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Friday, November 30, 2012

Untitiled: Focus On Needs

Focus on the LORD
No cost can afford
By receiving His love
He’ll come from above
Focus on needs

Not finished

Poem # 117
Idea March 28, 1999


Focus on needs
By planting seeds
By faith believe
So shall receive
Water your life
Ward off the strife
See dreams come true
Believe yes, you
Focus destiny
Become and see
The plan that god has
To be more than as
Focus on the LORD
No cost can afford
By receiving His love
Reign with Him above

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Free To Be Me

Freedom that’s sees

Which all can be
Joy fills inside
So open wide
Be more than can
With all at hand
Take over rest
Doing the best
Be loose but free
That’s major key
Free to be me
In all may we
Poem # 116 Idea March 27 1999


Freedom can see
What one can be
Joyful inside
Expression wide                          Explosion wide
Be more than sham
With all in hand                           With all at hand
Move over, rest
By doing best                              Cause all the best
Be in the best
Let loose be free
That’s master key
Free to be me
In all may we

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Sight to see
Vision be
Ears to hear
Sounds of cheer
Touch to feel
Sustain real
Taste by taste
Make no haste
Smell the air
Combine pairs                   Let’s compare
Mind at peace
Do not cease
Eye vision
Ears of Faith
Touch division
Taste not waste
Senses mean
Heart that's seen

Poem # 115

Idea March 26, 1999

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Untitiled: Calvary's Tree

A walk by night
To View the sight
Amazing grace
Where God had placed
Upon this hill
His Son was kill
Suffered for all
So sin would fall
Peace within be
That we could see
God’s love for us
Jesus made plus                   His gifts a must
Confess believe
Speak to receive
Born once again                   New birth again
Agree say Amen
Salvation free
Calvary’s tree
Poem # 113
Idea  March 24, 1999
April 16, 1999 Calvary’s’ Tree

Monday, November 26, 2012

Untitiled: Creation Be

View upon high
Tiny sea by
Peaceful with haze
Riding amaze
Windy but cool
Like a lake pool        Sense of lake pool
Water to land
Short sea band          Smart sea band
Sea sides of hills
Rocky earth fills
Mirror reflects
May complex           The mind complex
Beauty surrounds
The land abound
Mix into sky
As sight sees by        As eyes see by
Creation be
Galilee’s Sea

Poem # 112

Idea March 23, 1999
Sea of Galilee

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Untitled: Peaceful As Silent

Peaceful as silent
Standing in a tent
Calmness resting close
Quiet needs the most
Tenderly the sound
Soft as light surrounds
Comes with all comfort
Leads to inter court
Kindly mild but meek
Merciful we seek
Gentle words by waves
Just continue to pave

Not finished
Poem # 111 Idea
Gentle March 22, 1999


Peaceful as silent
Quiet wants the most
Dwelling in a tent
Calmness hooves close
Tenderly the sounds
Comes comfort in all                  Smooth comfort with all
Soft as light surrounds
Smoothly and tall
Kindly mild but meek
Gentle words by waves
Merciful we seek
Just continues to raves.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Untitiled: Faithfulness Stands

Let God’s glory shine
By our stewardship
Keep forever in mind
Having all fellowship
With all faithfulness
Embrace love another
Jesus our righteousness
Sisters and brothers
What’s good in heart                      It’s good in heart
From people of love
That grace won’t depart
Have believe above
Think we’re not alone
He hears our prayers
In God’s Holy throne
We are His joint heirs
His light never goes dim
Faithfulness speaks
Be in tune with Him
Every day of the week                   Be in Him and seek

Poem # 110
Idea March 21 1999


Let God’s glory shine
Keep forever in mind

By our stewardship                            Be His stewardship
Having fellowship                               Have His fellowship
With all faithfulness
Jesus our righteousness
Bless God love another
Sister and brothers
It’s good in heart
That grace won’t depart
Form people of love
To believe about
That God Holy throne
We are not alone
He hears our prayers
We are His joint heirs
Be faithful to Him
His light can not dim
Faithfulness stands
Do as at hand                                      God sent His Man

Friday, November 23, 2012

Untitiled: Fruits Of The Spirit

Patience wait
Set be still
Nor be late
To pay bill                                      To say will
Spirit rules
Peace of mind
Treasured jewel
The glow shines
Stand set still
With goodness
Do ‘god’s will
Patience states
Every day
Peaceful date
See always

Poem # 109 Love Joy Peace Longsuffering Kindness goodness gentleness self control

No date recorded

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Untitled---Be Open Be Loose

The joys of life
Comes from within
Expressions when
Just say no strife                   Just thing no strife
Remember how
Simple things were
Reflect see now
Show that you care               See how you care
Think of a smile
Big as a cloud
Memory file
Happy face loud
Sing a new son
Be open and loose
Loud very strong
Short with a boost

Not finished

Poem # 108
Idea March 19, 1999

The joys of life

Just think no strife
Expressions when
Comes from within
Remember how
Reflect see now
Simple things here
Show how you care
Memory files
Think of a smile
Big as cloud
Happy face loud
Sing a new song
Loud very strong
Be open and loose
There is some use

Wednesday, November 21, 2012



Look for the goal
Form it shape it
Expect the whole
Target the hit

Every hope clue
Keep within you

Count on the few
Know when its due
Never be late
Meditate read

Set daily dates

Pray sowing seeds

Await faith comes
What’s grown in heart

Speak all by some                     Create all by some
A picture of art

Thanks for reading.

Poem # 107 Idea March 18, 1999
Hope Trust aspire reply expect


Shape it form it
Look for the goal
Expect the whole
Target the hit
Count on a few
Keep it in you
Growing anew
Know when it’s due
Never be late
Meditate pray
Have daily dates
Read night by day
Faith words come by
What’s grown in heart

Not finished

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Untitiled: Be Free From Worry

Be free from worry
Of thoughts and hurry
Cast among water
It's not so scary

Come to believe God
As the days pass by

Not finished

Poem # 106
Idea PEACE March 17, 1999

Monday, November 19, 2012

Untitiled: How All Are A Mend

Inward the wind blows
Brings breezes a flow
Capture the warm air
Conceal all ----care
Fly high as an eagle
Way ---like a beagle
See all height within
How all are a mend

Poem # 105

Idea March 17, 1999

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Untitiled: God's Word Always Wins

A fare away place
Destiny home base
Come forth to being
By faith and seeing
The desires not lost
No matter the cost
Sacrifices a must
Stretch faith not to fuss
Put eyes on dreams
Go not to extreme
Speak journey to be
With faith word the keys
Power in the word
Now spoken and heard
Mark this very day
Declare from now say                      Declare now the end
Beginning form end
God’s words always wins
Poem # 104Idea March 16, 1999
A far away place
Destiny has base
Come forth to being
By faith now seeing
The desires not lost
No matter the cost
Sacrifices a must
Stretch faith don’t fuss
Put eyes on dreams                         Focus eyes on dreams
Go not to extreme
Speak journey to be
With faith word and keys                With faith words the keys
Power in the word
Now spoken and heard
Mark this very day
Speak the word and say                 Speak the word and pray 
Declare now the end
God’s word always win

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Untitiled: God's Love For His People

A walk to the Old City
Aside the way side by
A woman and child on ground                       A woman child laying
Down begging from money                           Down begging for anything
Shield cover the grace of God upon
Their life covered with love
Compassion seeing God’s people
Then love of God so pure
Stretch forth the arms of God
Comforting His people
Peace everlasting love
God’s love for His people
Poem # 103Idea December 11, 1998

Friday, November 16, 2012

Untitled: Know Jesus Christ

See ahead now
God’s plan for you
Read the Bible
Receive His Son
He died arose
Arose again
So life itself
Would never end
Yes, death is lost
If you’re in Christ
Be saved by grace
Know Jesus Christ
Poem # 102 Idea December 11, 1998


God’s plan for you
See ahead now true                             Has seen ahead true
Seen is always true
Receive His Son
He is the One
His death burial
Gives life to all
Who call on Him
Yes death has lost
So be in Christ
Be saved by grace
Know Jesus Christ

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Quiet night still
Lights of City
Sprinkle like stars
Going up hill
Acceding pass
Emotions tears
Joys explosion
Within the heart
Flows excitement
Seeing the land
Once read about
Than pursue to see
That’s the place to see
The land of the free
Poem # 101 Idea Jerusalem
December 3, 11, 1998

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Untitiled: Waves Of The Sea

Calm the waves
Come ashore
Move lowly
One accord

Smooth as silk

With as snow
Night winds blows
Seashore know

Poem # 100
Idea December 3, 1998
Med Sea


Calm the waves
Come ashore
Race lowly
One accord
Smooth as silk
White as snow
Night winds blows
Seashore knows

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Untitiled: Walking In The Son's Light

Be open for changes
Cultivate arranges
Come be helpful to do
Over use pick nor choose
Heed what to do indeed
Plant harvest seeds that's feed

Believe it by faith, watch wait
Coarse of seed sows the bait

Trust in His word always
Live by faith all your days

Walking in the Son's light
Receiving some insight

Not finished 1998
Poem # 99
October 24,1998

2nd Rewritten

Be open for changes
Cultivate arranges
Come be helpful to do
Over use pick nor choose
Heed to do what’s the need
Plant harvest seed and feed
Believe it by faith watch wait
Coarse of seed sown the bait
Be come over

The finish poem is the first poem.
Re read finished up on 23 June 2011
Title Walking In The Son's Light

Monday, November 12, 2012

Untitled: More, Much Much More

You are my LORD
The one I adore
You’re mine, I’m Yours

O Jesus, LORD
You I adore
Savior of all
We need You more
Than we can think
For we will sink

Without You, LORD

We are but lost
For all is done
You paid the cost
Coming to know You
More, much much more
For You're our life
You, we adore

Poem # 98October 16, 1998
March 19, 1999

Untitled not finished
Re read and tried to finish on 23 June 2011

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Untitled: Sky The Limit

Do what you can do
In all it’s not you
It’s the Spirit within
Turn you not to bend                  Turning you know when
Continue on in life
No fret nor strife
Sky is the limit
Do not be timid
Stretch see what’s ahead
Trust the Spirit be led
God’s destiny planned
Seek out posses the land
Poem # 97October 16, 1998
Untitled Later called
Sky The Limit

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Untitled: Be The One

Be the one
That God wants
Go walk by                          Seek walk by
Speak His word
Hold them dear
Absorb them
Chew continually
Be alter
Poem # 96Idea October 9, 1998


Be the one
That God wants
Closely by
Hear His Word
Hold them near
Absorb them
Think, Ponder 
Be alter
For what's there
Not to loose
What's planted
Inside heart
Be the one

To live life
Live His Word
Him abide
Be the one

That God's wants
Tried to finish poem on 23 June 2011

Friday, November 9, 2012

Untitled: As You Say When

Focus look
Say what’s the need
Harvest ground
Open up plant seed
Pour in words
From within heart
Scripture faith
That needs impact
Believe it
While it’s now than
Receive it
As you say when
Poem # 95Idea October 2/ 4 1998

Added titled on 23 June 2011

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Untitiled: Believe Obey

Trust in His word
Conceive at birth
By faith not worth
Perceive the words
Take it right now
Perceive today
Don’t take a bow
Received obey
Poem # 94 Idea
October 4, 1998


Believe Obey

Trust in His word
Conceived at birth
Put faith to work
Perceive what’s heardDon't take a bow

Move with the flow
Live what you know
Through out our life

There comes the strife
Forgive others
Sisters, brothers
Believe Obey
What more to say?
Need to finish poem
Re read on 23 June 2011
Try to finish it.
It was hard to do.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Life's A Gift

Take the time to laugh
To live life , Be happy
Continue through with life                    Continue through whole life
Know to see what’s ahead                  See to know to see what’s ahead
Explore life live enjoy
Those desires so long for
Life’s all adventurous
Journey with companions
Those longing friends in life                 Those longing friends in life
Follow goodness mercy                      Follow goodness mercy
Spend life be in love
Stop think bring the time
Laughter shows happiness
Enjoy life live each day
Sweetly comes not deny
Life’s gift Grace of God                      Life a gift of God’s grace
Life’s gift Grace of God
Poem # 93 Idea Sept 25, 1998

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Long, I Await

I long I await
Just to be near You.
I enter Your gate
For I know You’re You
Seeking time to time
I think about You

Poem # 92 Idea : I long I await talk with God
March 19, 1999
Sept 14, 1998
Love Letter to God

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Senses

Sight sees farther
Blind eyes see
Sounds hear frequency closer
Deaf ears hear
Speech speaks fragrant
Let mute mouths says
Contact feels fragments
Let emptiness though
Taste smells fragrant
Let order less sense
Godly heart fills
Let love be seen

Poem # 91
Idea The senses
Walk with destiny
Let love be seen
Sept 1998

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Untitled: Morning Awakes

Morning awakes
Dawn day to make
Silently drives comes               Silent draws comes
Away lone some
Bring into new                          Create into anew
Fresh start in you
Step after step
Increases pep
Move, got to go
Be after glow
Poem # 90
Idea Morning March
19, 1999 Sept 6

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Untitled: Feed Faith That's Heard

Peace happiness cheer
There’s no fight nor fear
A place where I rest
Cool, calm gentleness
Set relax un whine
It’s peaceful by time
Written word the key                               Written word the need
Mind at ease and free                              My mind peace set free
Feed faith that’s heard
Medicated on God’s word
Poem # 89
Idea July 25, 1998
Sept 1998

Friday, November 2, 2012

Untitled: Seed Your Faith

Seed Your Faith
Believe by faith
Begin anew
Feed you faith
It’s for you
See what’s not
Stand on His word
It will not rot
Believe what’s heard
With eyes of faith                             Speak the faith
See destiny God is                            Master key
Seed on faith                                    With eyes of faith
God’s Master key                            Comes destiny

Poem # 88
Idea 15 July
Untitled: Named later
Seed Your Faith (Sept 4)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sing Melody In Your Heart

Sing melody in your heart
New songs of praising Him
Meditate on His words
Keeping fire set a blaze
Giving all glory to Him
Give up self follow Jesus
Be of good cheer and not to fear
Cross valleys not yet seen
Through storms trials over hills
Upstream He’ll get you through
The mountain will move aside
Speak faith it will abide
Be gone and tumble down
Praising Him with new songs
Sing melody in your heart
Saved and at peace within God
Eternal life with Jesus

Life is in Him Amen
Poem # 87
Idea June 30, 1992