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Thursday, December 22, 2022

My Websites And Ideas To Blog In 2023

Last night, I was thinking about what to do on my blog sites. When to post on which sites and so forth.  I think this will flow into place when I get the rhythm of things. 

I don't post much on my Family Connections: Gathering The Generations and Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections sites. Nowadays, I post there about once or twice a month. Or maybe three times a month, if there's a special anniversary day that will come up. 

On this site, Susan Ann Blakley's Journal, I have added more of my blog sites and other sites that I have created to my link of blogs and websites. I haven't realized how many accounts I have since I got hooked up with the internet in August of 2004. I'm aware that there were some of my accounts that were deleted by the server. Their sites were shut down. 

My first blog site was on Xanga which I created on Monday, September 17, 2007. Through the years  renamed my site Journaling_Susan .  I forgot what I named it was in the beginning.  But, Somehow, I felt like I didn't fit in with the Xanga community that  I was in. So, I started this blog so I could  journal more freely. 

Ironically, my Xanga subscription expires on Thursday, March 8, 2029. I had a lifetime subscription. I guess, this is the OLD Xanga lifetime expiration cut off date. Technology has change. 

I'm using this journal site, somewhat as my free writing exercises. I don't know what I will end up sharing. I come here with an idea. Then, I start typing. I have ideas come to me as I'm typing. I read what I typed and add in more as I'm reading. I go back for correcting typos as much as possible. 

I received my list of 2023 Challenge for #52Ancestors 52 Weeks. I have been looking over the list for each week. I post these blogs once a week on The Chronicles Of Susan on word  and on my facebook: Family Connections: Susan Blakley. I'm finishing up my last two blogs this week and next for the 2022 Challenge.

Thanks for reading. 
My Websites And Ideas To Blog In 2023. 

God bless 
S.A. Blakley 

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