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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hope For What's To Be

It's hard to foresee
How things came to be

Little by little
Things became brittle

Like pieces on display
Hoping not to stray

Some things need to change
It may sound so strange

Foresee those good things
More in life that brings

Hope for what's to be
May God let us see

Poem # 896
Idea 7 October 2010
7:00 AM
Re read 8 October 2010
Made some changes

We can't foresee what will come in our lives. We can only assume. As we look back on those things that have gone in another direction, we can question what with wrong.

Those things we hold dear can become brittle. It's like little pieces on display in our lives. We hope that we can mend those broken pieces so things will stay and not decay.

But if we keep moving on with life thing can change. Those broken pieces can become something new. There is more to life than we think.

There is hope. Hope for the future that is set before us. It may be hard to see good come out of bad situation. But keep the faith in Jesus.

May we do the best in the day the we are in. May we put our trust in God. May we not worry about what's to come out of situations we can't control. May God grant us wisdom to believe for the best. Amen!

Staying On The Journey,

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