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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Let Go Completely

Let go completely, Holding on too long
Have the faith in God, He's making you strong

Trust, believe in Him, Keeping you in line
Life's path you shall go, Shaping to, refine

Compose how you think, Go a different way
Open up to life, Living day by day

Come alive and speak, Believing it's so
Let go completely, The best you shall know

Thanks for reading Poem #2229

Idea on September 15, 2013 at 9:46 PM in chair by south window
Re read and made some changes on 6 March 16, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015

Let's Be More Thankful

Let's be more thankful, Every day in life
Not holding grudges, Not causing more strife

Have a giving heart, Thankful in all deeds
Each  life to invest, Sowing better seeds

Then of what we think, More than what we do
Coming up higher, Maneuvering through

With a grateful heart, Expressions from heart
Let's be more thankful, Now, where do we start?

Thanks for reading Poem #2229

Idea on September 14, 2013 at 9:35 PM in chair by south window
Re read and made some changes on 6 March 16, 2015

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Making Some Changes

Making some changes, In thoughts, words, and deeds
Cease doing old things, Harvest, planting seeds

Long done in season, Set time come, but, how?
Still, cultivating, Pacing things for now

But, in due season, The harvest will show
Forth what then had sown, For what long to know

Jesus, the journey, Having to move on
Making some changes, As each day that dawns

Thanks for reading Poem #2227

Idea on September 13, 2015 at 5:50 PM in UR Front and center pew
Re read and made some changes on 6 March 16, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Time For Reflecting

Time for reflecting, Thanksgiving from heart
Being so grateful, Living as God's art

Created by Him, From our mother's womb
Maturing in life, In Jesus in whom

Died to save the world, From death, sickness, sin
Redeeming our souls, Second birth, we begin

New life's journey road, Giving thanks and praise
Time for reflecting, Witnessing our days

 Thanks for reading Poem #2226

Idea on September 12, 2013 at 10:20 PM  in chair at south window
Re read and made some changes on 6 March 16, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

Trust God At His Word

Time to turn the page, Look no further there
Leave those things behind, Departure draws near

Head outward in faith, Don't be afraid now
Trust God at His Word, Cease wondering how

Things will come to past, Keep believing still
When don't know for sure, Always got to yield

To God, every day, Knee before His throne
Trust God at His Word, His beauty, be shown

Thanks for reading Poem #2225

Idea on September 11, 2013 at 9:29 PM in chair by south window
Re read and made some changes on March 15, 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Making Some Progress

Making some process, Sailing day by day
Doing a little, Looking a long way

What needs to be done, Take time to ponder
Let's get organized, No need to wonder

About what to do, But, have a plan made
And work from that page, Pressing, let things fade

Blessings, leave behind, Whatever you go
Making some progress, Reaping what you sow

Thanks for reading Poem #2224

Idea on September 10, 2015 at 9:45 PM in chair at south window
Re read and made some changes on 6 March 15, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Look At What You Have

Checking out some things, My life passing by
What to stop doing, No time to deny

People disconnect, Gone another way
Cease doing those things, Sense gone astray

Lost connections, No more need to waste
Looking at what have, I'm not in a race

Live to enjoy life, Though things may be rough
Look at what you have, Think twice, that's enough

Thanks for reading Poem #2223

Idea on September 9, 2013 at 10 PM in chair by south window
Re read and made some changes on March 15, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Going Much Deeper

Going much deeper, In God, as of now
Moving closer still, Kneeling, face to bow

Nor looking around, Focus and clinging
On Jesus, God's Word, The Hope He's bringing

To make all things new, Becoming alive
On the journey life, Pressing to strive

In all that I do, Seeking, the Savior
Going much deeper, Changing behavior

Thanks for reading Poem #2222

Idea on September 8, 2013 at 9:26 PM in chair at south window
Re read and made some changes on 6 March 15, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Looking Straight Ahead

Looing straight ahead, Crossing over soon
Feeing an unrest, But, staying in tune

With the Spirit man, Who's leading the way
Another years comes, Dawning a new day

Awake beginning Create works of art
Clean slant, blank pages Fresh ink, learn by heart

What's right, from the wrong By changing mind set
Looking straight ahead, Another door shuts

Thanks for reading Poem # 2221

Idea on September 7, 2013 at 9:59 PM in chair by south window
Re read and made some changes on 6 March 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Time Has Gone Past Us

Time has gone past us, Years lingering near
Precious memories, In closeness; brings care

For one another, Oh, how good to see
Unity at last, Come joy, let it be

Spread throughout the land, Peace ever lasting
Lift up our voices So, let's start casting

Our burdens to Go, Lighten up the load
Time has gone past us, Heading up the road

Thanks for reading Poem #2220

Idea on September 6, 2013 at 2:45 PM at Chet's booth
Re read and made some changes on 6 March 14, 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Journaling Mode

The journaling mode, Its upon me now
Church, in life: first thing Thinking of God, Wow!

Can I write like this? Revelation, words
Of encouragement, To what I've then heard

Not from anyone, But wisdom here comes
Only by Spirit, Of God, how awesome

Re thinking the life, Given from above
The journaling mode, God's tender, kind love

Thanks for reading Poem #2219

Idea n September 5, 2013 at 9:35 PM at south window: Soaking feet
Re read and made some changes on 6 March 14, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015

Believe That You Can

Believe that you can, Get through life's task
Moving past each day, Continue to ask

Questions, you don't know, Doubting as dismay
Cast care unto God, Believing this day

He knows all your needs, Each concern, He cares
In His kingdom, come, For we are His heirs

So trust in His ways, Doing what He says
Believe that you can, Casting out dismay

Thank for reading Poem #2218

Idea on September 4, 2013 at 9:38 PM in chair at south window.
Re read and made some changes on 6 March 14, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Not To Worry Still

Not to worry, still, Thoughts: do others care?
Come when want something, Only time, draw near

Forget about past, Future there to be
In a distant now, No vision to see

How to get in place? Where sent forth to go?
Hoping deep inside God's Spirit come flow

Into my heart, path, Calming down the storm
Not to worry, still, Becoming transform

Thanks for reading Poem #2217

Idea on September 3, 2013at 9:04 PM in chair at south window
Re read and made some changes on  6 March 14, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Needing To Cut Back

Needing to cut back, On things use to do
Spending way too much, Don't need something new

Learn to do without, Using what I got
Having to take back, On things, I do not

Need but, use those things, In my possession
De cluttering life, Things are obsession

Not in control of, What was use to be
Needing to cut back, More clearer, I'll see

Thanks for reading Poem #2216

Idea on September 2, 2013 at 10PM in chair by south window
Re read and made some changes on 6 March 14, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Crossed Over The Line

Crossed over the line Passed through new doors
Refreshed, feeling good, Peaceful and much more

To come while going, Onward by the way
Of the cross, land, road Living day by day

Under the shade tree, God with us always
In our suffering, Struggles of dismay

Believe He's coming, Open up to the new
Crossed over the line, God will get you through

Thanks for reading Poem #2215

Idea on September 1, 2013 at 19:41 PM
Re read and made some changes on March 5, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015

Celebrating Life

Celebrating life As mile stones to come
Each and every one So great, how awesome

Those accomplishments Seen from year to year
Good feelings inside The heart drawing near

Jesus, our salvation Guiding us His way
Making us better, Witness on display

His glory on earth His creation be
Celebrating life In time, we'll foresee

Thanks for reading Poem #2214

Idea on August 21 2013 at 7:58 PM in chair at south window
Re read and made some changes on 5 March 10, 2015

Sunday, March 15, 2015

In A Brand New Place

In a brand new place, A good feeling too
Not like it's strange, Feel love flowing through

The people who surround With arms, stretching hands
Welcoming me in, Wherever I stand

In all life's issues, In good times, the bad
Feeling God's comfort, Even though when feel sad

A place where I go, It's always the same
In a brand new place Thanking God, He came

Thanks for reading Poem #2213

Idea on August 30, 2013 at 9:29 PM
Re read and made some changes on 4 March 5, 2015

Saturday, March 14, 2015

All In A Day's Work

All in a days work Still, there's more to do
Thought done all I could Still, didn't get through

With what was needed, Doing this and that
Forgot to do things, Didn't know where at

Until the end of, What was said, not done
Learning to pace self Doing one by one

Ceasing from labor, Set time now, to rest
All in a day's work, Believe done my best

Thanks for reading Poem #2212

Idea on August 29, 2013 at 10:18 PM in chair by south window.
Re read and made some changes on 4 March 5, 2015

Friday, March 13, 2015

The Dream Lingers On

The dream lingers on, But, been on a pause
Awaken from sleep Excuses, because

The vision been lost, The dreams once spoken
Been long time ago, Through time, got broken

Once alive and well, In hearts, set a flame
Driven by issues, In life, speaking blame

Go back to vision, Re live what was seen
The dream lingers on, To the cross, still cling

Thanks for reading Poem #2210

Idea on August 28, 2913 at 9:15 PM in chair by south window
Re read and made some changes on 4 March 5, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Let The Moments Be

Let the moments be, Remember the past
Keep some dreams alive, No more than can ask

Memories linger As each day, gone by
Keep the flame burning, Not asking of why?

Nor how long to do, What's needed right now
Of yesterday task, Or even if how?

To do what's needed, Heed to the present
Let the moments be, Invest time, well spent

Thanks for reading Poem #2209

Idea on August 27, 2013 at 9:37PM in chair by south window
Re read and made some changes on 4 March 5, 2015

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Seeing With New Light

Seeing with new light, How some things could be
Wondering if so, Or if I can see

The good in matters, That come on display
Believing Jesus, While I come to stay

His guidance will lead, A long ways to go
Where He's sending me, Due time will overflow

Seeing with new eyes, His beauty unfolds
Seeing with new light, His glory beholds

Thanks for reading Poem #2208

Idea on August 26, 2013 at 9:33 PM in chair by south window.
Re read and made some changes on March 1 and 2, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Redrawing The Line

Redrawing the line, Don't want to go there
Changing the focus, Touch of God, don't fear

So, what's now needed? Should we take a stand?
Or remind seated? Whatever at hand

What we need to do, Lift up our voices
Believing in God, Making right choices

Turning to Jesus, Repenting of sins
Redrawing the line, Trusting God, Amen

Thanks for reading Poem #2207

Idea on August 25, 2013 at 9:49 PM in chair by south window.
Re read and made some changes on 1 March 5, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

Going Here Beyond

Going here beyond, Haven't seen before
Larking all around, Still being ignored

Looking somewhere else, Where feeling God's love
Being recognized, By those from above

Comforting, Spirit, Tender hearts, kind
Joy unspeakable, Spirit, soul and mind

Believing the best, Living in the flow
Going here beyond, Hoping that we'll know

Thanks for reading Poem #2206

Idea on August 24, 2013 at the kitchen table at 3:20 PM

Sunday, March 8, 2015

See The Other Side

See the other side, Of what, couldn't see
Have a new viewpoint, Wonder, what can be?

Come of, what, once was, Into the brand new
Waiting, let's begin, Come, believing through

To the other side, Seeing what couldn't
Blinded by the light, By what we shouldn't

Be thinking, the worst, Not knowing to trust
See the other side, We need not to rush

Thanks for reading Poem #2205

Idea on August 23, 2013 in Chet's boot at 1:43 PM
Re read and made some changes on March 1 and 2, 2015

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Don't Worry Be Still

Don't worry be still, Learn to sing new songs
Keep moving forward, Keep on, standing strong

Not to look back on, Things you cannot change
Keep moving onward Think not, this feels strange

Not knowing if so, What will come to past?
Believe, keep going, Live as though, the last

Into the next phrase Shaking off the dust
Don't worry, be still Believe God, and trust

Thanks for reading Poem #2205

Idea on August 22, 2013 at 947 PM on edge of bed in room.
Re read and made some changes on 1 March 2, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015

Clearing Out Some Space

Clearing out some space, Mind set needs to change
No more time to chase, Stepping out, seems strange

From what plan to do, Adjusting, around
And pressings on through, Sensing more abound

Planning what to do, Challenges to make
Depart from that place, Oh, for goodness sake

Matters has to rest, Mind set needs to change
Clearing out some space, Got to rearrange

Thanks for reading Poem #2204

Idea on August 13, 2013 at 9:19 PM in chair at south window
Re read and made some changes on February 26, 2015 and
March 2, 2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015

There's Good In Changes

There's good in changes, By getting off track
Those things use to do, Taking longer, slacks

Doing some things new, Let go of what's past
Trying to keep up, No longer can last

With old crowd, standing, Cease doing those things
Wasting time, effort, No puppet, loose strings

Going to believe, In what's now, to come
There's good in changes Believe, that's awesome

Thanks for reading Poem #2203

Idea on August 20, 2013 at 8:47 PM in chair at south window
Re read and made some changes on February 26, 2015 and
March  1 and 2, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Coming To Senses

Coming to senses Need to do no more
Been doing so long Time to close some doors

Open up new ones Seeking for others
In place where I'm at, Least not to smother

In water to deep, Sinking below ground
Things don't understand, Nor things to be found

Need not to say more, Been doing so long
Coming to senses Singing some new songs

Thanks for reading Poem #2202

Idea on August 19, 2013 at 8:40 PM in chair at south window
Re read and made some changes on March 2, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Along Life's Journey

Along life's journey Gone another way
Seeing with new eyes Not going astray

Being Spirit lead, Learning how to pray
About life's issues, Thinking, what to say?

Through experiences, Pressing on through things
Acknowledge, behold, Got more songs to sing

Making more progress Gone another way
Along life's journey, Learning how to pray

Thanks for reading Poem #2201

Idea on August 18, 2013 at 9:15 PM in chair at south window
Re read and made some changes on February 25, 2015 and
March 2, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

Gaze Upon The Lord

Gaze upon the Lord, Rising here, above
Be gone, no more pain, Focus on God's love

Not the fear, anger, Not the shame, nor lust
Be in faith, in Him For, in Him we trust

Think, you're not alone, In togetherness
With one another, Being more, nor less

Unity as one, We're on common ground
Gaze upon the Lord, Where mercy is found

Thanks for reading Poem #2200

Idea on August 17, 2013 at 7:28 PM in chair at south window
Re read and made some changes on 23 February 2015  and
March 2, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Resting In Quiet

Resting in quiet, Peace, settling mind
Doing what doing, Believing, it's fine

In presence of God, A safe place to be
From the storms of life, Coming forth, we see

Full and in color, Life's issues at hand
Wishing for the best, How long will we stand?

And when will things end? Remember, to keep
Resting in quiet, Even while, we sleep

Thanks for reading Poem #2199

Idea on Augurs 16, 2013 in Upper Room: 4th pew right side at 5:36 PM
Re read and made some changes on 23 February 2015 and March 2, 1015