us happy birthday, they are celebration with us.

The beauty of God's blessings are expressed in what others do for others.
Whether wishing good to others or encouraging them.
Each day passes away and will not come again the same way.
There are times we miss the special days of our family member of friends life.
Time passes away, it can't be replaced.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Such Great Joy In Life

Thoughts on new day
Brings joy to the soul

Burdens now lifted
As it was foretold

Peace like a river
Comes to my thoughts

What a way to be
As though I've been bought

With a price prepaid
By Christ on the cross

Such great joy in life
Things aren't totally lost

Poem# 567
Idea 7 April 2010
4:50 PM Foot of bed

How did I come up with this poem?
I was entering into a new year.
As I was entering...I felt a new beginning.
Peace in a new day...

The thought of Jesus paid the price for me.
It's a great joy to know that God is with me always.
What I think I need or what I've lost in life,
Things aren't totally lost.
I have the joy of having Jesus in my life.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Flow In The New Year

Year has now ended
Old things passed away

Letting those things go
With no where to stay

Clear thoughts form the past
Making room for the new

Goodness has arrived
For He'll get you through

All that's there to come
All that's there to be

Flow in the New Year
See what's there to see

Poem # 566
Idea 7 April 2010
4:30 PM Kitchen

After Thoughts:
How I did I come up with this poem?
I was ending after year.
My birthday was coming up.

There were some things that I wanted to let go of.
I had to clear my way of thinking about them.

I've been moving on from the old ways.
I'm flowing in this new year to see what I can see.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Calm Brings The Joy

Wind blows so strong
Turn things about

Things look darken
Light brings a shout

Here comes the Son
In whom we love

Warmth comes around
Below above

Peace understands
Brightens this day

Calm brings the joy
As we now pray

Poem # 565
Idea 6 April 7,8, 2010

After Thoughts:
How I did I come up with this poem?
I like to look at the clouds after a storm.
There are things that comes about...
There can be a lot of drama in any storm.

Nature can speak...
But in the storms of life we can see darkness.
In the darkness there comes some light.
That light of revelation in the storm.

The Son of God is there in the midst of all our storms in life.
The love of God brings comfort and warmth upon us all around.

There is a peace that we can understand in the storm.
There is a calmness that we feel.
Pray before during in and after the storms of life.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pull Away From Danger

What pulls us to danger?
Those things not good for us

Seem to be drawn back to
What we should leave, not trust

Holding on by a string
When needing to let go

It's like hooked on danger
Not letting go of flow

Just cut loose from the string
Break away from old ties

Pull away from danger
No matter what, its' wise

Poem # 564
Idea 5 April 7, 2010
5:46 PM Foot of Bed

How did I come up with this poem?
I see in life we go in cycles...
Going through the same old issues.
Why don't we wise up and let go?
It's the same old thing.

It's hurting us to stay on the journey.
What pulls us to danger?
Are we blinded by what we fear might happened?
Or is it we enjoy the thrill?

We need to believe God and move on.
We need to let go of the string.
and cut loose from old lies and ties of life.

Start anew.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Words Had Left Silence's Life

Silence listeners stay low
Behind the scene to read

Not uttering a word
Waiting to hear what's said

As time passes each year
Words seem to die away

Silence began to speak
Words with nothing to say

Just sitting in silence
Not a word that was said

Words had left silence's life
Without words to dread

Poem # 563
Idea 5 April 2010
5:26PM Foot of bed

How did I come up with this poem?
I had a question on my thoughts:
Ever wondered why people read what others say but never speak?
People who read blogs or whatever.
They enjoy reading but not saying things.

The words die away, silent people what to speak.
But the writer is left with nothing to say.
Silence's life is silent.

We will never know how much we bless others.
Without commenting or speaking how will others know?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Believe By Faith, Trust God

There comes a time in life
We have to make choices

Needing to turn from fear
Stop listening to voices

Decide than make your move
Step out in faith to do

Believe by faith, trust God
That He'll guide you through

Poem # 561
Idea 5 April 2010
5:15 PM Foot of bed

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about decides.
...I need to hear from God.
Not the voices of what people say.
But what God wants.

Once I believe what is the way...
I need to step out in faith believe God will guide me.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mind Full Of Ideas

What's there to journal
Out of things to say?

Thinking about what?
Or if, it will stay?

Write about living
Things that come about

Life's journey does past
Some times with a shout

There's more to writing
Journaling by days

Mind full of ideas
But what's there to say?

Poem # 561
Idea 5 April 7, 2010
5:12PM Foot of bed

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about what I journal.
How ideas come to me...

Monday, May 3, 2010

O Lord GOD My Love

What a joyful day
Surrounded by love

Such GREAT love around
Only from above

Hear the sound of love?
Feel it in the air?

O Lord GOD, my love
Your the One who cares

Poem # 560
Idea 4 April 2010
9:23PM In bed

How did I come up with this poem?
Thinking about God and how He's love surrounds me.
God always care what I go through.
He is always there.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Eight Day Has Dawned

Awaiting the eight day
Let new creation be

With anticipation
To explore what's to see

Each year a new birth comes
As old things die from pass

New life in Jesus Christ
Finally see light cast

Dreams and visions become
Real than ever before

The eight day has dawned
Wanting to know Him more

Poem #559
Idea 3 April 2010
9:13 PM In bed

How did I come up with this poem?
Thinking about Jesus.
The eight day of Resurrection Sunday.
The joy of wanting to know Jesus more.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Once Died Has Come Alive

Remember on that Day
Long long long time ago

All appeared to be lost
Darkness began to flow

Didn't know what to do next
At the end of crossroad

Still torn by what happened
Such burden heavy load

When will this pain go away?
How much more can we bare?

Good news comes upon us
What joy there inside grown

Once died has come alive
For it's becomes now known

Poem # 558
Idea 2 April 2010
6PM UR 4th pew right

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about Jesus.
What He went through to get to the cross...
How death has lost its sting.

Those who hear the good news and call upon Jesus.
Death will be the end but we live again in Jesus.
What great joy that news is.