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Monday, January 31, 2011

Cast Burdens To Him

So good to share things
As we're going through

Life's trial set at hand
Don't know what to do?

Share what's on your heart
What there can be shame

Cast burdens to Him
For you're not alone

Poem # 834
Idea 27 August 2010
6:50 AM

Times in life we go through things. We can think that we are all alone. But we aren't. God is there for us all the time.

We have to be willing to share our burdens with Him. We can share our hurts or joys with God. He is always willing to listen  to anything that's on our hearts.

May the LORD bless us. May we understand that He is with us always. May we be willing to open up what is on our hearts with the LORD. Amen.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Enjoy Live Life

It's nice to see
That others care

Taking the time
Being so near

In due season
For what's we heard

Speaking kind words

Be in season
For what you know

Enjoy live life
Blessings should flow

Poem # 833
Idea 27 August 2010
6:43 AM
We should have some concern about others. It's nice to see others caring and sharing. We should reach out our hand from time to time. It shows that we care.

May we have a caring heart. May we see the needs of those around us. May we be encourager. May we be in season to do good. May we enjoy and live out our life. Amen.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

God Blesses Our Lives

The good of friendships
We meet in life's way

God to connect then
In life we come to stay

In touch with others
Learning some good tips

God blesses our lives
With our good friendships

Poem # 832
Idea 26 August 2010
6:50 Am

It's a must to have friends. Live without friends isn't good. It's good to connect with people. More so to keep in touch with friends and family member.

May God bless our friendships. May we keep in touch. May we thank God for our friends and family members. May our friendships grow in Jesus' name Amen.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Life Has Its Way

So much in life
That we take in

Don't understand
Takes our last wind

Confusion comes
What's there to do?

So much in life
God helps us through

Challenges set
Test of such pain

Life has its way
Still, Jesus reigns

Poem # 831
Idea 25 August 2010
6:45 AM

There are times in life things come. We don't understand. Through the pain, sorrow and hurt, we at times don't know what to do.

We seem so confused. It's like life has its own way. We have no control over things. The challenges are set. We have to face them as the come.

May we learn as we live life. May we see that what we go through has an end. May we remember what ever we go through, Jesus is LORD and He reigns. Amen

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Autumn Time Has Dawn

Cool Summer morning
In the early dawn

Full moon bright in sky
Like a pause that yawns

Picture perfect day
Brings on a cool chill

Autumn time has dawn
Awakes Summer's thrill

Poem # 830
Idea 6:56 AM

It's nice to see other seasons come. It was like Fall came in the Summertime. The cool air break the thrill of Summer's heat wave. That was so nice.

May we enjoy each season that comes. May we see the good of having season out of seasons. May we do the best we can in any season in our lives. Amen.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Feels Great To See Change

There's a good feeling
Things are getting done

Each day with a plan
Focus on Just one

Each task set at hand
Tackle that one task

Feels great to see change
As each day does past

Poem # 829
Idea 25 August 2010
6:41 AM

We can have a good feeling when we complete things. The hard work in dong a long project. Or completing a class.

In the progress of doing we have challenges. We when press on we feel great to see the changes we made. May we keep focus on what we do. May we see the good in completing things. May God reward us when we go to the next level. Amen.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Life Has Meaning

Why do we rush
To do some things?

As though on clock
That always rings

Take the time spent
To get on through

We shouldn't rush
On what's now due

Do it right first
But not to fuss

Life has meaning
So don't rush

Poem # 828
Idea 24 August 2010
6:45 AM

Life does have meaning. We are here for a purpose. We shouldn't rush to do things. Or go places. We should enjoy the journey in life.

We need to spend our time well. Not clocking in and clocking out of things. But to really enjoy what we are doing. Either what we do for a living or our free time in life.

May we have to attitude that is pleasing. May we not rust to get things do. May we slow down. May we just enjoy the moments that we are in . May we be blessed while we are living out our lives truly living. Amen.

Monday, January 24, 2011

We're On Life's Journey Ahead

Life is full of surprises
No matter what comes our way

There's something there we may see
As its meant to always stay

The laughter of common ground
Finding the humor in things

Brings out the good we can see
This could make us want to sing

A new tune in due season
To set the stages we go

We're on life's journey ahead
God covers us, blessings flow.

Poem # 827
Idea 24 August 2010
Re read on 26 August, 2010
Made some changes

We will come across a lot of surprises in our lifetime. We have to make choices. no matter what comes our way we have one common ground to stand on. Believe that things will work out.

We can find some humor in what we do in  life. It's there. Just look for it. May the joy of what we know be found. May the Lord place the spirit of joy in our hearts. May we continue on the journey of life with those who are around us. Amen.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Each Day Ends, Be At Rest

Once again a new day
Make the most of the stay

Planning out what to do
Step by step going through

Need not to worry still
Focus to do God's will

Love mercy do what's right
Be humble in His sight

Each day ends, be at rest
Live life, learn to confess.

Poem # 826
Idea 23 August 2010
6:40 AM

Each day is a gift from God. We should have some kind of plan for each day. We should worry about what is not there But walk out life as it comes.

We should walk in love and do what we believe is right in the sight of God. As each day comes to an end, may we learn to rest in that day. May we say what the word of God says.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Birth In Life Begins

Birth of new beginnings
Things seem to go so slow

Keep journeying along
In due time things will flow

With fresh new beginnings
Challenges come to change

New birth in life begins
At first thing may feel strange

Poem # 825
Idea 22 August 2010

In life we can birth new beginnings. Things come in our lives when we have to change. At first things seem not to be working. We have to keep moving on with life. In due time things will work out. 

Just keep believing. May God birth something in us to start anew. May we have the wisdom of God to do what we need to do. Amen!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Think On His Goodness

Thinking about things
In which need to change

How to go about it?
Don't know how, sounds strange

Like stuck in a pit
Can't get out of it

Each time make a move
Moving back a bit

How to keep going?
This doesn't make sense

Think on His goodness
For He's our defend

Poem# 824Idea 21 August 2010  7:30 PM Foot of bed  Re read on 26 August 2010 Made some changes

It's not good to be stuck and trying to get out. We know when we have to change things. But how do we go about doing that.?
There a good thing to do. Think on the goodness of God. Ask Him how to do things. May the Lord grant us what to do.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Move With Life's Journey

Stepping up in life
What a scary thought

Challenges set
Thinking what not ought

To be afraid of
Let this be not so

Life has its own way
So don't let life blow

You away life  chaff
Believe that you can

Move with life's journey
Believe you can stand

Poem # 823
Idea 20 August 2010
6:10 PM Upper Room
4th Pew Right side

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thoughts of stepping up in life.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stormy Weather

Another storm
Upon the land

Blowing water
Where ditches stand

Over the road side
Brings a display

Stormy weather
Just go away

Poem # 822Idea 20 August 2010
5:40 PM Upper Room
4th Pew Right side
Re read 26 August 2010
Made some changes

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
We had stormy weather two Fridays in a road.
We ended up with 3" of rain on the twice Friday,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Changes Come Throughout Life

At a point in life
Thinking about things

How did I get here?
Where these thoughts bring?

Questions to what's next?
In life; where to go?

Things shouldn't be so
Breaking up the flow

How do we get back?
When will these things end?

Changes come throughout life
But, where do we began?

Poem # 821
Idea 20 August 2010
Re read 25 August 26, 2010
Made some changes
4:28 PM by big computer

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Continuing from last poem on change.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Let's Believe

Things have come
Have to change

Look about
Come rearrange

Take each one
Set to do

Let's believe
You'll get through

Poem # 820
Idea 20 August 2010
4:12PM by Big computer

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thinking on changes....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Have Clutter Control

So much to go throw
Looking through this stuff

How did I get this far?
Starting to get rough

How to have the will
Needing that mind set

Have clutter control
Just keep your mind set

Poem # 819
Idea 20 August 2010
4:06 AM By big computer
Re read 21 August 22, 2010
Made some changes

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was doing Project Clean Up.
I have to have a mind set to get rid of stuff.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Choose The Jesus Way

On a new journey
Challenges to face

Making some choices
Believing His grace

Life full of cycles
In ways that we would flow

Choose the Jesus way
His way we should go

Poem # 818
Idea 20 August 2010
6:53 AM
Re read 21, Aug 22, 2010
Made some changes

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I began a new journey.
Needing to make some choices.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Old Things Have Passed Away

Awaiting the dawning
As this new day will sing

A fresh new beginning
With His mercy He brings

Awaken on this day
With some new songs to sing

Old things have passed away
Focusing on new things

Poem # 817  Idea 20 August 2010
Re read 22 August 2010 / January 14, 2011 Made some changes Thinking of each day has a fresh new start.  Things of yesterday have passed away. Needing to forgot about what has happened. Move on ahead.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

O Let's Come

O come enter in
We're always welcome

Jesus is there
Come we're always welcome

Give Him thanks
Sing praises unto His name

For He will never ever let us go
Let's come let's come be welcome

O Let's come.
We thank You LORD GOD
We praise Your Holy name.

Poem # 816
Idea 19 August 2010
7 AM

This was just a part of an idea that a did.
A friend had a poem this was what I added

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Moving In The Fog

Fog upon the land
Out by Riverside

So white in color
Surrounding like tide

Can't see things by far
Nor what's up ahead

Moving into the fog
This foggy day led

Poem # 815
Idea 19 August 2010
Re read 20, 23 August 2010
Made some changes

Thought of the fog on this day.
It was very thick. Couldn't see to far ahead.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Eleven Eleven

A day of ones
The day, month year

So neat to see
All the ones here

Will come again
Within this year

Eleven eleven
One more that's there

Poem # 814
Idea 20 August 2010
6:45 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I knew when I wrote this poem, I would post it on 1/11/11.
Thought to write a poem about this day.

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's How We Become

We can see some things
In ways we don't see

How we think can change
How things come to be

As we grow wiser
See things in new light

We couldn't see then
Brings us more insight

How different that was
From then until now

It's how we become
We grow learning how

Poem # 813
Idea 18 August 2010
Re read 20 August 2010
Made some changes

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?Thoughts on how things are different when we look at a different angle.
It's when we become we see things in a new light.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Keeping With It

With perseverance
Along the way

Things can get done
Work day by day

Progress can change
The way things are

Keeping at it
It won't be far

You'll reach your goal
Things can get done

Keeping with it
Thing will get done

Poem # 812
Idea 18 August 2010
6:37 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
...needing to keep moving each day to get goals done.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Life Comes In Many Situations

Another year set to dawn
Early morning on the rise

Not knowing what's here beyond
Try not to look at the size

Life has its situations
Having to do what's the best

Life comes in many situations
Live life by learning to rest

Poem # 811
Idea 17 August 2010
Re read 20 August 2010
Made some changes

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?How situations in life can had some questions about what's ahead.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Like Fall Time Weather

Cool Summer morning
With fog on display

Mist on the window
As though it was spray

What a huge relief
From heat wave that past

Like Fall time weather
With Summer time cast

Poem # 810
Idea 16 August 2010
6:40 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?Relief after a heat wave to Fall like weather.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Placed In A New Place

In a new season
Don't know what to do

Things have been changing
In life, getting through

Having to decide
Which way do I go?

Placed in a new place
Moving with this flow

Poem # 809Idea 15 August 2010
7:55 Upper Room 4th Pew Right side

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
How things change in life when seasons come.
We must move on with things.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Be Aware Of God

What's surrounding you?
The life, where to be

Aware of what's there
From what you can see

How things are going?
What's needed to change?

Life has its troubles
Yes, it may feel strange

Keep doing your best
In what you can do

Be aware of God
For He can save you

Poem # 808
Idea 14 August 2010
7:25 AM Foot of bed

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thoughts of things that are surrounding me.
Need to be more aware of those things.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Peace Has Understanding

In the midst of a storm
Look for the peace within

It's not too far away
Nor is it a strange wind

Speak to the storm there in
To find the peace that dwells

Peace has understanding
As He's the living will

Poem # 807
Idea 13 August 2010
6:05 Upper Room 4th Pew right side

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?Dealing with a storm that's within.
There's peace in the midst of things.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Strong Wind Keeps Blowing Storms

Far away there's a storm
From inside it seems near

In a distant, I see
What appears to be fear

Thundering, lightening, flash
Quickly as blinking eyes

So what thought cast this fear?
To where freight comes to be

Imagination run
Wild for what's there's to see

Strong wind keep blowing storms
God's stronger, then storms be

Poem # 806
Idea 13 August 16, 2010
5:30 PM Upper Room
4th pew right side

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Where does fear come from?
We can see things that causes us to be afraid.
Our imagination can bring on a lot of things.
We need to remember that God is stronger then storms.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

So Special We See

What makes us special?
Is it how we look?

How we speak our word?
What brings in the hook?

The inner spirit
Is what we should see

That makes us brings
In what we should be

Friendly in nature
Brings things out of us

So special we see
It leaves us no fuss

Poem # 805
Idea 13 August 2019
4:43 PM By big computer

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Wondering why people are attach to others.
What makes people want to like others?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Been Caught Up In Life

Catching up on things
Been dragging along

Must have some order
But something goes wrong

Need much more of space
Don't start to slack down

How can this be done?
Where is this time found?

Do one thing at once
Focus on that thing

Been caught up in life
Leaves some more strings

Poem # 804
Idea 13 August 2010
4:35 PM By big computer
Re read 22 August 2010
Made some changes

How Did I Came Up With This Song?Thought of been behind on some things.