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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Voice Of Spirit

Things seem so strange
Moments in place

Hearing a voice
Without a face

Mixture of what
Could be this case

So strange to hear
Those sound that pace

What made it be?
In time in space

Voice of Spirit
Coming with grace

Poem # 741
Idea 9 July 2010
5:30PM Upper Room
4th pew right

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was thinking....
The Spirit has a voice.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

In Such Certain Times

Oh, how we can be
In such times were in

Happy times worst times
We just don't know when

Or how well react
When under pressure

Feelings can be wild
We can think lessor

Joy times so happy
Set up with a shout

In such certain times
We feel it no doubt

Poem  #740
Idea 9 July 2010
4:23 PM By big computer

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?How times come...
Things that makes us happy or sad.
Things come and go...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Turn Toward His Peace

What's the confusion
Seem all turned around

Don't know which ways which
Let the truth be found

Calm down not to wait
Can hope things make sense

Believe it be so
When things seem to dense

Awaken your spirit
Come let some things be

Turn toward His peace
Patience is the key

Poem # 739
Idea 9 July 2010
4:12PM By big computer

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?When things seem to be so confusing.
When will things turn around?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Learn On The Go

Waiting here still
We're not there yet

How can this be
Trying, you bit

Have some patient
For what's at hand

Learn on the go
Let's take a stand

Poem # 738
Idea 9 July 2010
11:53 AM Big Computer

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was needing patience to learn on the go.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Time Is A Wasting

A waste of time
Waiting here still

Computer so slow
More time to kill

For this to be

All in this time
Patience to see

Can't print a thing
Going so slow

Time is a wasting
There's more to blow

Poem# 737
Idea 9 July 2010
11:49 AM Big computer

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I had some time while my computer was slow.
I wrote about my experience.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We're Allowed To Know

Searching more to find
Out what's there to see

History that was made
From what came to be

Not at all what thought
But happy to know

More than what was there
Searching for info

From what came to be
Through history's past

We're allowed to know
What info that last

Poem# 736Idea 8 July 2010 6:25 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thinking about what I have found out on my family tree.
It's happy to know things.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Welling To Take In Part

Gathering information
Takes time, in order to do

Year by year, search by each search
Combine material through

To form data that's useful
And for who so ever be

Welling to take in part
What's there in order to see

Poem # 753
Idea 7 July 2010

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was gathering information.
It takes time to look and search.
There is a welling to take in part of what looking for.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Through Out Our Journey Of A Lifetime

The wonder of imagination
How we can use our minds to create

It's such a wonderful gift from God
To use for the good things not to hate

Our thoughts should be focus on God's way
To think to wonder how life can be

Through out our journey of a lifetime
To become what God called us to be

Poem # 734
Idea 6 July 2010

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was wondering and using my imagination.
How God has given us a mind to think.
How in life life is a journey.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Come Humble Ourselves

A time for prayer
For our nation's sake

Turn back to our God
For all we've to take

Pray to our Father
Open up our hearts

Come humble ourselves
That where it all starts

Poem #733
Idea 5 July 15, 2010

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?I was thinking about our nation and prayer.

Friday, October 22, 2010

As We Join Our Heart Upward

Resting from the gathering
Time of fellowship, such fun

Talking laughing, sharing some
Joy of what the LORD has done

In times of celebration
In expressing God's true love

As we join our heart upward
To the living God above

Poem #732
Idea 4 July 2010
4:M foot of bed

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was resting from family gathering.
Reflection on some things.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I Just Write With This Flow

Need to write a poem
Before going to bed

What will I write this time?
About some things I've read

Or maybe how I feel
I don't know what to say

I just write with this flow
Or maybe I should pray

Poem #731
Idea 3 July 12, 2010
10:14 PM In Bed

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was needing to write a poem.
It was the end of the day.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

As We Believe Upon Him

Always welcomed by Jesus
No matter what comes our way

He's there in all what we do
For He is with us each day

He hears our cry, He does care
For He is our presence, now

As we believe upon Him
We don't need to know how

Just come to Jesus in faith
Our Lord blesses each of us

As we believe Upon Him
For in Him, He makes the just
Poem # 730
Idea 2 July 2010
8:30 PM In WOLC Foyer
Finished poem on  29 July 2010

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?It came from that Friday night's message.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Until Again Life Does Turn

How do we go about life?
Where there seems to be no end

As when there's no place to turn
Why does it seem we won't win?

Heading down a road ahead
feeling going the right way

Than something crosses our path
That throws us back some days

As we get back on the track
We manage from this time on

Until again life does turn
As if things appear yet gone

Poem # 729
Idea 2 July 2010
5:44 PM Upper Room 4th pew right front

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?Thoughts of when things seem not to end.
The cycles of going through again and again.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Move On With Life's Journey's Path

Joy to see things come to be
Yet life comes about we see

Others grow into the light
to learn not to walk by sight

What amazement we can find
We're sent forth His glory shines

Before others around us
Even where we feel not just

Move on with life's journey's path
Rejoice redeemed from God's wrath

Poem # 728
Idea 2 July 2010 5 PM Front porch

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?Thinking about life's path...the journey's path.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Church Body Of Christ

Come to be apart of
One big community

Being a family
Show hospitality

Believers come to hear
The word of God spoken

Each time we come gather
For our lives come broken

In all what comes about
God's glory to be seen

The church body of Christ
in Jesus who we lean

Poem # 727Idea 2 July 2010
7:14 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was thinking about the body of believers, the church.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jesus Takes Us Through

Things can be scary
As life comes we see

Thing that brings some worry
No place where to be

Cast worries to God
Place them in His hand

Jesus takes us through
Trust God, yes Amen!

Poem #726
Idea 2 July 2010
How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Life issues that come...
Turn to Jesus.

Friday, October 15, 2010

From Us In What We All Do

Celebration set at hand
America across this land

From sea to sea let us stand
God Bless America Amen

For freedom isn't that cheap
There's Jesus Christ we should keep

Close in our lives in our hearts
For He will never depart

From us in what we all do
God will guide us the way through

Poem # 725Idea 2 July 2010

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?Freedom that we had...
Jesus is our freedom.
Freedom isn't cheap.
Freedom cost some one's life.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

May Feel Forgotten Than

Deep down inside it hurts
Forgotten on my day

Who should remember than?
O, LORD God help me to stay

Focus not on others
For what they do or say

Such hurt brings these feelings
A wonder on display

With a cry, I hold back
Inside sensing, You care

May feel forgotten than
But God You're always there

Poem # 724
Idea 1 July 2010
7:05 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?Heard that someone received something on their day.
I feel forgotten by the person who gave that someone something.
It hurts to hear things like that.
I always remember their days.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yet, We Can Give

In the long run
The truth comes out

Life isn't fun
When things aren't right

Feel out of place
Where things go wrong

How should we face
What we go through?

Slow down to live
Speaking the truth

Yet, we can give
Words to others

Poem # 723
Idea 30 June 2010

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I heard the truth about something.
We need to speak the truth in love.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cheerful Dawing Day

Cool morning dawning
What away to be

Awake by this day
Joy of what to see

Sky blue, cloudy skies
Moon not all way full

Sun shining bright
Gives this day a pull

Brighten up our day
Awaken our souls

Cheerful dawning day
Does it fit the mole?

Poem #722
Idea 29 June 2010
7:15 AM
How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
It was a cool Summer morning.
What a relief!

Monday, October 11, 2010

God Is Always Present

Good feelings to be back
Being in the "thin place"

A special place to meet
With God's presence, His grace

So pleasant to just be
In silent, there on knees

God is always present
No matter what I see

Poem # 721
Idea 28 June / July 11, 2010
6:45 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
The thought of  returning back to the Upper Room.
It was a break.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Be Disciples Not Hypocrites

Not an actress on a stage
Nor to perform entertain

I'm a disciple of Jesus
God's will I want to contain

While being transformed by Him
Becoming as I'm to be

In the imagine of Jesus
Transformed so others can see

The beauty of God's glory
Displayed as the Jesus Way

Be disciples not hypocrites
Please God throughout our days.

Poem # 720
Idea: 27 June / July 20, 2010
8:30PM In Bed

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I listened to a message in church.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Reading Between Each Word

So good to re read things
Read what's on the page

What makes the journey fun
Different years ages

Make things hard to make sense
Putting pieces in it's places

Looking at every clue
On the tree we can trace

Each clues adds to story
Think over what you find

Reading between each word
Could add to some blank lines

Poem # 719
Idea 26 June 27, 2010
6:50PM Foot of bed
How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was searching my family tree.
As I was reading something, I saw something new.
It made sense.
I don't know how I over looked that in the beginning.

Friday, October 8, 2010

What Joy To Conceive

Good to sit to rest
A while its the best

Not many here, yet
As we think and set

Until meeting starts
Come listen at heart

What wonder to be
For as it we see

In all we can wait
No plans to be late

Waiting with good cheer
God's presences, He's here

What joy to conceive
In all we believe

Poem # 718
Idea 25 June 26, 2010
Big Church about 6:45PM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was setting in church.
I don't know what time it was.
I thought to write a poem.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sharing Can Be Fun

In the cool cool air
Slipping on a drink

A smoothie I add
Here, I come to think

A poem to write
Sitting here a spell

Ponder what to share
Not much here to dwell

People walking by
Music playing loud

Sharing can be fun
Not loosely but mild

Poem # 717Idea 25 June 26, 2010 5:35 PM
Foyer by double doors by Solomon's Porch
How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was sitting waiting to greet the people.
I had a few minutes.
So I wrote this poem.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

When Not For Sure

Learn to wait well
When don't get way

Abide in good
Hear what you say

In worst of times
Look for the best

Not in the bad
For its a test

That comes in ways
Yet we don't see

When not for sure
Go to your knee

Poem # 716
Idea 25 June 29, 2010
4:35 PM by big computer

Re did last line on 28 July 2010

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Waiting and Praying.
Learning how to wait well.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Live For Today

Test come in life
Day in , day out

Just don't know when
Tests come not doubt

Live as life comes
Enjoy the Now

Live for today
God, show us how

Poem # 715
Idea 25 June 2010
4:25 PM By big computer
Finished up lives lines on 11 July 2010

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was going through a test.
We need God's help each day to live.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Living In The Now

Thinking about life
Now, which way to go?

More changes have come
Must move with the flow

Look out for future
Wonder what's ahead?

Living in the now
Have no future dread.

Poem # 714
Idea 25 June 2010
4:20 PM By Big Computer

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?Thinking about life.
The future will come.
Need to have a plan in direction to go when it arrives.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Enjoy The Time

Doing so much
Need to slow down

No need to rush
Keep feet on ground

Go one by one
Just slow the pace

Enjoy the time
Not in a race

Poem # 713
Idea 25 June 2010
4:15 PM By big computer

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was waiting to go to church.
I thought as I was waiting to enjoy that time as well.
We don't need to be in a rush in getting places.
Enjoy the time we're in.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Each Day A Gift From God

Another day has come
Arise set forth let's do

The will of God that's there
The life that we go through

Through us around in us
Be aware for what is

What is it of the truth
The truth of God is His

Come read His written word
Allow God to use you

Each day, a gift from God
Set forth, so live it through

Poem # 712
Idea: 25 June 29, 2010
6:35AM Foot of Bed

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
How each day is given to us by God.
We need to live life each day.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Writings Last For A Lifetime

Reading things of the past
Sheds insight to present

Brings life into stories
Even though not so pleasant

It's so nice to know some things
About what went on in past

Writings last for a lifetime
If we just make it our task

Poem # 711
Idea 24 Jun 29, 2010

9:55 PM in Bed
Change title July 28, 2010

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?What we record in our journals or blogs can last for a lifetime.
Others in the future can read what was written.