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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Resting In The Lounge

Resting in the lounge In the corner back
Not in Upper Room Drawn away some slack

Feeling atmosphere With comforting look
Bringing peace of mind Writing in  a book

A poem to speak Of what's on my thoughts
Of sorrow or joy Those happenings brought

Into life's journey Trials sailing away
Resting in the lounge Waiting as I pray

Thanks for reading Poem #2046

Idea on 15 March 2013 MYC Lounge near corner at 5:37 PM
Re read and made some changes on August 26, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Set Bondaries

Set boundaries Don't cross over line
Doing too much more Needing not to whine

Re think what doing Measure out the rest
Do what's important Making it your best

Giving it a go Need not to hurry
Believing you can No need to worry

Staying on track Don't cross over line
Set boundaries Letting your light shine

Thanks for reading Poem #2045

Idea on March 19, 2013 on edge of bed at 10:04 PM
Re read and made some changes on August 26, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Uncover New Leads

Leads, lead to some things Be alert for clues
Follow after them Searching your way through

It won't hurt to look At what you might find
Follow up on things It could fall in line

To what you're searching  Drawing you so near.
Uncover new leads From over the years

Thanks for reading Poem #2044

Idea on 13 March 2013 on edge of bed at 9:45 PM
Re read and made some changes on August 26, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

For TIme As If When

Re reading poems I wrote years past
Making me rethink The questions I asked

As present in time To what wrote back then
Comfort to the soul For time as if when

I was there in time Seeing where I was
Now as I'm still here Not thinking because

But moving onward As present time tense
For time as if when No time for defense

Thanks for reading Poem #2043

Idea on 12 March 2013 on edge of bed at 10:55 PM
Re read and made some changes on March 15, 2013
and August 26, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Each Day As We Live

Miracles from God Each day as we live
Making the best of In life as we give

Of ourselves outward From the heart within
Letting others know That we all have sin

Not to judge others We can't see their heart
Nor know their motives That made what from start

So believe  in God Make most of the best
Each day as we live In the Lord take rest

Thanks for reading Poem #2042

Idea on March 11, 2013 at 9:19 PM on edge of bed
Re read  and made some changes on March 15, 2013 and August 26. 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Restless In Waiting

Restless in waiting To do what next
Hearing foreseeing Not the same contest

Sorting re thinking For what there to do?
Hoping wishing still In all to get through

The waiting process In life's over clue
Got to keep waiting Pushing more than few

Years month even days To do what next
Restless in waiting In what to detect

Thanks for reading Poem #2041

Idea on March 10 2013 at 927 PM on edge of bed
Re read and made some changes on March 15, 2013

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Needing To Adjust

Changing time again Moving up the clock
Needing to adjust Having to re stock

Into this time set It comes twice a year
Daylight savings time For some just don't care

For changings of time In season that past
Leave the clocks alone For we were not asked

If we wanted it Changing time again
Needing to adjust Lord, help us Amen

Thanks for reading Poem #2040

Idea on 9 March 2013 at 7:14 AM In chair at desk by A/C in room

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Finding More Info

Finding more info On the family tree
Things I've over looked So, happy to see

Stories unfolding Connecting each link
Oh, how bless to see Now have to rethink

How did I miss that? It's been there for years
Feeling so grateful Filling up a cheer

Those things that I've missed I glad that it's clear
Those pages set to view A voice I can't hear

Written long ago Those records are signs
What was recorded than For future to find

Stories unfolding On the family tree
Finding more info So, happy to see

Thanks for reading Poem #2039

Idea on March 8, 2013 at hair dresser in booth at 2:50 PM
Re read and made some changes on March 15, 2013 and
August 25. 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Changes Are Coming

Changes are coming Within lifetime span
Progress on process Become in demand

Letting voice be heard For those who should know
That we mean business Not putting on a show

So seriously No playing around
Changes are coming So don't make a frown

Get with the program See what's needed done
Changes are coming Move on, one by one

Thanks for reading Poem #2038

Idea on 7 March 2013 by desk in room by A/C at 8:41 PM
Soaking my foot. Re read and made some changes on March 8, 2013

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Take Time For Yourself

Over doing things Needing to get rest
Tired feeling so tired Not doing what's best

Rushing to do things To get things all done
Need not to worry Wishing there was none

Take time for yourself Pace as you're going
Throughout lifetime self You keep on sowing

Keep on keeping on Where faith can be found
Keep on keeping on Plant seeds on good ground

Believe that you can Don't over do it
Take time for yourself And rest up a bit

Thanks for reading Poem # 2037

Idea 6 March 2013 in chair by desk in room near A/C at 7:39 PM
Re read and made some changes on 8 March 9, 2013 and
August 22, 25, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Visions In Visions

Visions in visions Still not came to past
Memories linger How long will this last?

Will it come at all? How long is the wait?
Waiting and waiting Standing at the gate

It's endless in time Don't know if or when
Will this come to past? Still I want to bend

My knees in prayer Hoping for the best
Visions in visions In the Lord, I'll  rest

Thanks for reading Poem #2016

Idea on 5 March 2013 on the edge of bed at 10:37 PM
Re read and made some changes on March 8, 2013
and August 20, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

Awake The Dawning

Days of beginning Old things passed away
Make way for the new Every single day

Awake the dawning Along journey road
Jesus shines His light Lightens up the load

Trust in His guidance In the things that comes
Even if don't know Hopefully more some

Faith, keep moving on Into what's ahead
Awake the dawning Hear what's being said

Thanks for reading Poem #2035

Idea 4 March 2013 laying down in bed at 8:51 PM
Re read and made some changes on March 8, 2013
and August 20, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Moments Everyday

Wonder in making Moments every day
Celebrating life God love, He displays

Through those who we meet Along life's pathway
Giving of ourselves In life as we pray

Living unto God; Awake to His voice
Each day passing by Making that one choice

To do as we please Or obey the King
Moments everyday To the King, we cling

Thanks for reading Poem #2034

Idea on 3 March 2013 on edge of bed at 10:43 PM
Re read and made some change on 8 March 9, 2013
and August 20, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

In Jesus' Name

Looking back on life Journey it has been
Thanking  God, His grace Forgiving our sins

Leading us His way The way we should go
Laying thing aside Things we yet don't know

Trusting God's Spirit Guide us into truth
Freed us from bondage That's setting us loose

Leading us into Tender mercy mild
In Jesus' name We're all His child

Thanks for reading  Poem #2033

Idea 2 March 2013 in room in chair by desk and A/C at 7:38 AM
Re read and made some changes on August 20, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New Chapter New Day

New chapter, new day Needing to resound
In doing less more Where peace can be found

Resting, relaxing, Within time and space
Brings comfort to soul God's amazing grace

Living in the now Created to be
In likeness of Christ For all there to see

God's glory behold His power is shown
New chapter new day His goodness is known

Thanks for reading Poem #2032

Idea on 1 March 2013 on edge of bed at 4:51 PM
Re read and made some changes on March 2, 2013
and August 19, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Needing To Slow Down

Needing  to slow down Doing way too much
Running here and there Doing such and such

Need to take some breaks From all that you do
Life is a journey So journey on through

Enjoying yourself Each day that comes by
Seizing the moments But though, you'll deny 

If, you should do that? Or question, if why?
Will you feel guilty Or say it's a lie?

Running here and there Doing such and such
Needing to slow down Doing way too much

Thanks for reading Poem #2031

Idea on 28 Feb 2013 in chair by desk near A/C in room at 9:15 PM
Re read and made some changes on 9 March 2013 and
August 19, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Now, What Lays Ahead

Praying the prayers Written in His word
Spoken promises By faith which are heard

Crafted by scholars For those who will pray
Prayers of the faith Living day by day

Believing the best In what's all to come
No matter what will Happen, from the some

We'll continue on Making the most of
Now, what lays ahead Besides, here above

Thanks for reading Poem #2030

Idea on 27 Feb 2013 on edge of bed at 9:58 PM
Re read and made some changes on 1 March 2, 2013 and
August 19, 2014

Saturday, September 13, 2014

To Where We Should Be

Getting on the track Pacing what to do
Tired feeling so tired Each day going through

The task of what's there No matter the size
From the least to big For some a surprise

Yet making the most As the days pass by
Hoping, yet hoping Not questioning why

Believing no doubt Jesus, always there
To bring us comfort Loving tender care

In all season round Getting us on track
To where we should be Every day impact

Thanks for reading Poem #2029

Idea on 26 Feb 2013 in chair at desk near A/C in room at 7:12 AM
Re read and made some changes on 2 March 2013 and August 19, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Continuing On

Thinking more clearly Getting some things done
Continuing on Doing one by one

Making some what sense Not in everything
Clarity in place Forward now that brings

Cluttered in thinking From chaos that's been
Moving onward way Indeed we have sin

A lifestyle made in Getting all and none
Continuing on Each day one by one

Thanks for reading Poem #2028

Idea on 25 Feb 2014 on edge of bed at 10:43 PM
Re read and made some changes on 1 March 2013 and
August 19. 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Journey Onward Road

Moving closer still Journey onward road
Changing things around Things appear so old

Getting in the new Of what's now that's here
Using what I have Not moving in fear

Of what may not come Or what may not be
Believing God still, Not in what I see

For faith comes and grows Hearing from a seed
Journey onward road Christ is, all we need

Thanks for reading Poem # 2027

Idea on 24 Feb 2013 in bed at 10:50 PM
Re read and made some changes on August 19, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Invest Time With God

Invest time with Jesus Not in a hurry
Sitting at His feet Insight not blurry

Listen to His voice Guidance where to go
Before His presence Those seeds, we should sow

Before we'll see it Deep within our soul
Progress to unfold Some things we won't know

This journey, let be, Growing like a seed
Invest time with God, Jesus, whom we need

Thanks for reading Poem #2026

Idea on 23 Feb 2013 at 7:33 AM in chair in room at desk by A/C
Re read and made some changes on 2 March 2013 and August 19. 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

In That One Moment

Setting mind to do Changing things ahead
Not looking backward Forget what was said

Focus on where going Not where use to be
Move on this new trail Looking what's to siege

In each moment, time And capture what's there
That time be no more So show, that you care

May Jesus guide us To do what is right
In that one moment He gives us His light

Thanks for reading Poem #2025

Idea on 22 Feb 2013 in chair by desk near A/C in room at 6:55 AM
Re read and made some changes on August 19, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014

On This Blessed Day

Sitting reflecting On this blessed day
Off from in dong Some things that delay

Rushing, forgetting Things needed be done
But resting in peace With worry as none

Comfort brings joy To being in soul
Relaxing, resting Lord making us whole

Peace as a river Flowing as it be
On this blessed day His beauty, we see

Thanks for reading Poem #2024

Idea on 21 Feb 2013 on edge of bed at 10:26 PM
Re read and made some changes on 2 March 2013
and August 19, 2014

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Keep Enjoying Life

Taking time to rest From labor each day
Working very hard Need not to delay

Keep enjoying life In pleasure, that's fun
Comforting mind No need there to run

Away from but to Jesus every day
Come before His throne Take some time to pray

Relax, rest and work Cycles what we see
Keep enjoying life With God, let it be

Thanks for reading Poem #2023

Idea on 20 Feb 2013 at Chets in chair at 1:02 PM
Re read and made some changes on 2 March 2013
and August 19, 2014

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Must Keep Adjusting

Feeling the changes As going about
Life has its own turns Make you want to shout

But in any case We learn to move on
From troubling things Through dust until dawn

Making those changes That have to be made
In long run we see With no more delays

Keep on moving on Yet, feeling the change
Must keep adjusting In life, rearrange

Thanks for reading Poem #2022

Idea on 19 Feb 2013 on edge of bed at 9:53 PM
Re read and made some changes on 9 March 2013
and August 14, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

Turn Another Page

Stepping into life  Turn another page
Church is still changing Into God's new age

His kingdom has come His will shall be done
On earth in heaven Both becoming one

Church life is living The way of the cross
Jesus, the Savior Comes to save the lost

Be ready He's here God gives us a choice
Turn another page And let's hear God's voice

Thanks for reading Poem #2021

Idea on 18 Feb 2013 on edge of bed at 10:04 PM
Re read and made some changes on 12 March 2013
and August 14, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Create Us Anew

Feeling at a lost Go another way
Things have got to change Go to God and pray

What do I do Lord? To You I must turn
Away from my things To You Oh, I'll yearn

To trust You by faith Believing in heart
You rose from the dead Give us a new start

Heal our brokenness Mend our souls again
Create us anew Forgive us our sins

Thanks for reading Poem #2020

Idea on 17 Feb 2013 on edge of bed at 9:54 PM
Re read and made some changes on 12 March 2013
and August 14, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Be Mindful To Seek

Be mindful to seek As God draws so near
Expecting the best Believe that God hears

Place your trust in Him Wherever you go
In Life on a limb Feeling down and low

Reach up to heaven Seeking God, His throne
Be mindful to seek For you're not alone

Thanks for reading Poem #2019

Idea on 16 Feb  2013 at my desk by A/C in room at 7:58 AM
Re read and made some changes on March 15, 2013
and August 14, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Quiet, Listening, Still

Quiet, listening, still Voice, not far away
Hearing a whisper Softly as I pray

Comfort surrounding Peace, feeling awake
The hunger inside Oh, how my heart aches

To be with You, Lord Please open my mind
To hear and obey Teach me to come find

Hearing Your whisper As You're drawing near
Makes me feel good Comforting to hear

Your voice speaking clear You're not far away
Quiet, listening, still Oh, I long to stay

Thanks for reading Poem #2018

Idea on 15 Feb 2013 in Upper Room 4th pew right end
at 5:56PM Re read and made some changes on March 15, 2013
and August 14, 2014

Monday, September 1, 2014

Name Above All Names

Day to remember Time passing us by
Making some moments Not pondering why

But living each day As if was the last
Thinking upon now Not what then has past

Moving on forward Leaving things behind
No regrets, remorse Forgiveness we find

Loving, being loved That's what life's about
Deep down inside heart And hoping no doubt

Someone does love us He's making us whole
Name above all names Jesus, saving souls

Thanks for reading Poem #2017

Idea on 14 Feb 2013 on edge of bed at 9:25 PM
Re read and made some changes on August 14, 2014