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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Next Level In Life

The time has arrived
Turn another page
Next level in life
Moving on with age

Thinking what's ahead
Not sure what it be
But moving along
Still more yet to see

A blank sheet to start
From there now to here
Living out this life
Expressing some care

In life comes changes
We sense it with age
Next Level In life
Turning the next page

Thanks for reading.Poem #1469

Idea 16 Sept 2011
5:45 AM Foot of Bed
Re read 19 Sept 29 , 2011
Made some changes

May we grow in wisdom as we grow older.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Laughter Is So Good

Laughter is so good
Weary soul that's dry
Lightens up somewhat
Kiss sorrow good bye

Softens up the heart
Good words to the soul
Makes joy with in us
That fills in the hole

Medicine that comes
Lightens up inside
What brings this goodness
In love we abide

Lighten up some what
Goods word to the soul
Laughter Is So Good
It fills up the hole

Thanks for reading.
Poem #1468
Idea 13 Sept 2011
6:33 AM Foot of bed
Re read 15, Sept 19, 2011
Made some changes

May we learn to laugh more and more.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Burning Some Bridges

Burning some bridges
On this road of life
Things that lead me on
Turning into strife

Forgiving what past
Yet still peace of mind
Chosen to show love
His love there to find

Deep within our heart
Holy Spirit guides
Us throughout our lives
His there, He abides

With us through out life
Comfort weary soul
Burning Some Bridges
While we become whole

Thanks for reading.
Poem #1467

Idea 14 Sept 2011
By Big Computer 12:12 PM

May we learn to keep burning bridges as we journey throughout life.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Throughout Our Lifetime

Those questions in life
Wonder, why is this?
Not coming to be
In ways that we miss

Right before our eyes
Not seeing what's there
Blinded by our sin
As though we don't care

Questions of questions
Yet don't understand
How we do those things
For what's in our hands

Needing to face life
Day in and day out
Throughout Our Lifetime
There will be those doubt

Thanks for reading.Poem #1465

Idea 13 Sept 2011
5:35 AM Foot Of Bed
Re read 19 Sept 23, 2, 2011
Made some changes

May we keep going in life when questions are questioned.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Looking All Around

Standing at crossroad
Looking all around
Seeing where I've been
In silence, no sound

Pondering ahead
For what might there be
While thanking Jesus
For in Him I see

There's beauty in life
In God, life has come
Creator of all
To least, to some

Crossroad decisions
Pondering ahead
Looking All Around
Being Spirit lead

Thanks for reading.Poem #1465

Idea 12 Sept 2011
5:45 AM Foot of bed
Re read 26 Sept 2011
Made some changes.

May God grant us wisdom for every day living.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day Of Remembrance

Day of Remembrance
As the years passed by
Still questions lingers
Ponder, wonder why?

Still itched in our minds
What happened that Day
Terror by morning
We gathered to pray

What come about then
We remember each year
Gather together
For those who do care

Memories still stand
Remembering that stood
Day Of Remembrance
Praying as we should

Thanks for reading.Poem #1464

Idea 11 Sept 11
9:44 PM
Re read 19 Sept 29, 011
Made some changes

May we learn to pause and remember special days.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Looking Back At Life

Looking back at life
How things use to be
Life has its changes
Things we come to see

Didn't understand things
As we're going through
But as looking back
Things we us to do

They mattered back then
In that time that space
Those changes in time
Brought us to a place

Where changes was needed
Things that come to be
Looking Back At Life
More things yet to see

Thanks for reading.Poem #1463

Idea 10 Sept 11
Foot of Bed 6:47 AM
Re read 15 Sept 20, 29, 2011
Made some changes

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Many Things Left Undone

Hiding from what's there
Prolongs thing in life
Many things left undone
Can bring on more strife

Need it face issues
Those ones right at hand
Seeing them still hope
With strength to with stand

What's coming in path
That may block the way
To get where going
So God as we pray

Guide us in the truth
As we cast the loads
Many things left undone
Leads us on this road

Thanks for reading.
Many Things Left Undone
Poem #1462
Idea 9 Sept 11 5:47 AM

Staying On The Journey,

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Comforting The Soul

Rest in His presence
Peaceful quiet place
Comforting the soul
Seeking more of His face

Worries far away
Huge watery streams
Not see bout floating
Feels lie a sweet dream

To good to be true
As being in place
God's goodness there
His amazing grace

Peaceful so quiet
Worries melts away
Comforting The Soul
Each and every day

Thanks for reading.
Poem #1461
Idea 18 Sept 2011
Foot of Bed 5:34 AM
Re read 20 Sept 2011
Made some changes

Staying On The Journey,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Jesus Is Our LORD

We're clothed in his love
We can choose to wear
His garment of praise
Sweet music with care

Singing Harmony
Of love that dwells
Within our spirits
Keep ringing them bells

Freedom still ringing
Through the songs we sing
Jesus Is Our LORD
His kingdom He brings

Thanks for reading.Jesus Is Our LORD

Poem #1460
Idea 7 Sept 2011 5:40 AM Foot of Bed
Re read 9 Sept 2011
Made some changes.

Staying On The Journey,Susan

Monday, February 18, 2013

Walking In The Light

Walking in the light
Of Jesus always
Exposing the sin
O LORD now we pray

Hear our hearts pray
For we still yet sin
Shine Your light inward
Our hearts to know when

To repent of things
Not pleasing insight
Of what's the real truth
Darkness leaves the light

Exposing the sin
We repent of things
Walking In The Light
Jesus love He brings

Thanks for reading.
Poem #1459

Idea 6 Sept 2011
5:23 AM Foot of Bed

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Jesus Is Saving

Washing of His Word
Cleanse the dirty soul
Faith comes by hearing
Hearing makes us whole

Jesus is saving
Lives from day to day
His kingdom coming
On earth as we pray

Father's will be done
In heaven on earth
Salvation He brings
Through the second birth

Born a second birth
Eternal life be
Jesus Is Saving
Let's taste, come see

Thanks for reading.
Poem #1458

Idea 5 Step 2011
Foot of bed 5:23 AM
Made some changes on
6 Sept 2011

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Becoming Anew

Becoming anew
Each day passing by
Old things gone away
As though they can fly

Into some new thing
Set now in this place
With faith believing
God's amazing grace

Feeling, fresh anew
New beginning see
The beauty of now
And what's there to be

Now in the present
Each day as we go
Becoming Anew
Living as life flows

Thanks for reading.Poem # 1457

Idea 4 Sept 2011
6AM hour Foot of Bed

May we keep Becoming Anew as we journey throughout life.
Staying On The Journey,

Friday, February 15, 2013

Not Seen As Just Work

Projects are a must
Yet should be fun
Not seen as just work
But see them as done

It's something to do
Making part of whole
Working for a goal
each step has a role

Project sounds better
Than a job at hand
From this point to there
Moving make it stand

To finish project
Seeing how its done
Not Seen As Just Work
Make project be fun

Poem # 1456
Idea 3 Sept 2011
7:21 AM Foot of bed
Made some changes on
5 Sept 6, 2011

Thanks for reading.Not Seen As Just Work
May the LORD help us to do our projects.
May we seen project as not just work.

Staying On The Journey,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Living The Love Life

The love within us
It comes for above
God is the Giver
Pure, perfect He's love

Living the love life
Through God's Son, Jesus
Second birth, His saves
For He died for us

Eternal His life
He gives, so believe
Upon our Savior
For those who receive

To surrender lives
We come now believe
Living The Love Life
Jesus, we receive

Poem #1455

Idea 2 Sept  2011
5:34 AM Foot of bed
Re read 5 Sept 6, 2011
Made some changes

Thanks for reading.
Living The Love Life.

May God continue to help us to keep Living The LOVE Life
Staying On The Journey,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Shaping Within Time

Praying a lifestyle
As those breathing air
With thoughts on Jesus
In Him be aware

He's always presence
Never left alone
In life even death
Jesus' presence shone

Walking through out life
Testing comes our way
Shaping Within Time
LORD help us each day

To follow Your lead
As we go about
Shaping Within Time
Leaving those old doubts

Poem #1454
Idea 1 Sept 2011
5:39 AM Foot of bed
Re read 5 Sept 6, 2011
Made some changes

Thanks for reading.
Shaping Within Time
May we be shaped withing as we spend time in pray.
Staying On The Journey,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Standing Here Resting

Worried about things
Don't know how to change
Motions in cycles
Time to rearrange

Going left to right
In all directions
Seeking out relief
Need some connections

Standing here resting
From what all has come
Peace life a river
Taking away some

Those burden laid down
Cast into the sea
Standing Here Resting
Just letting things be

Poem #1453
Idea 22 July 2011
5:25 PM Upper Room
Right 3rd Pew

Thanks for reading.Standing  Here Resting
Staying On The Journey,

Monday, February 11, 2013

Stop To Think Again

Stop to think again
Where am I at Now?
Being in a fix
Wondering but how?

Looking around still
Trying to but when?
With what? Need insight
To live life again

At the cross road sign
Think which way to go?
Wonder, will this work?
Keeping with the flow

Challenges are set
Before journey road
Stop To Think Again
Carry lighter loads

Poem #1452
Idea 10 July 2011
7:50 AM FCP

Re read 1 Sept 2011
Made some changes
This poem found in my notebook.
Forgot to post until now.

Thanks for reading.May we learn to "Stop To Think Again."
While Staying On The Journey,

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Love Of Jesus

The love of Jesus
Expression within
For those who believe
He takes away sin

Crying out to Him
That's all there to do
Following His Word
Who guides us on through

The journey ahead
Into the next phrase
Giving God glory
Our voices we raise

God is there with us
In all that we do
The Love Of Jesus
Guides us the way through

Poem #1451
Idea 5 August 2011
Inside Word Of Life Church's foyer after Friday service
This was a found poem in one of my notebooks

Re read 1 Sept 2011
Made some changes

Thanks for reading. May "The Love Of Jesus" be show to those around us.
Staying On The Journey,

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Living Out Each Day

How hard life can be?
Living out each day
Trials, tribulations
That comes in our way

In life comes the test
For things seem to be
Harder than we think
Yet more than we see

Through day in, day out
God forever there
Living Out Each Day
God forever cares

Poem #1450
Idea 31 August 2011
6:45 AM LBP

Re read 1 Sept 2011
Made some changes

Thanks for reading.Living Out Each Day
Staying On The Journey,

Friday, February 8, 2013

Life Is A Journey

Closer and closer
As time goes along
Time seems to go fast
Like singing long songs

Not enough to do
But need to get done
All that's there to be
Doing one by one

Time and time again
Time seems not to last
Life Is A Journey
But Will it go fast?

Poem #1449
Idea 31 August 2011
5:46 AM Foot of Bed

Thanks for reading.Life Is A Journey
Staying On The Journey,

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Believe In Our Hearts

Hope looks straight ahead
For what we don't see
For what's there to be

Hope opens up doors
For what we yet know
But believes in heart
For what faith can show

Within our spirits
We can so believe
Only if only
If we can receive

With expectation
This such hope can live
Believe In Our Hearts
By faith as we give

Poem #1448Idea 31 August 2011
6:31 AM LBP

Re read 1 Sept 2011
Made some changes

Thanks for reading.May we continue to "Believe In Our Hearts"
Staying On The Journey,

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Where Stillness Lays

Peace comes in silence
Where stillness lays
Within the soul realm
Where we have some sighs

Peace being quiet
As life,has it be
Coming as it is
But still we do see

Things that we don't like
Things not going right
Life on the sideline
Needing more insight

Peace comes in silence
Where things calm down
Where Stillness Lays
Kneeling to the ground

Poem #1447
Idea 30 August 2011
5:45 AM Foot of Bed

Re read 31 August 2011 and 1 Sept 2011
Made some changes

Thanks for reading.Where Stillness Dwells
Staying On The Journey,
Peace Be With You,

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Balance Out Our Lives

Doing what's needed
Balance out somethings
Can't keep on doing
Those things cycles stings

Taking away life
Stealing joy away
Stuck in the long run
Need no more to stay

Decide what to do
Doing what's the best
Making up mind set
Need to get some rest

Doing what's needed
Doing what's make best
Balance Out Our Lives
Learn to get some rest

Poem #1446
Idea 29 August 2011
5:31 AM Foot of Bed

Re Read 30 August 2011
Made some changes

Thanks for reading.Balance Our Our Lives
Staying On The Journey,

Monday, February 4, 2013

New Day Has Dawned

In a new season
Stepping out to see
What's set before us
In all there's to be

Look at what's still here
In what will be changed
Transformed into life
Yet it feels so strange

Looking at once was
Becoming now to be
It seem in fullness
For all can come see

Beautiful is life
God's gift for us all
New Day Has Dawned
Let's live for His call

Poem #1445
Idea 28 August 2011
7:45 AM Upper Room Front Center Pew

Re read 29 August
Made some changes

Thanks for reading.New Day Has Dawned
Staying On The Journey,

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Finish Out Every Day

Been along hard day
Now comes to an end
Resting, need some peace
In all weak within

To stop, let thing go
Moving from where been
Making the most of now
Repenting from sins

Focus on what's ahead
Forgive, do our best
Finish Out Every Day
In Jesus, take rest

Poem # 1444
Idea 27 August 2011
10:13 PM In Bed

Re read 29 August 30, 2011
Made some changes

Thanks for reading.Finish Out Every
Staying On The Journey,

Saturday, February 2, 2013

On Life's Journey Road

Beginning again
Feeling a new start
Moving with changes
Coming from the heart

Pause, taking a look
All what use to do
Those old memories
What had to go through

Now, moving onward
On this journey road
Life, we celebrate
To lighten each load

The joy of living
Living in the flow
On Life's Journey Road
 Each day as we go

Poem #1443
Idea 26 August 2011
5:40 AM Foot of bed

Re read 29 August 2011
Made some changes

Thanks for reading.On Life's Journey Road
Staying On The Journey,

Friday, February 1, 2013

New Awakening

New awakening
A beautiful day
Life is worth living
Living a new way

Leaving things behind
That seems all as waste
Holding somethings back
Moving to new place

Clearing mind set new
On journey ahead
Enjoying the view
Forget what's been dread

Life is worth living
This beautiful day
New Awakening
Living a new way

Poem #1442
Idea 25 August 2011
5:41 AM Foot of Bed

Re read 29 August 2011
Made some changes

Thanks for reading.New Awakening
Staying On The Journey,