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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reflections On July '08

It has been a good month. Things have changed. I am seeing new things coming in my life. It is good to look back on life and see the good.

In this month I have begun to move on in a new direction. I was traveling down a wrong road. Some how I was on a detour.

Now that I have decided to move on in a new way, I can think about other things. I need not to worry about what is to come.

God is with me. I have to hold me head up high. Forgiveness is the key to move on. What once was is in my thinking. I cannot forget. But I can forgive.

It has been nice. God is GREAT! Thank You, Jesus.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Keep Pressing

What makes things interesting to keep pressing toward what you want to do?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Grounds

I plan to take off some this week for the normal things that I do. I want to ponder more this week. I believe that I have crossed over in to new grounds.

I am thankful that God has been with me. I am thankful that things have been changing. I am thankful that I have crossed new grounds.

Monday, July 28, 2008


I made a discovery last week. I had a lot of trouble getting on my computer. I notice that I can work off line. I can read RSS.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Worship Day

May you have a Wonderful Day. God Bless.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Day to You!

I am mostly over on my main blog. I am sharing some of my testimonies.

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Mile Stone

A brother turns 60. I am the only one in the house in the 40's. The many different ages in my family. 70's, 60's, 50, and 40's.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mile Stone Weekend

This is a special week. Hope that is will be very special. The turning of some pages into a new level.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hearts Desires

What are my hearts desires?

God show me Your hearts desires for my life in Jesus' name Amen.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Say What's Next?

I blog so much that I forget who I blog about. I have been looking back at my blog archives. I need to keep track of what I am doing.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Future Blogging

I am so far ahead on my main blog in future blogging. I have ideas come to my thinking. I jot the
ideas down.

I start my blog with a thought. Then I come back to them as I go about blogging. I don't know how I am doing this.

I have been in a mode of writing since July the 8Th. I hope that I don't get a blogger block after I have been blogging for a while.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Gather As The Church

It's the first day of the week.

I hope that you are going to gather together as the church. May the message encourage you.

Have A Wonderful Week! God bless.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mid West Weather

It has been cool in the mornings. In the 90's in the afternoon. This has been a unusual summer.

It's not as hot as the past. July is half over. We are in the dog days of Summer.

May we make it through these days without compiling when it is hot.

Friday, July 18, 2008


It is Friday, I need a break from the routine things that I do from time to time. I don't know what I will do? I need to find some thing.

I got to go to gather with the people of God. We are the church. We are not coming to church. We are the church.

I need a break.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I started my book of remembrance back on this day in 1999. I am still recording some of the goodness that God is bringing into my life.

I have come through a lot of things. Some of those things I have recorded in a notebook. I can return to this book and see the good things God brought me out of.

May we learn to record what God has done for us. When we are in a trial or in testing, May we return to our book of remembrance and be reminded of what God did for us. May we be encouraged by what we read.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Passing Through

I have notice when some people leave, they go quietly. There is not a goodbye. They slip away.

May we have the grace to say goodbye when we can.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What's Next?

I have to think on that one. Things are changing. Needing to have the peace in doing.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Work Week

It's another work week day. May this week be great. I am thankful for the cool weather that we have been having.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Anniversary Day

It was back in 1995 I had a hair issue. It was in 1994 I had trouble about if I was saved or not. I have come a long ways since these issues.

I still have my hair. I am more saved than I was in 1994. God is so good to me.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Good Day

It was a good day. I got a lot of blogging done on my other site. I am in a writing mode.

Friday, July 11, 2008


I have been watching the FL outpouring. I have been learning some things that I did not know. I believe that God is on the move in our times.

We are in the revival. There are different. I believe that the move of the Holy Spirit is preparing us for some things to come.

May we know when to make the move. May God continue to pour out His Spirit on us. May we not be afraid of what is going on.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

New Lap Top

I got my lap top on Saturday. I am getting use to it. It's different from my big computer. I will get use to it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Saga Continues

I have been searching online for my family history. I have been discovering some things that I did not know about. It is interesting to find out more.

I continue to go on the leads that I have been coming across. I just check out things. I use different spelling of surnames.

It is an adventure. I can explore the past. I can see things that my parents have shared with me about their ancestors.

I am finding more on my ancestors. It is fun to know about my roots. I have a sense of belong to a linage of people.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Conception Day

I call today conception day. It's 9 months til my birthday.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Time Changes

As I am going about life I see that things and time has changed. I am not much doing some of the old things that I once was doing. Time is changing and so am I.

I see that some of the people who were once in my conversation has drifted away. They are there but don't talk.

I am doing other things. I fellowship with those who have some interest in what I do. I try to be friendly with people.

It's hard to continue a relation with out feedback. It's a losing battling. There has to be some feedback.

Time in season in life makes things go in a new direction. There is more to what is in life than I can imagine. I have to move with the time.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Church Life

May you be enrich in your church life. May Sundays' message be a word in now season for you. May God bless you.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Behind On Blogging

I did not know that I have not blogged here in a couple of days. Time has gone so quickly. I have been on my other site.

It's hard to keep up with three blogs. I am not on my space that much. There is not much to do on that site.

This site is in the middle so to speak. There are very very very few comments here. I come here to share a little more then on the other site.

I have more time on my main site. I have a few comments over there. But I am recording some things on that site.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!

Have A Blast! Don't Blow your self up. I posted this on the 5th of July.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Oh! I Forgot

I came back to post a blog. It's the 5th of July. We were in a storm on this day. I forgot to blog.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New Things

I am off to do new things. I am on a new road. Things have changed. I have to get use to what is ahead.

I choose to respond differently then I use to in the past. Things of interest should excite me. I am getting use to not respond to the things that have no interest to me.

I choose not to go there any more. It has been a wait of my time and energy. I have a calmer spirit now.

I am not guilty of not being apart of some things that I use to be. I am getting use to the new things. The old ways have passed away. New things have to have new wine skin.

May the good that I see come. May I not be tempted to return to the old way of thinking. May God guide me on this new road that I am on.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy JULY!

It's a new month. It's a new me. I crossed over into some things new. I have the mind set to keep on keeping on.