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Friday, March 11, 2011

In Due Time Of Change

Some things been changing
While much time has past

Mending things in life
While burdens we cast

Got to keep moving
For more still ahead

Life is to be lived
Before its all said

Changes come in life
Walk it out the best

In due time of change
Let's go, live life's quest

Poem # 873
Idea 18 September 2010
7:45 AM Foot of bed

When we are award of things changing it may see strange. We seem to what to do things the old way. We have to get use of doing the new things.

We have to make the best of things in life. We can't live in the past. We have to live life as it comes. In times of change we have to go with those changes.

May we adjust to what changes come in our lives. May God grant us the wisdom we need to change. May we learn how to change when change is needed. Amen!

Staying On The Journey,