Banners Of Prayers For The Easter Season
Here are the 14 plus 2 extra banners that I copied from the Upper Room. It's similar to the one in March of 2007 blog that I posted. However, there are only 14 in the Upper Room this Easter Season '09.
Back in 2007 Easter Season it was call the Via Dolorosa...Experience the Way of the Cross Now through Easter in the Upper Room...
"Join in on an evocative and individual exercise marking the path of Christ from Gethsemane to Calvary. The path to the cross is a mirror in which we see aspects of ourselves that we avoid confronting because they may be painful to behold, but therein lies the means of our transformation." Here is what's on the banners. I copied them the best way that I could.
Stations of the Cross
In a desperate pursuit of God.
We are exploring the sacred mysteries of our salvation in Jesus Christ.
By Your cross and resurrection You have set us free.
The Communion Prayer and Jesus is Alive have been omitted in the Upper Room for 2009
1. The Garden
Jesus, we see You in the garden, praying in the darkness of night. Your anguished prayer is one of deep struggle with the Father's will. While You agonize over the Father's will and are strengthened to fulfill His plan, Your disciples, overcome with sadness, can do nothing by give themselves over to sleep.
O Jesus, wake us for our sleep. Help us to face life's difficulties. honestly, knowing that we can trust in God. Strengthen us in the time of our trials.
May our prayer always be an expression of all that we are, and all that we do. We love You Jesus; teach us how to pray.
2. Betrayal & Arrest
Jesus, as You wake Your disciples one who has not slept arrives with an angry crowd. Judas reveals Your identify to them with a kiss. His act of affection is a signal to point You out as the one who loves but is rejected by his own.
O Jesus, we are quick to greet You with affection in our prayer and worship But how often do our external words and actions conceal hearts that are easily turned from You. We love You, Jesus; help us to love You with all our hearts.
3. Jesus Is Condemned
Jesus, Your words are blasphemy to the ears of the high priest. He tears his garments, unable to see the presence of God in the one who stands before him arrested and accused. He can not believe in a God who, because of such great love, would willingly become so powerless.
O Jesus, we can be so limited in our vision. We find it difficult to look beyond our narrow expectations and see You as You are. Give us the grace to hear Your words clearly and to follow You in the truth. We love You Jesus; reveal to us what God is like.
4. Peter's Denial
Jesus,You told Peter that he would deny You three times before the cock would crow. He did not believe You. He swore that he would never deny You, and that in fact he was willing to died for You. Peter felt that he knew himself better than You knew him. But now as dawn approaches and the cock crows, he sees the truth.
O Jesus, we set out to follow You but then quickly turn, going our own way. We are afraid to acknowledge You in front of others, but You speak to us in the midst of our denial. We love You Jesus; keep us faithful to You.
5. Before Pilate
Jesus, Pilate perceives Your innocence, but the crowd insists on guilt. Hearing their persistent shouts, Pilate sets aside the judgement of his conscience, and the decision is made. He hands You over to be crucified.
O Jesus, how often do we let the threatening voice of the crowd overwhelm the voice of conscience? Fill us with compassion for the outcast and commitment to the truth. We love You Jesus; lead us beyond the crowd.
6. Crown of Thorns
Jesus, soldiers of an earthly realm mock Your Kingship, You are so powerless in their eyes, so weak, the ruler of a Kingdom that can not be seen, and therefore, must not exist. The treat You as a foolish imposer, caught in a lie.
O Jesus, how often do we look for the kingdom with the eyes of the world rather than with the eyes of faith? We forget Your promise that Your Kingdom is among us. Help us to see Your strength in our weakness, Your reign in our powerlessness. We love You Jesus; establish Your rule over us.
7. The Cross of Jesus
Jesus, like Isaac carrying the wood to the mountain, You set out with the wood of the cross. But unlike him You will not ask Your Father where the lamb is because You know You are the Lamb of the sacrifice. You now begin Your journey with the cross.
O Jesus, You carry a cross, which is given unjustly. You willingly bear the burden of our sinfulness and accept the cross of our guilt. There is not greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. We love You, Jesus; help us to show this love in our lives.
*Communion Prayer
We do not presume to come to this Thy Table, O merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in Thy manifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as together up the crumps under Thy Table, but Thou art the same Lord whose property is always to have mercy. Grant us therefore, gracious God, so to eat the flesh of Thy Dear Son Jesus Christ and to drink His blood, that we may evermore dwell in Him and He is us Amen.
8. Simon of Cyrene
Jesus, the torture You experienced at the hands of the soldiers left You weak. When You prayed in the garden that the will of the Father be done, an angel was sent to strengthen You. Now as You seek to fulfill the Father's will, He sends Simon to help You.
O Jesus, strengthen us on our journey. Open our hearts to the help You offer through the kindness of others. Open our eyes to the needs of those who walk beside us. We love You, Jesus; lighten our burdens.
9. Weeping Women
Jesus, after being silent,You speak. You turn the eyes of the women away from Your suffering and toward the destructive power of sin. You warn them not to shed their tears for You but rather for themselves and their children. If You, the innocent one can suffer so, what will be the fate of the guilty?
O Jesus, the wood is now very dry! Set fire to the world so that it might burn with Your love. Destroy all hatred, fill us with joy again. Teach us to mourn the way things are; show us the way they could be. We love You Jesus; weep for us.
10. Crucifixion
Jesus, Your suffering continues as nails are driven into Your hands, and feet and taunting, jeers are hurled at Your body imprisoned on the cross, Yet those who mock and challenge You, You offer no reproach, and only forgiveness and compassion for them in their ignorance.
O Jesus, how often we have acted as if the way of the cross were unnecessary and too difficult. We believe we know a better way, a way worn down by the crowd. We find that path goes nowhere. Forgive us; we do not know what we are doing. We love You, Jesus; by Your wounds heals us.
11. The Two Thieves
Jesus, two others are nailed on either side of You. One challenges You to release him, now; the other asks to be free with You in Your Kingdom. One sees only weakness; the other sees power and is able to trust in a promise of everlasting life with You as his time in this world comes to an end.
O Jesus, look upon us now. See us in our need and hear us as we cry out to You. Help us to trust You in difficult circumstances. Give us eyes to see Your power in hopeless times to see Your Kingdom in all we encounter. We love You, Jesus; remember us.
12. John & Mary
Jesus, You give Your mother to the disciple You love. Even as You face death, You entrust those whom You love most into each other's care. Your dying is marked by giving, and by concern for the ones who remain You do not leave us. as orphans, You have promised Your Spirit to Your Church and at the cross the Church is born.
O Jesus, help us see that we are the disciples You love, and You have given us a family of faith. We pray that we might allow the Spirit to give us life as sisters and brothers joined in mutual care. We love You, Jesus; make us one.
13. Jesus Dies
Jesus, the word spoken by the Father, You now return to Him, having accomplished the purpose for which You were sent. Your trust in the Father remains, even amid the dark clouds of death.
O Jesus, may we too accomplish the purpose for which we were created. Help us to commit ourselves into the Father's hands, to trust in Him, and believe in His love for us, a love that Your death reveals to us. We love You, Jesus; help us to die to ourselves and live from You.
14. Jesus is Buried
Jesus, now the time of surrender, of being at rest, begins. It is the seventh day when God rested from the work of creation. And You, the Son of God, rest and await the dawn of the eighth day when all will be made new and we wait with You.
O Jesus, teach us to rest. Deliver us from thinking that every thing depends upon our actions. Help us to be patient in trusting that God will bring about the completion of His creation through You. We love You, Jesus; fill us with Your peace.
*15. Jesus is Alive
Jesus with joy we view Your victorious wounds, help us to mediate on them and see in them the sign of victory. May they give us courage to go forth with Your blessings.
O Jesus, bless us with Your outstretched hands, give us Your peace, give us Your love. We love You Jesus; be with us as we go out in Your resurrection power to do the will of God in our lives.
I hope that you take part in this devotional experience. May you experience God in ways that you have never experienced before as you move into the Season of Easter. God Bless. JESUS IS ALIVE! And He is alive in me.
The Journey Continues....
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