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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Blog Blog Blog

What should I blog about?
I've been blogging so much I think that I run out of things to say.

But I know that I can find some thing to say.
Is it what I think that is important that matters?

I've been aware that I have say a lot of things.
I repeat things but in a different view point.

I don't share every thing in a way that I think that I should.
As time comes along, I share more.

Perhaps I'm more comfortable in writing about it.
There are times I hold back in what to share.

It's the ability to communicate with who's out there.
I don't know who reading my blogs.

But that does not matter.
My blogging world is my world.

I hope that I am leaving some things behind.
Good thoughts of what God has done for me.

May I see the good in blogging.
May what I share be worthy to the reader.

May God bless you as you journey in life.

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