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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Another Day Dawning

Another day dawning
Very windy with
Heavy overcast
As I watched the grayish black clouds
Race across the southern skies Northward
The wind pushing me backward
As I viewed the horizon
I saw layers of grayish clouds
Folding upward
Like steps with lines of light
Peaking out
The steps appeared to lead somewhere
O God's creation
So beautiful
Displayed as a picture
A masterpiece of art
Enjoying God's creation
The robin is still singing
More cheerfully than yesterday
Spring is coming

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Poem # 1654

Idea March 7, 2012

Friday, August 30, 2013

Enjoying God's Creation

Another beautiful
Early morning dawning
The light blue horizon
Blended with colors of
Pink, orange and yellow
The atmosphere smelling
The aroma that fill the air
The cool breeze upon my face
Looking around at the ground
The earth coming back to life.
Again some birds flying
In against the wind
Yet, sill I'm hearing
A bird singing
Cheerful songs
Spring is coming!
Enjoying God's creation.
God makes everything beautiful

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Poem #1653

Idea March 6, 2012

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Stretching On Forward

Stretching on forward Making up the best
Yet what can be done? Well far from the rest

Not putting up front To show off good things
But blessings others With great joy that brings

Keep pressing onward With mind set at ease
Hoping for the best For what's here to please?

New things coming forth Awaiting to see
Stretching On Forward For most still to be

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Poem #1650

Idea 5 March 2012
In Bed 10:15 PM
Re read April 12, 24, 2012
Made some changes

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

To New Beginnings

The end of the line Now which way to go?
Could this be the end? To what going through?

Or the beginning Of when had to end
Making some choices From now on and when

Things needing to change From time to time past
Each thing will soon end Every thing can't last

But our lifetime set The end of the line
To New Beginnings With God we'll do fine

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Poem #1651

Idea 6 March 2012
In Bed 9:45 PM

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pieces Of History

Compiling info For a book to read
Family histories From household to head

Telling a story Ancestry done past
Richness in beauty Through time, it can last

To all generations Handed down the line
Pieces Of History For all to come find

Thanks for reading.
Poem #1650

Idea 5 March 2012
In Bed 10:10 PM
Re read March 23, 2012
Made some changes

Monday, August 26, 2013

Beauty In Living

Beauty in living As life comes about
Full of surprises Blasting out a shout

The up and the downs When things turn around
Getting back on track Once those things are found

Don't be distance Keeping head up high
Believing for the best Wish bad things good bye

Bursting out a shout When things turn around
Beauty In Living Goodness can be found

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Poem #1649

Idea 4 March 2012 In Bed 9:39 PM
Re read April 24, 2012
Made some changes

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Beyond The Shadows

Beyond the shadow Of what use to be
Upon a new day Things not yet to see

From what once happens Aftermath display
Challenges changes Some things set array

Being now present Our lives yet to be
Gifts from God Himself Display now to see

Upon a new day Things not yet to see
Beyond The Shadows Of what use to be

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Poem #1648

Idea 3 March 2012 In Bed 9:45 PM
 Re read 18 March, 2012 Made some changes.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hoping It Warms Up

Feeling the coldness The air that's within
Circling around Blowing in the wind

Quiet, sitting still Trying not to move
Yet, feeling the warmth  Stepping in the grove

Resting here a spell Until time to go
Hoping it warms up Right now, I don't know

Still, sitting quiet Feeling air within
Hoping It Warms Up Yet, still don't know when

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Poem #1647

Idea 2 March 2012 Upper Room
2nd to end back pew right. 5:30 PM

Friday, August 23, 2013

Beauty Surrounding

Goodness of being Dwelling in this place
Beauty surrounding Flowing in His grace

Forgiven pardon Not where use to be
Moved by His compassion Allowing us to see

His loving kindness Expressed through His Son
Display on the tree For all He had done

Still altogether Lovely dwelling place
Beauty Surrounding God's amazing grace

Thanksfor reading.Poem #1646

Idea 2 March 2012 Upper Room
2nd Pew Left Back 5:06 PM

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Spring Ready To Go

Spring time is coming Warm air breathing in 
Flowers push upward It's sooner than then

What calendar says Seasons are changing
For in between time Now arranging

Cold here still lingers Doesn't stop up flow
Green grass still growing Spring; ready to go

Warm air breathing in Spring time is flowing
Spring Ready To Go Warmer air growing.

Thanks for reading.Poem #1645

Idea 1 March 2012 In Bed 9:45 PM
Re read March 2, 2012
Made some changes

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Entering Into

The ordinary Isn't the same thing
There's a different touch Much much more it brings

Out into the open Where every one sees
The difference things make When all is let be

Not ordinary Stepping out of place
Entering Into God's amazing grace.

Thanks for reading.

Poem #1644

Idea 29 Feb 2012 In Bed 10:09 PM

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

To Explore What's There

More discoveries Making my way through
To explore what's there From all in the clues

Searching out to see Surprises that come
Happy as can be Adding up the some

Of what finding out Through searching through
What clues come about Finding out what's new

Old info set to Discovering each key
To Explore What's There For those to come see

Thanks for reading.Poem #1643

Idea 28 Feb 2012 In Bed 9:31 PM
Re read 2 March 13, 2012
Made some changes.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Trying Hard To Change

Trying hard to change Can't sem to shake it
Try and try again Every liitle bit

Seems to turn away What was plan all out
This inside of me Makes me what to shout

How long will it be? been attached so long
Can't  seen to shake it Singing, singing songs

To praise Jesus, King Try and try again
Trying Hard To Change Along way since then

Thanks for reading.Poem #1641

Idea 27 Feb 2012 In Bed 9:23PM
Re read March 18, 2018
Made some changes

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Longing So Far To Stay

Beauty awake the dawn Upon this Holy day
Clear blue skies cool fresh air Longing so far to stay

Grass becoming greener The warmer air comes in
Setting down a spell Hoping for now and when

The weather staying good For along wait it's here
Enjoying each moments Bringing joy comfort, cheers

Beauty awaken the dark Upon this holy night
Longing So Far To Stay Drawn into the light

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Poem #1640

Idea 26 Feb 2012
2nd Pew Back Right 7:40 PM
Re read March 18, 2012
Made some changes

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Things Have Been Shaken

Shifting things around Got to keep on moving
Things have been shaken Need to keep moving

Thoughts out track some Got to take a break
Make most time doing What's needed in life

Slowing down the pace Still got to keep moving
Life is a hard road Need to have a plan

Keep on keeping on Move along the road
Things Have Been Shaken Must keep going on

Thanks for reading.
Poem #1639

Idea 25 Feb 2012 In bed 9:36 PM

Friday, August 16, 2013

Casting All Weary

Let the Spirit guide Along our life's road
Casting all weary Release heavy loads

Put hope in Jesus Focus on His way
That leads to new hope Believing to pray

The will of God's will Through the Spirit man
Guidance into truth Hold fast, His Word stands

Along our life's road Focus on His way
Casting All Weary Trusting God always

Thanks for reading.

Poem #1638
Idea 24 Feb 2012
4th Pew Right Front 6:21PM
Re read March 13, 2013
Made some changes.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Moving Through Each Moment

Staying on the journey One day at a time
Move through each moment Don't think, it's a crime

To enjoy yourself Taking time to rest
Making the most of What you do the best

So relax, enjoy The journey you're on
Take time to stop, think Remember the One

Whom to focus on Jesus, what He's done
Move Through Each Moment Thank God for His Son

Thanks for reading.
Poem #1637

Idea 15 Feb 2012 Foot of Bed 5:53 AM
Re read  March 2, 2012
Made some changes.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Off On The Journey

Off on the journey A fresh brand new start
Reflecting on now Expressions from heart

Seeing God's goodness In actions and deeds
People understand For we all have needs

Being more patience When having to wait
Brings out character Hoping not too late

Beginning anew Reflecting on now
Off On The Journey Just imagine, Wow!

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Poem # 1636

Idea 22 Feb 2012 Foot of Bed 9:25 PM
Re read on  26 Feb 2012 and March 13, 2012
Made some changes

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Awaiting The Wait

Entering Into The season that stands
Awaiting the wait Doing more than can

While moving forward Into what's ahead
Not knowing what's there Hoping to be led

Keeping hope alive Faith within the heart
Believing the best Right now from the start

Standing at the door Entering into
Awaiting The Wait Waiting to go through

Thanks for reading.

Poem #1635

Idea 21 Feb 2012 By Big computer 12:30 PM
Re read 26 Feb 2012 Made some changes.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Thinking What To Do?

Thinking what to do Making plans at hand
Need to rearrange And learn to with stand

The trouble that comes In all different ways
Choose to over come No matter what days

Trouble in the midst Awaken the night
Casting care to God Drawn into the light

Seeing what's the truth walk away from doubt
Thinking What To Do? Is there away out?

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Poem #1634

Idea Feb 20, 2012
Foot Of Bed 8:33 PM
Re read March 2, 2012
11 April 2012
Made some changes.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

As The Day Pass By

Over look some things Doing best to see
What missed the first time Better now to be

On track of somethings Looking at the list
Checking it again Seeing what I'd missed

Adding up the sum A story to tell
As The Day Pass By When all became well

Thanks for reading
Poem #1633

Idea 19 Feb 2012 In Bed 10:06 PM
Re read 11 April 19, 2012
Made some changes
Some corrections on 11 August 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

As We Travel Onward

Thinking of the good In life that we bring
As we travel onward Through the song we sing

Expression within God's goodness He gives
Through out our lifetime As long as we live

Jesus, within us Wherever we go
Good times and bad times We live in His flow

Cleansing us from sin Through lifetime He brings
As We Travel Onward Through His songs we sing

Thanks for reading.
Poem #1632

Idea 18 Feb 2012 In Bed 9:48 PM
Re read 27 Feb 2012 Made some changes.

Friday, August 9, 2013

This Time Of The Year

Delightful weather This time of year
Celebrating good That brings on some cheer

Life is a journey In ways that we live
Out ourselves inward In all what we give

Out of our whole heart Our soul man, we be
In unity faithful What God wants to see

Celebrating life No matter that's there
This Time Of The Year In sadness and in fears

Thanks for reading.

Poem #1631

Idea 17 Feb 2012 Upper Room
2nd pew back right Re read Feb 21, 2012
and March 13, 2012.
Made some changes

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ideas Flowing In

Ideas flowing in Ways don't understand
Coming into thoughts As fast as I can

Write what's coming to My thinking delight
What to journal down? Words bring some insight

Compose a poem Here waiting about
The words to come forth No wonder  without

Making a story What to journal down?
Ideas Flowing in Word's without a sound

Thanks for reading.

Poem # 1630

Idea 17 Feb 2012 Upper Room
2nd pew right back 5:47 PM

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Change In Life's Season

Change in life's season Suddenly a turn
Shift situation Feeling like it burns

Sensing something new Coming up ahead
Flip flop directions Insight more to shed

Each day comes along Shaking off the past
Keep focus on now Not to move so fast

Pacing what doing We're not in a race
Change In Life's Season God's amazing grace

Thanks for reading.Poem #1629

Idea Feb 16, 2012
9:48 PM In Bed

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Doing What's Needed

Been busy about Doing what's needed
Moving right along Need to be seated

At times doing that's Needed, be at rest
Awake to Spirit Need to do the best

Doing what's needed All in a day's work
Such fun good day, not Feeling of a jerk

Need to be seated Need to be at rest
Doing What's Needed Need to do the best

Thanks for reading.
Poem #1620

Idea Feb 15, 2012 Foot of Bed
9:42 PM Re read 16 Feb 17 , 2012
Made some changes. Aug 7, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

In Moments Of Time

Things seem out of place What's going on here?
In moments of time Sensing on this fear

What's happening now? Things seen out of place
Strange unresting stare Expressions on face

Tired, seem so weary Weak losing the touch
Needing to come rest Not to do too much

Sensing on good thoughts What's happening now?
In Moments Of Time Renewing my vows

Thanks for reading.

Poem #1627

Idea 14 Feb 2012 In Bed at 10:28 PM
Re read 16 Feb 2012 and March 8, 2012
Made some changes.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Keep On Doing Good

Experiences learnt From what you do know
Keep on doing There's something that snows

Fruits of the spirit Coming out before
Expression in life Learning to adore

Experience things As life comes to be
Which God intended For all to come see

Goodness, His mercy That follow our days
Keep On Doing Good With God's love always

Thanks for reading.

Poem #1626

Idea 13 Feb 2012 at 9:49 PM In Bed
Re read Feb 16, 2012 and March 8, 2012
Made some changes.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Awaken Not Sleepy

Awake not sleepy But tired in away
Over done it some Laying here to pray

Weary, resting still Thinking of this day
Special things happened While making my stay

Doing daily dos Along with some more
Needed task be done Much more than a chore

Bringing on this rest Laying here to pray
Awaken Not Sleepy Thankful for this day

Thank for reading.
Poem #1625

Idea `12 Feb 2012 In Bed 10:43 PM
Re read Feb 14, 2012 Made some changes

Friday, August 2, 2013

On Into What's Next

And suddenly comes Our lifetime to pass
On into what's next As long as we last

Struggling along To make things work out
When things come unplanned We seem to have doubt

But by what we see Isn't to be so
Our faith to believe In what we don't know

Keep trust in Jesus Our lifetime to pass
On Into What's Next Not wearing a mask

Thanks for reading.

Poem #1624
Idea 11 Feb 2012 ~10:35 PM In Bed
Re read 14 Feb 15, and 21, 2012
Made some changes

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Of What Next To Come

Ending of the past Continues bit more
Leaving what's behind But not keeping score

Needing to let go Moving on  from there
Got new things to do Handling with care

Not looking backwards At what could have been
Seeing what's ahead Keep going till end

Of what's not yet come Hoping for the best
Of What Next To Come Growing through each test

Thanks for reading.
Poem #1623

Idea 10 Feb 2012
11:39 PM In Bed
Re read 14, Feb 15 and 21 , 2012
Made some changes