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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Go With The Wind Flow

How good the feeling
Just feeling alright

When storms start coming
Makes you want to fight

Be still, rest that time
Let the strong wind be

So you can soar high
Wait, just wait you'll see

As the wind comes to
Open up your wings

Go with the wind flow
Higher up it brings

Poem # 648
Idea 21 May 2010
5:30 PM
Upper Room 4th pew right front

How did I come up with this poem?
Thinking about riding the storms in life.
Not to wear self out in fighting things.
Waiting on the LORD during the storms of life.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Through Life Comes Some Trials

What a day to be
Those things came about

Out of all the days
I just want to shout

But need to calm down
Be still, be at rest

Through life comes some trials
A series of tests

Poem # 647
21 May 2010
5:15 PM Upper Room
4th pew right front

How did I come up with this poem?
There were some issues that came up on this day.
So stressful.
It too passed.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Things From Darkness Into Light

Wondering if this is so
Could this be what we don't know?

Searching here there to see
Clues to where it leads to be

Another link to our tree
Could it just be more than three?

Clues that makes this thing click so
We think though we think we know

So good to think on such things
Through time, searching clues can bring

Thing from darkness into light
In time to think, think you're right

Poem # 646
Idea 6:30 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about the leads that I had.
I was searching for more on my family tree.
Things in the dark came into the light.
It was information that I had.
I was on the right path.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Life Bring Questions

Searching to find
Brings out some things

Life has meaning
A song we sing

Journey through life
Each moments there

Clues to what's found
The things we share

In life we search
To find out more

Life brings questions
What we look for

Poem # 645
Idea 20 May 2010
6:45 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
I was searching to find answers to questions.
Through life we find things we look for.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Be Pleased By God's Good Will

Good pleasure in doing
Doing those things we like

Keeps our souls so happy
Happy to take a hike

Walking dancing thinking
Thinking how to just live

Live a life worthy
Worthy enough to give

So good to keep going
Going in what's ahead

Be pleased by God's good will
Will have to be so lead

Poem # 644
Idea 20 May 22, 2010
6:30 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
It just came to me as I was writing.
I stopped and thought a bit.
Than finished it up the next day.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Used For His Glory

Early morning dawn
Surise shines so bright

A beautiful day
God brings forth His light

To shine in His world
Allowing us to see

What He created
So that we can be

God brings this new day
Through Him we be heard

Used for His glory
Believing His Word

Poem # 644
Idea 19 May 20, 2010
6:30 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
Another beautiful day that came.
We saw the sunrise.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dawn Of This Day

How strange it is
To see this sight

White as the fog
Appears so bright

Can't see ahead
It's white so thick

In dawn of day
For has its kick

That won't just leave
It's there we see

Dawn of this day
This had to be

Poem # 643
Idea 18 May 19, 2010

How did I come up with this poem?
It was a very fog day that morning.
Pure white as snow was the fog.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Through The One Man

Life comes about
When we so live

Life in Jesus
We learn to give

Give self to lose
A life that's one

Through the One Man
Jesus, God's Son

Poem # 642
Idea 17 May 2010
6:40 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
Life in Jesus we have to learn to give.
Give our lives to Jesus...

Friday, July 23, 2010

To Life Life Through Jesus

See God in the people
Surrounding each day

Each person now passing
Passing by on their way

Their way in life's journey
Set for each one of us

To live life through Jesus
Through Him life is a must

Poem # 641
Idea 17 May 2010
6:30 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
Thinking about seeing God in people.
God is there. May we see Jesus in others.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things Get Better

Being at rest
That's what to do

Relax the mind
Them has come too

All that's been done
Set before you

Keep walking strong
Believe it's true

Things get better
As we go through

Poem # 640
Idea 16 May 19, 2010
8:00 AM Upper Room
4th pew front right

How did I come up with this poem?
I was being at rest.
I was relaxing in the Upper Room
These thoughts came to me.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

God's Gift Of LIfe For This Day

Live for today set in time
While passing moments goes by

Do the best that can be done
For when we start asking why?

Our concern should be what to
So we might have a good day

For now is today's present
Use it as it comes your way

God's gift of life for this day
Starts out as we come to pray

Poem # 639
Idea 15 May 19, 2010
7:35 AM Foot of bed

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about the gift of today's present time.
We are given each day as a gift.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Stuck In A Corner

Feel like left alone
No where to turn to

Don't know what to do
Nor how to get through

Things appear to be lost
Mind set at a blank

Stuck in a corner
Who cares what I think?

Poem #638
Idea 14 May 19, 2010
6:00 PM
Upper Room 4th Pew right front

How did I come up with this poem?
Mind still wondering...
What things do I think about?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Move Into What's There

Wondering what if
If doesn't work out?

What's there to do next?
Should I wait about?

Oh, just calm down there
Think of what to do

Speak to yourself
So you can go through

Put mind off worry
See things anew

Move into what's there
What's set before you

Poem # 637
Idea 14 May 19, 2010
5:25 PM
Upper Room 4th Pew Right front

How did I come up with this poem?
Thinking to myself.
A wondering mind speaks out.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Life's A Journey

How strange it is
To find things out

Searching in life
Things come about

As those it was
For a reason

Cycles in life
Have their seasons

To live life out
To slow things down

Life's a journey
Let life be found

Poem # 636
Idea 14 May 2010
5:13 PM
Upper Room 4th pew right front

How did I come up with this poem?
I was finding things on my family history.
It's strange how I came across some things.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Keep On Believing

Keep walking by faith
Each step of the way

Think not the matter
Speak what the word says

Keep faith when speaking
Not seeing by sight

Changes come about
Just follow His light

No matter if here
No matter if there

Keep on believing
God really does care

Poem # 635
Idea 14 May 17, 19, 2010
5:10 PM
Upper Room 4th Pew right front

How did I come up with this poem?
Thinking about how doubt comes.
We have to keep believing.
God does care about us.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Generations To Come

Freflections of the past
Memories fro today

Brings out some good feeling
That can head in our way

Treasured moments still live
As we pass them on down

Generations to come
Let them know what's been found

Poem # 634
Idea 14, May 19, 2010
6:35 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking how what I discover about family tree,
I can pass it on down to the next generation.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Early Morning Dawn

Early morning dawn
Awakes this new day

Clear blue skies appear
Fog soon fades away

Rain waters the land
Soaks into the ground

Early morning dawn
Fresh new start is found

Poem #633
Idea 14 May 19 2010
6:10 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
It was a foggy morning.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Still This Shall Pass Away

Another storm comes to light
Darken skies become bright

Fast comes the rain on ground
Ligthening breaks silence's sound

Drama awakes its sleep
Life's storms don't want to keep

Still this shall pass away
Until again stormy day

Poem # 632
Idea 13 May 18, 19, 2010
6:30 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
There was another storm that came.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Enjoying Each Day

How pleasant it is
To be at rest

The day is ending
Just had some tests

Trying to relax
This is so sweet

Getting mind off things
Other new thought greet

God is always good
In life's path shine

Enjoying each day
Every things fine

Poem #631
Idea 12, May 14, 18, 2010
5:35PM Front room sofa

How did I come up with this poem?
I just had 2 skin biopsies.
It was pleasant to rest.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hope Into Being

Fear of not knowing
Knowing what to do

Times of more trouble
Trouble that comes through

Being afraid of
Of what's not yet known

Come in believing
Believing God's word

Comforts the soul man
Man it's not absurd

God's word has power
Power that does bring

Hope into being
Being with the King

Poem # 630
Idea 12 May 2010
6:30 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking and it come to be.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just Slow The Pace

Doing too much
Need to slow down

Now stop to think
Listen, how sound

Why complaing?
We choice to do

Sort out our dos
Take time, go through

What's important?
So start from there

Just slow the pace
Enjoy, take care

Poem # 629
Idea 12 May 13, 2010
6:10 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
I over do things. I need to slow down.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Take Time To Be At Rest

Awaken feeling great
A wonderful new start

Restful body restored
Listen, hear what's in heart

Restful mind calm so cool
Peace at rest, oh my soul

Take time to be at rest
Body refreshed be whole

Poem # 628
Idea 11 May 13, 2010
6:37 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
Body rest: when I need to rest my body.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thank You, LORD For All You DO

LORD awaken us to see
All that You want us to be

Watch over our everyday
Bring us where we need to pray

Show us the path we must take
Lead us from childish mistakes

Teach us to be all for You
For it's You, that guides us through

Thank You, LORD for all You do
You're making all things brand new

Poem # 627
Idea 10 May 2010

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about making a poem prayer.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Generations Past

How excited it is
To find out new things

New discoveries
Adding more can bring

More inot the light
To see where once was

Exploring the past
Knowing just because

I want to know more
Makes me want to hmmm

Ancestors of past
Where they journeyed from

To where we are now
Pass down till today

Generations Past
We add from their way

Poem # 626
Idea 9 May 13, 2010
7:50 AM 2nd pew right end

How did I come up with this poem?
I came across some new discoveries.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Keep Looking Forward

Forget what happened
Let it be done so

You can move onward
Living in the flow

Life has challenges
Learn from what you know

Past can hang us up
SO don't let it blow

Back into your life
For it's not for show

Keep looking forward
You need to let go

Poem# 625
Idea 8 May 2010
7:10 AM Foot of bed

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about looking forward.
Forgetting about things that happened.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Dream Flowing From Life

Beauty within beholds
The spirit man can see

Deep down inside where
Real, you comes to be

An expression within
Where things come through about

A dream flowing from life
So the true self comes out

Poem # 624
idea 7 May 8, 19, 2010
5:35 AM Upper Room 4th pew right front

How did I come up with this poem?
Thinking about the real me.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Let Us Be Not Alone

Waiting to leave for church
In part I want to be

In what is going on
Progress I want to see

To where cycles in life
Brings us time to let go

Let us be not alone
For we live in the flow

Poem #623
Idea 7 May 8, 100 , 2010
4:40 PM Inside porch

How did I come up with this poem?
I was waiting to go to church.
I wrote a poem while the wait.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Present Time Lives Forever

Time in the present
Brings us to believe

That all things are now
In what we conceive

Yesterday has past
So let it be gone

Present time lives forever
Yet the future dawns

Poem #622
Idea 7 May 10, 2010
4:20 PM Kitchen by micro

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking about time.
Past, present and future

Saturday, July 3, 2010

In What We Want To Happen

Awaiting the day dawning
A day that we cannot see

Good hopes for our near future
Thoughts of what we think might be

Day dreams stuck in the present
To where time appears to flow

In what we want to happen
It comes to us very slow

Poem # 621
Idea 7 May 2010
4:15PM Kitchen by micro

How did I come up with this poem?
I was thinking of things that haven't happened yet.
The things we don't see seem to come slow.
We appear to be stuck in life.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Be Alert To Notice

It's good to back track
In route from where go

So we can show proof
Verity if so

Each life has a story
History we make

For what we thought was so
We see some mistakes

So take time to look
At what there to see

Be alert to notice
What matches there be

Poem # 620
Idea 7 May 10, 2010
3:40PM Kitchen by mirco

How did I come up with this poem?
I was going back over some of what I record on family history. I noticed some things that I corrected. By doing that I came across more information.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

God's Power Is Greater

Awaken by this storm
That passed through the night

So strong it shook my bed
I woke up, saw the light

Flashing through my window
Like a movie out of sight

Yet going through life's storm
Surely can bring some fright

Just settle down be calm
Believe with all your might

God's power is greater
Every thing, be alright

Poem # 619
Idea 7 May 2010
6:30 AM

How did I come up with this poem?
A storm that came through over night