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Monday, August 31, 2009

Season Ending

Every August begins the ending of something old. The Summer seasons comes to a close next month. Things begin to change.

The leaves change colors, The temperture becomes cooler. Time changes. The season ends. Things must continue on.

I have crossed over into move on where I am now. I didn't know that I would be where I am now. Things are different.

I see things differently. There are things that I use to do. I have no interest in doing any more. I turned away from the "Crowd" so to speak.

I sensed a change in life. I thought about some things. I made some changes. I can continue to do things that are working out.

It's different doing things. I have been getting use to things. I have have to keep moving moving on down this road of life.

On My Journey: Season Ending

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August Time

It's been a while. I have been on my other websites. I need to balance the times when I'm on my computer.

I can spemd a lot of time searching for family history. I have a website that I started on the family history. I need to work on how I am going to do that.

I am compiling what I have been discovering along my searching journey on my family tree. It has been over 30 years of searching.

I have been trying to piece together some things. There are new records avaible to search. So new information is added to records.

On My Journey....