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Friday, December 31, 2010

In Or Out Of Season

New season set ahead
Old things have passed away

Just keep looking forward
Living life out each day

What makes life's seasons change?
Things come through out life

Even unknown that comes
Leading up into strife

Making the most of now
Set us up for changes

In or out of season
We need to rearrange

Poem # 803Idea 13 August 2010
7:15 AM
Re read on 16 August 20. 2010
Made some changes

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thoughts of being in a new season.
Needing to go with the changes.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Look To The Heavens

Strange things happening
In this world today

Hearing this and that
So much there's display

In times of trouble
Some things goes array

Who do we look to?
Or what can we say?

Look to the heavens
Our Father, we pray

Poem # 802
Idea 13 August 16, 2010
7:09 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Seeing some strange things happening.
Where do we turn?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Is There An End To Things?

When do we stop doing
Things we think we should do?

Been doing them so long
What if, we don't want to?

When those things get harder
Wonder if should quiet?

It's been so long since than
Wondering is this it?

Is there an end to things?
Those things we should let go

Is there an end to things?
Where life begins to flow?

Poem # 801
Idea 12 August 2010
7:40 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thoughts of endless things coming.
Wonder when do we stop doing some things.
Do we do them forever?
Or do we just let go?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Enjoy The Stay

How good it feels
To sleep at night

A peaceful rest
Such a delight

So waken
Refreshed anew

Feeling so great
A good start too

Another day
To go on through

Enjoy the stay
Feeling brand new

Poem# 800
Idea 12 August 2010
7:35 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thoughts of waking of feeling good.
I got rest through the night.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Life's Journey Path That's Set Before Us

Crossing over into the unknown
Not knowing what's will turn up ahead

Have to keep moving forward to see
What lies before us be Spirit lead

Keep walking by faith and not by sight
Believing that God will lead the way

Life's journey path that's set before us
Look forward, keep believing each day

Poem # 799
Idea 11 August 2010
7:20 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thoughts of crossing over into things I don't know about.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

In God's Presence There's Honor

In the quietness of still
Listening to the sound of peace

Comfort that brings even flow
Worry seems to melt decrease

Great joy to be in this place
So wonderful to be here

In God's presence, there's honor
For God so loves us, He cares

Poem # 798
Idea 11 August 12, 2010
7:09 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thoughts being in quietness...It feels so good.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

What Father God Wants

How brokenness comes
Life's cycles blows when

We return back to
Then fall into sin

Things got a hold of
Can't sing a new song

O LORD GOD, help us!
From all that's gone wrong

Guide us into truth
O let us come see

What Father God wants
Calling us to be

Poem # 797
Idea 10 August 11, 2010
7:19 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thoughts of cycles in life that keep returning.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Reaching Out Is Good

Not in a contest
To gain big numbers

Adding up the sum
For those who slumber

Lilfe isn't a game
We should learn to live

We're not in a race
Have to learn to give

Of ourselves at times
To others arround

Reaching out is good
That's where love is found

Poem # 796
Idea 9 August 2010
7:11 AM
Re read on 20 August 2010
Made some changes

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thoughts of how people can make things out of a game.
Building up numbers....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Having That Mind Set

Getting back on track
A hard thing to do

Making those choices
To get onward through

Discipline the key
To yet back on track

Having that mind set
Focus brings us back

Poem # 795
Idea 9 August 2010
7:08 AM

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I had thoughts that I need to get back on track of some things.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Changes Come In Life

There are times in life
Disconnect, a must

Make life easier
No more need to fuss

Let by gones be gone
Moving with life's flow

Changes come in life
Just learn to let go

Poem # 794 Idea 8 August 2010
7:45 AM Upper Room 4th Pew Right

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I had some thoughts about letting some things go...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sweet Dreams To You

Been along day
What can I say?

Been on the go
Moved with the flow

Stop to do that
Where am I at?

Bedtime, lights out
By means no doubt

Sweet dreams to you
Become anew

Poem # 793
Idea 7 August 2010
10:25 PM In Bed

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Had along day...need to write a poem.

Monday, December 20, 2010

New Life From One

So glad to be
Alive set free

From those old ways
That came to stay

Awhile that past
I had to cast

New life from one
Jesus, God's Son

Poem # 792
Idea 6 August 2010
6:32 PM Upper Room
4th Pew Right side
Re read 11 August 2010
Made some changes

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thoughts about life.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jesus, Our LORD God

Great joy to know more
As life come to be

Alive full of hope
God's will us to see

He Himself as God
So we can come plead

The blood of Jesus
That sets captives free

Open up our hearts
For we should decree

Jesus, our LORD God
We fall to our knees

Poem # 791
Idea 6 August 10, 2010
6:22 PM Upper Room
4th Pew Right side.

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
From  thinking thoughts of Jesus..

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bring Changes To When

There's change in the wind
Things are moving still

Can't stop what's coming
Only if God's will

To make things to be
Life comes upon us

Bring changes to when
Life doesn't seem just

Poem # 790
Idea 6 August 2010
6:10 PM Upper Room
4th Pew Right side

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
From thought of seeing changes coming...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Keep Standing Believing

So excited to know
As some things seem to change

When we realize it
We have to rearrange

Where our lives take a turn
There's choices we must make

Those decisions that come
We think it's a mistake

Keep standing believing
Praying for goodness sake

Poem # 789
Idea 6 August 2010
6:02 PM Upper Room
4th Pew Right side.

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
In life we have to make decision.
The outcome is what we get.
Whether if we think is was a mistake.
We have to keep believing and moving on.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

In All What Is There

Where things come at us
Come out of the blues

Can't make sense out from
When don't have a clue

Mind seems to go on
Needing to shut down

Peace some quiet
No hearing a sound

Waiting on the LORD
Be still, know He is

In all that is there
Everything is His

Poem # 788
Idea 6 August 2010
5:55 PM Upper Room
4th Pew Right side

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
When things come at us...What to do?
How to calm down?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Life's A Journey

Don't be afraid
Take a deep breath

Step out in faith
Go through the test

Look forward on
Not to look back

Life's a journey
Stay on the track

Poem # 787
Idea 5 August 2010
10:29 PM In Bed

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?Thinking..

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Speak From The Heart

Not much to say
In times like this

Done said enough
What's there to miss?

Where's the focus?
Who is the boss?

All there's to life
Everything cost

Think before talk
Not in a rush

Speak from the heart
Learn how to hush

Poem # 786
Idea 5 August 2010
10:22 PM In Bed

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?I was up thinking. Speaking to God from my heart.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Not Worried About Feet

Feels so good on my feet
These shoes feel so good

What a difference it makes
Wigging my toes as should

Testing out the new feel
Brings a smile on my face

New shoes make a difference
Oh how I can just taste

The feel as I'm walking
There's a new kind of thrill

Not worried about feet
Walking I know I will

Poem # 785
Idea 4 August 2010
5:17 PM By Big computer

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I tried on some new shoes.
It felt lighter on my feet.
It felt very good.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Seekers Search For The Clues

Another connection
On the family tree

Exploring on this day
There's much more to see

People are reaching out
Searching for where they came

Seekers keep seeking out
Seeing the common name

Digging more digging still
Finding out even more

Seekers search for the clues
Discovering to explore

Poem # 784
Idea 3 August 2010
10:23 PM In bed

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was happy to see others searching for their ancestors on
It's nice to see that.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Explore And Discover

Another day gone by
With little time to do

All that's there to get done
As though the day just flew

Each day has its own things
To put the order through

Explore and discover
Each day has its own dues

Poem # 783Idea 2 August 2010
10:15 PM In bed

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
From reflections on that day.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Be Open To Know

Strange to see coming
In the night at rest

What's of those weird dreams?
Becoming a pest

Make no sense form them
Flowing as a series

For these dreams that come
Don't become weary

Keep focus on the Now
In the present tense

Be open to know
For dreams don't make sense

Poem # 782
Idea 1 August 2010
8 AM Upper Room 4th Pew Right
Re read 19 August 2010

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?I've been having weird dreams.
It's seems to be a series.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Great Outdoors Complex

Getting ready to go
Into the great outdoors

Exploring the area
Never seen this before

Huge practice football field
Where players come to play

The great outdoors complex
O what a huge display

Poem # 781
Idea 31 July 2010
2 PM Front Room

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thought from the Chiefs training camp.
It was the first time I sit at the Griffin complex.
It was brand new.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Walking All Those Steps

What a long journey
As it comes to end

I can't believe this
It took my last wind

Walking up those steps
How did I do it?

Oh, those last ten
Wore me out a bit

Thank God for a drink
A rest at the top

Walking all those steps
Yet, we didn't drop

Poem # 780
Idea 31 July 2010
1:46 PM Front Room

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Reflections from the Chiefs training camp.
All those steps on the first day.
So glad only had to do once.
Going up them was hard.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Great Outdoors Adventures

Sitting here on this bench
Looking across the field

Things seems so far away
My thoughts so want to yield

Sun beaming on my neck
Hot as even could be

Placed towel on my neck
Comfort that I could see

Time seems to go so fast
As things moved downward way

Great out doors adventures
What a beautiful day!

Poem # 779
Idea 31 July 2010
1:35 PM Front Room

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thoughts from my experience of going to the Chiefs training camp.

Monday, December 6, 2010

NFL Training Camp

Awaken to this day
Don't know what to be

Never been here before
Wondering what to see

Cool, foggy , morning breeze
Begins our welcome stay

The sun peaks out from clouds
As we watch the Chiefs play

Training camp at Mo West
It's the first time for me

NFL Training camp
Finally got to see

Poem # 778
Idea 31 July 2010
1:28 PM Front Room

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I was at camp. Just jotted down some thoughts.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Believe In Him

Try something new
Get out of the mole

Not as use it
That seems too old

Come to enter
On other side

See that angle
Need to abide

In God, His word
For it's foretold

Believe in Him
Come and behold

Poem # 777
Idea 30 July 2010
6:31 PM
Upper Room 4th Pew Right side

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Trying to do some things differently.
Getting out of the routine of doing the same things the same way.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cast Cares Onto Him

Need not to worry
About anything

God is in control
For His goodness brings

Comfort to your spirit
Believe so you know

His word is the truth
He fills in the hole

Come to Him always
For He is so good

Cast cares onto Him
Like you know you should

Poem # 776
Idea 30 July 2010
6:20 PM
Upper Room 4th Pew Right side

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Thought words of encouragement

Friday, December 3, 2010

Come Let's Enter In

So, good to enter
The place where He dwells

So peaceful, so nice
To come set a spell

No rush here there be
But sitting to rest

My mind, my body
For this I know best

Keep the pace relax
Things have to come be

Come let's enter in
His throne on our knees

Poem # 775
Idea 30 July 2010
6:10 PM Upper Room 4th Pew right side.

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
Entering into His throne...How it feels...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Even Out Your Day

Got a lot done fast
How time seems to last

Moving on the go
Helps even the flow

Do as what you can
See close up at hand

To do more what's there
Shows that you do care

Even out your day
Take some time to pray

Poem # 774
Idea 30 July 31, 2010
3:51 PM By big computer

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?
I had a lot of energy.
I got a lot done in that day.
I have to even out what I did.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can't Correct All Things

Correcting errors
Made from the past things

Saw as going through
Can change some that brings

Keep eyes more focus
On what need to do

So life changes come
We must go on through

Errors do come too
Many we must let go

Can't correct all things
So keep in the flow

Poem # 772
Idea 30 July 2010
Re read 7 Aug 2010
Made some changes

How Did I Come Up With This Poem?As I went back over some things I did, I saw some errors.
I realize that I can't correct all my mistakes.
So I have to let them go.
I need to move on with the flow of life.