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Friday, October 31, 2014

What's Going On Here?

What's going on here? Can we get along?
Exploring searching, Lord, what's going wrong

Violence on the streets We can't get it right
Help to do justice Grant us Your insight

We're going astray Don't know what doing
Keep us in Your way In life worth pursing

The way that seems right And grant us to see
What's going on here? Letting some things be

Thanks for reading Poem #2077
Idea on April 15 2013 up right in bed at 10:20pm
Re read and made some changes on 2 September 3, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Still Pressing Onward

Still pressing onward This sickness will past
No more worrying What more should be asked?

What will happen next?  For God only knows
What will come of us And the time we'll go

Keep pressing onward Finish out your race
Put faith in Jesus Abide in God's grace

Carry on with life The way that's the best
Still pressing onward In the Lord, and rest

Thanks for reading Poem #2076
Idea on April 14, 2014 at 9:56 PM on edge of bed
Re read and made some changes on 2 September 3, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Face The Fear Till End

Face the fear till end Not giving up though
In faith keep standing Through changes we'll grow

As we learn the way The cross we carry
In season and out Things may seem scary

Fight to the finish Though trials are many
Testing more than few For if there's any

That's been over looked Keep standing, Don't quit
Face the fear till end Don't fall in the pit

Thanks for reading Poem #2075
Idea on April 13, 2013 on edge of bed at 7:19 AM
Re read and made some changes on 22 August 31, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Looking At School Year

Looking at school year Report card all that
What I did back then And where I was at

In my childhood days How I made it through
Not speaking too much With all things to do

What was required For a child those days
In making good grades Not going astray

Be a good worker Listen to what's said
Looking at school year How I got ahead

Thanks for reading Poem #2074
Idea on April 12, 2013 at 10:45 AM by big computer another chair
Re read and make some changes on April 13, 2013 and
August 31, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

On This Life's Journey

Resting up in bed It's been a long week
Into my fifties The LORD whom I seek

On this life's journey Rethinking, my past
Still learning from ways Taking off the mask

Seeing what has come Not returning there
Learning good lessons Having more to bare

Thinking what has past And learning from ways
On this life's journey With God all my days

Thanks for reading Poem #2069
Idea on April 11, 2013 up right in bed at 8:05 PM
Re read and made some changes on April 13, 2013
and August 31, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Stormy Weather Comes

Stormy weather comes Middle of the night
Awaken by noise That brought on a fright

Loudly, the sound came While sleeping in peace
Flashing of lightening The noise did increase

All I did was prayed As the moments past
Hoping storm would end It wasn't a blast

To ride out the night Through what's going on
Stormy weather comes We must wait upon

Thanks for reading Poem #2072
Idea on April 10,2013 on edge of bed at 10:08 PM
Re read on 22 August 31, 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Taking Some Time Out

Needing some more rest Shalom, peace in mind
Relaxing the soul Wholeness there's to find

Pleasing in moments Taking the time out
To self everyday Going in about

What needing to do Come to that one place
In quietness still Filling in the space

Where peace can come in Relaxing the soul
Taking some time out God fills in the hole

Thanks for reading Poem #2072
Idea on April 9, 2013 at 7:56 PM up right in bed
Re read and made some changes on April 23, 2013
and August 31, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

Into The Unknown

On my journey way Into the unknown
With Jesus near by May insight be shown

In times of despair Needing a new way
Hoping to be soon Not going astray

Comforting Spirit Tender loving care
In times of what need No time to shade tears

Believe, trust in God On your journey way
Into the unknown Continue as we pray

Thanks for reading Poem #2070 on edge of bed at 10:32 PM
Re read and made some changes on 9 April, 2013 and on
August 30, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Things I Long To Know

The day is nearing Another page turns
Crossing a milestone My heart yield to yearn

What lies before me Things I long to know
Believing the best No matter where go

The Spirit will guide Along the pathway
Looking all about Hoping as I pray

Crossing a milestone Changes in doing
Believing the best In now pursing

I keep on going Believing abide
Things I long to know As the Spirit guides

Thanks for reading Poem #2069
Idea on April 7, 2013 on edge of bed at 9:25 PM
Re read and made some changes on 23 August 30, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Reflecting Back On

Reflecting back on Journey been so long
In the making, here Building faith up strong

Believing life changed Not as much in fear
Have some trembling, Believe God is near

Whatever gone through Whatever may go
God is so faithful Even when; don't know

Keep on believing In thoughts, let things be
Reflecting back on Such beauty you'll see

Thanks for reading Poem #2068
Idea on April 6, 2013 on edge of bed at 10:26 PM
Re read and made some changes on 22 August 30, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Starting Up Anew

It's that time again Starting up anew
Life is in session Learning to go through

Each year passing by Review where I'm at?
Seeing the new growth How I become that?

Yet, is it worth it? Changes draw nearer
Setting up places Sight becomes clearer

Looking at the past Letting some things go
Starting up anew Going with the flow.

Thanks for reading Poem #2067
Idea on April 5, 2013 at hair dresser at 2:09 PM

Monday, October 20, 2014

Look Into The Light

An aerie feeling Having this weird dream
Looked in the darkness Sensing a loud scream
How odd in doing The darkness moved away
The Light was guiding As Jesus displays

Drawing near to Him When darkness brings fear
Trying to scare us Yet the Light is clear
Exposing the dark In all of its lies
Look into the light Where Jesus, abides

Thanks for reading Poem #2066
Idea on April 4, 2013 on edge of bed at 9:59 PM
Re read and made some changes on April 5, 2013
and August 28, 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Mystery Searching

Mystery searching In finding out more
Who's in this picture? Who do I look for?
Having little clues A name and a place
That's all that I have And not making waste

But, searching to see All that I can find
Seeing connections My wondering mind
Piecing the puzzle For more I can see
Mystery searching Oh, who could this be?

Thanks for reading Poem #2065
Idea on April 3, 2013 on edge of bed at 9:53 PM
Re read and made some changes on April 5, 2013
and August 28, 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Expressing Likeness

Let's communicate In words and in deeds
Expressing likeness As we plant more seeds
Of goodness, mercy Shinning forth His light
For others to see God beautiful sight

Be faithful, be true Witnessing the faith
In Jesus not the world Foundation His base
In loving, Lord God With all of our hearts
Expressing likeness Doing our own part

Thanks for reading Poem #2064
Idea on April 2, 2013 on edge of bed at 10:01 PM
Re read and made some changes on April 5, 2013
and August 28, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

How Long Can This Be?

How long can it be? Getting weary still
Very little help That's bringing this feel
Lesser the weaker In what I need to
Doing less myself Working to get through

Needing to slow down In life now living
Trying to do right In all my giving
No matter what do Getting weary still
How long can this be? Dear Lord, please refill

Thanks for reading Poem #2063
Idea on April 1, 2013 on edge of bed at 9:36 pm
Re read and made some changes on August 28, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Come And Celebrate

Come and celebrate The goodness here in
Each day brings a lift From where we have been
Jesus made the way Set the captive free
Life is eternal For God let it be

Given through Jesus We belong to Him
Live life through Jesus We're His treasured gem
Gift so freely gives Where we long to be
Come and celebrate Lord, set us all free

Thanks for reading Poem #2062
Idea on March 31 March 2013 on edge of bed at 10:14 PM
Re read and made some changes on 5 April 2013 and
August 28, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Amazing Divine

Wonder of His love Amazing divine
His love that's in us So rightly define
How we're so beloved To love another
Our neighbors, strangers Sisters our brothers

Reflecting His light As He guides us through
Sickness and in health And in all we do
Jesus still loves us Yes, He always will
Amazing divine Believe that God heals

Thanks for reading Poem #2061
Idea on March 30, 2013 in room at chair by desk near A/C at 6:57 PM
Re read and made some changes on March 31, 2013 and August 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Life Through The Stages

Entering, stories Told long time ago
Jesus crucified Buried with below

The Father's glory His image we see
Christ like reflections We ought there to be

Believing, be changed Transformed each day
As we're awaken We're needing to pray

Share Gospel story Told through the stages
Jesus died for us Christ, Rock of ages

Thanks for reading Poem #2060
Idea on March 29, 2013 on the edge of bed at 7:34 PM
Re read and made some changes on March 31, 2013 and
22 August 28, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Awaiting To See

Awaiting to see The place I so love
Wearing not a mask As I wonder of
How the sunlight shone Through the window clear
Lighting up the room God's presence is here

Where His Spirit dwells This secret place on high
Heaven so close, still, Glazing to the sky
Believing in Him That day drawing near
Awaiting to see, Jesus Christ, no fear

Thanks for reading Poem #2059
Idea on March 28, 2013 in chair soaking feet at 6:17 PM
Re read and made some changes on 22 August 28, 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Still Remembering

Still remembering Such joy came that day
Spirit upon me Funny kind a way

Just singing a song With praise on my lips
Getting into song As my spirit flips

Something within me Acting out the words
In front of a crowd Seems to be absurd

I shouldn't do this Oh, what have I done?
Composing myself Before everyone

Trusting, believing In God's only Son
Still remembering All that God has done

Thanks for reading Poem #2058
Idea on March 27, 2013 on edge of bed at 5:59 pm
Re read and made some changes on August 28, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Searching For Info

Searching for info Moving as I go
Needing to slow down Learning what don't know

About life, its doings Work, health and living
What needing to do? Or what in giving?

Oh, what does it take, To get things in place?
Sorting things around To make some more space

What's in? or what's out? Learning what don't know
Searching for info Moving on the go

Thanks for reading Poem #2057
Idea on March 26, 2013 on edge of bed at 10:20 PM
Re read and make some changes on March 27, 2013
and August 28, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

An Awakening

An awakening Life coming to all
What going to do No looking to fall
Into a pit hole Staring in the face
Believing in God, His amazing grace

Giving by Jesus Who's guiding us through
Life's journey to be Come as we to do
Awaken by God Doing what is right
An awakening From Godly insight

Thanks for reading Poem #2056
Idea on March 25, 2013 on edge of bed at 9:58 PM
Re read and made some changes on August 27, 2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Entering Into

Entering into The days set ahead
Focus on Jesus Being Spirit lead
Into the scriptures Of stories once told
He died for our sins Ancient days of old

Paid the price in full So we be set free
From our sinful ways For glory to be
Of God Creator For He made us so
Entering into Living life, behold

Thanks for reading Poem #2055
Idea on March 24, 2013 on edge of bed at 10:13 PM

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Jesus, Rescue Us!

Jesus rescue us We're going to deep
Into our own selves We're falling asleep

Doing goofy things Crashing off the wall
Messing people up Causing them to fall

Into lies a midst Straying from the truth
O LORD, guide us on Come break us all loose

From stronghold of lies When we go too deep
Jesus, rescues us! For we're falling asleep

Thanks for reading Poem #2054

Idea on March 23, 2013 on edge of bed at 7:23 AM
Re read and made some changes on August 27, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The LORD Is Watching

The LORD is watching Over all of us
In all that we do We must come to trust

Him to guide us on Through what comes our way
Things that appear strange As seen on display

Set time, re arrange Jesus, always near
We may not hear Him Believe that He's there

For we can't see Him He won't bring us harm
But make us become More on guard , alarm

We need to rethink Things appearing strange
The Lord is watching So be not ashamed

Thanks for reading Poem #2053

Idea on March 22, 2013 on edge of bed at 5:52 AM
Re read and made some changes on August 27, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

More Changes Set In

More changes set in Having to adjust
Day in and day out Making things a must

To do and get done Thinking of a plan
Managing the time From here I must stand

Be accountable For God is presence
Seeing what I do If bad or pleasant

In His sight He sees Day in and throughout
More changes set in And try not to pout

Thanks for reading Poem #2052

Idea on March 21, 2013 at 5:58 AM on edge of bed
Re read and made some changes on August 27, 2014

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Stretching To Do More

Stretching to do more With what I have now
Keep looking ahead Not wondering how

Will I get this done? Or if I'll get there
Can I keep going And show that I care?

Or do something else, In this waiting stage?
Making it worth wild As turning the page

Do more then needed In order to do
Stretching to do more While moving on through

Thanks for reading Poem #2082
Idea on April 20, 2013 on edge of bed at 9:25 PM
Re read and made some changes on September 1, 2014

With Joy On My Lips

Entered this good day With joy on my lips
Dancing before God Inside doing flips

Not outwardly way But, inside my heart
In season of change A good place to start

Turning each pages As the time goes by
Doing what's needed Not questioning why

To do things onward With good attitude
With joy on my lips With all gratitude

Thanks for reading Poem #2051

Idea on Marcy 20, 2013 at 9:11 PM in chair by A/C in room
Re read and made some changes on August 27, 2014

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Ending Of Season

Ending of season Doing some things new
Life has it's changes Those changes go through

Life's transformation Spiritual behold
Forming as Christ like His Spirit foretold

Guiding us along Shaping us to be
More and more Christ like For all to come see

Creation of God There's changes, go through
Ending of season Doing some things new

Thanks for reading Poem #2050

Idea on March 19, 2013 at 5:52 AM on edge of bed
Re read and made some changes on August 27, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Praying In Spirit

Praying in Spirit Refreshing my soul
A gift from above Ancient days of old

A prayer language That's given to those
To edify, build up For some blessed to know

Of what's been spoken Mysteries of old
Clarity revealed Prophecy foretold

Hidden from the past To bless those today
Praying in Spirit Given words to pray

Thanks for reading Poem #2049

Idea on Marcy 18, 2014 on edge of bed at 4:51 PM
Re read and made some changes on August 27, 2014

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Ending Of One

The ending of one Brings another day
New beginnings sprung No longer can stay

What has passed away No longer, no more
Only memories Where some we adored

Remember the good Days of joyous ways
Hardship and sorrow He learn how to pray

Keep moving onward No longer can stay
The ending of one Brings another day

Thanks for reading Poem #2048

Idea on March 17, 2013 on edge of bed at 6:46 AM
Re read and made some changes on August 26, 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Each Day Awaken

Another day starts Begins awaken
The life placed within For we're not forsaken

Nor less forgotten  But love always loved
By God for He is Love who's near; above

From heaven to earth Clothed in human form
Had a natural birth As like all the norm

Another day starts God here among us
Each day awaken In Jesus, we trust

Thanks for reading Poem #2047

Idea on 16 March 2013 in chair at desk near A/C in room at 7:25 PM
Re read and made some changes on August 26, 2014