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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Easter Season

Upper Room Gatherings On Ash Wednesday
There were three gatherings for Ash Wednesday in the Upper Room. I went to the morning gathering in the Upper Room. It was GREAT! I wish that I could have made the NOON one.

I set apart that time to meditate on Matthew 21: 1-11. I was awaiting to be apart of the 7 PM gathering. The two gathering that I take part were WONDERFUL! The last gathering was AWESOME. I believed I have entered into this season of Easter.

We as the church should note the time of the season. We should sanctify time for the season that we are in . We are in the LENT Season to Easter Sunday. Our theme at Word Of Life Church for this Lent Journey is Journey To Jerusalem (With Jesus.)

Here are some scriptures during our Ash Wednesday gathering.Psalm 90: 1-17 ---We prayed.Matthew 16:17-28Matthew 17:22-23Matthew 20:17-28Matthew 26:26-29Gal 5:16-25John 11:16Matthew 26: 26-29 (We took communion.)

Prayed the Prayer of RepentanceWhy did Jesus go to Jerusalem? To be crowned and receive His Kingdom.There are 14 Stations in the Upper Room to pray through.

I plan to write them down as soon as I can. I plan to post a blog or a series of blogs on them. I don't know which.Some other revelation came to me today.

It's 46 Days Till Easter. It's 42 Days Till I'm that.... This mini good Friday will be 40 days Till. This is a very special season that we are in.

Also on this Journey To Jerusalem With Jesus...Have the attitude of Thomas....John 11:16... "Let us also go, that we may die with Him" ...and be raised with Him to the newness of life with Him in the resurrection.

I mean let us Deny ourselves. Take up our cross, Fast and Pray as we Follow Jesus. The fast is a partial fast. Some are fasting sweets, T.V. etc. Sundays are omitted for fasting. Sundays are for feasting.

Enter into the 40 Meditation (Scriptures Reading) ON THE Holy Week. (See Meditating ON Scriptures ON THE Holy Week post. I will post the other scriptures reference w!hen the time comes.)

I am excited about this Journey To Jerusalem With Jesus. Hope that you are too. Thanks for coming along the Journey with us. Resurrection Day is coming! Shalom.

It's 46 Days till Easter Sunday.

On My Journey To Transformation:
Upper Room Gatherings On Ash Wednesday,

Living In The Kingdom,


We were given a nail as the reminder during this Journey To Easter Sunday. Let us also go that we may die with Him. May we see the reality of the resurrection as we come to Easter Sunday.

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